Preview of One’s Custom’s The New Blood Figure
His custom figures are truly amazing and blow away anything that Neca or Mezco have been releasing lately. Now you get a sneak peak of his newest Jason creation. This New Blood rendition is nothing short of amazing. Lots of detail in the body and head. Tent stakes, axe, sickle and the trademark machete and more weapons will be included.
Also included will be a display base with a tree where Jason slammed the victim in the sleeping bag against. The victim and sleeping bag will be included. Check out the pics below and keep a lookout for further news when this goes up for sale in the near future.

Simple amazing
I wish I could buy that, it’s amazing the amount of detail he put on it.
For those interested I just found the teaser trailer for the new Elm Street.
Holy shit that’s the greatest custom job i’ve ever seen,period.I don’t i could ever bring myself to sell it if i’d made it………KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
wow,thats the best figure ive seen done for tnb,nce job
That is the most awesome Jason figure I’ve ever seen. Great Job.
Wow. That is a pretty good Cinema of Fear style figure there, One. I even like how you use the nails along with alternative damaged head as an accessories.
Absolutely amazing work!
I want I want I want I want!!!
I need this now! Lol. Please send me updates!