Production Crew Challenge: Preview of Newest Game
Starting on January 5th, visitors to this website will be able to voice their opinion once again and vote on what they think is the best in the franchise. The new challenge will give you the ability to vote on what you think would be the best crew to make and distribute the ultimate Friday the 13th movie. You will vote on people and companies that have worked on past and current Friday the 13th movies. Keep your eye on more information as it becomes available and good luck to everyone and their picks!

Bring it on!
Sounds like fun.
Aww, I read the title and thought we were FINALLY getting a Friday the 13th Video Game! Oh well. hallowicked94 pretty much summed up what I read.
Sounds great!
Yeah i’m ready!!
I know Platinum Dunes isn’t the best crew for the ultimate Friday The 13th movie, that’s for sure.
very interesting
Very nice idea!
Sounds Great
the last f13 I hope TOMY JARVIS
very disappointing that this title lead me to beleive that there was going to be a f13 video game…
does anyone think there will be a friday the 13th video game for PS3,XBOX,wii, etc..?
it sure sounds like a good idea to me but, if there was a f13 video game, it could work towards the series by explaining stuff that was left out of the movie series and i garantee that it would sell like no other.
Sorry to confuse you with the title, derekadams.
I don’t think we will ever get a proper video game, sadly
We had discussed this in other blogs, previously, but I just don’t think the game companies think there is money to be made in creating a Friday the 13th game. I personally thiink there could be, however.
i beg to deffer their is a game….and its free….JASON MICHAEL FREDDY LEATHERFACE ASH GOSTFACE AND CHUCKY all on TERRORDOME 2.5 demo check it off if you havnt