Contest: Win DVD Copies of The New Blood and Jason Takes Manhattan
The time is here. The New Blood and Jason Takes Manhattan will be arriving on DVD on September 15th. Would you like to win a copy of each film? In order to win yourself a copy of both films, please send us the following information to with the subject line “DVD Contest”:
1. Name.
3. Email Address
4. Your one favorite scene from either movie.
No one scene will be judged better than the other, but only entries that include your favorite scene will be considered. The winner will be drawn at random and contacted via email. The winner will be receiving both U.S. NTSC Region 1 Deluxe Edition DVD releases. Contest ends Wednesday September 30th, 2025. Good Luck to everyone!

Posted by jasonsfury
Just wanted to clarify to everyone. You need only send in one favorite scene. That one scene can be from either The New Blood or Jason Takes Manhattan.
i’m excited for these. i grabbed pt 3 for the 3-D and realized how great these new transfers are. you can actually see blood when Steve Susskind in cleavered! Now I need to get them all
will will these 2 dvds be reviewed
What about blu-rays?!!
Paramount has not announced the Blu-Ray for these movies yet.
Yeah! We still need the Blu-Ray releases for 4-6!!!
Parsmount needs to get off their @$$es and get those Blu discs out!!!
“Just wanted to clarify to everyone. You need only send in one favorite scene. That one scene can be from either The New Blood or Jason Takes Manhattan.”
Too cool. Thanks, Jasonsfury, cause I was wondering about that, and I’m glad I got clerificaiton.
As of late, I am quite super busy, however, within thre next two or three days, I’m gonna name my favorite sequence/scene from either and will try my hand. Maybe Lady Luck will smile down upon me, once again, because a few weeks back, me and another boardie won’s Friday the 13th Part’s 4/5/6 Deluxe Edition contest, and it was floor’d and so excited because I normally have absolute super shit luck.
Anyway, can’t wait to send mine in! Too cool
I did both, mostly due to the fact that I do not know how to scroll down and read other posts for clarification. But, shows that I have some dedication.
cheap and look good
I also read the contest info too quick and gave two favorite scenes, but what’s the difference i love both movies either way !
Im with the other guys too, let’s get crackin’ on those Blu Rays ! After i saw how excellent the transfers were on Pt. 1 & 2 im really excited to see how further releases come out.
damn,i did that too oh well,it does say that the winner will be chosen at random,both of these movies are fun for me but 7 is my favorite jason flick,8 i used to love as a kid nowa days i get bored thru much of the movie,i still like it but ill only scim thru to the death scenes lol
I just sent in my ballot. Can’t wait to see the results! Anyway, best of luck to all that enter! Respect.
My favorite part of the entire series happens in Jason Takes Manhattan. It’s the scene in the sewer when Jason’s mask comes off. Respect.
Michael (Wal-Mart Man) Jackson. Nice to see you back. I am surprised it took you so long to return.
Remember everyone, y9ou have until the end of September to submit your entries to win these DVD’s. Good lcuk everyone!
Just wanted to remind everyone there is 9 more days left in the contest. There has been will over 100 entries so far. Good Luck!