Friday The 13th Blog » video game Nothing This Evil Ever Dies... Mon, 20 Jun 2025 02:32:32 +0000 en hourly 1 XBox Live Hockey Mask Avatar Sat, 28 May 2025 23:08:36 +0000 Dusk Cool to see more horror representation on XBox Live! GT: VOORHEES JASON from the forum dropped us word a Jason-styled hockey mask is available for Xbox Live animated avatars. Below: The model, and how it looks on my digital double (pay no attention to the clothes, I’ve made no specific effort to look Jason-like, just trying to match my real daily outfits.

Can’t say I dig having to pay for accessories but I’m getting my first Xbox Points card to grab some arcade games (showing my age here, but Pitfall rocks no matter what gen you’re from) and if I have any leftover points, may grab this.

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Warner Bros. Pulls Freddy And Jason From Game! Mon, 15 Nov 2025 14:59:40 +0000 jasonsfury Thanks to a heads-up from site visitor DrJohnMan, we now know that Warner Bros. has officially asked to have Freddy and Jason pulled from the very popular Terrodrome fan videogame. The creators of the game are going along with the official request from Warner and Freddy and Jason will no longer be apart of the game.

On Oct 25th, Orion pictures officially asked to have the Ash character from the Evil Dead movies removed from the game, but now having Jason and Freddy pulled put two more big nails in the coffin of the spectacular fan project. The creators of the game mentioned on the official Terrordrome website that they are seriously contemplating stopping work on the video game with major characters now removed.

This is a real shame for genre fans who just want a good experience in a gaming world with their favorite slashers in cinema. When Trancas International went after the mask making community to cease all sales of custom masks with the likeness of Michael Myers, it put a huge dent in that community. Not long after, it was revealed that Trancas was creating their own Michael Myers mask for sale. Could Warner Bros. and other companies be gearing up to create their own video games of our beloved slashers? Only time will tell!

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Become Jason Voorhees In ‘Dead Rising 2′ Sun, 05 Sep 2025 06:22:32 +0000 jasonsfury This is a day or so old, but Shock Till You Drop posted up some screen caps of the new zombie video game, Dead Rising 2 and a familiar mask appeared. In the pic below, you will notice a hockey mask very accurate to the screen used mask being worn by a user. Apparently, players can choose outifts for their killer of the walking dead. The hockey mask does look like it was modeled after the the mask from the 2009 film. However, it could be from Part 3, but it looks a little too dirty.

Well, for those gamers out there that are planning on picking this game up on September 24th, get your hock on and go kill some mean and nasty zombies, Jason Voorhees style.

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Wear 8-Bit Jason Voorhees Wherever You Want Tue, 10 Aug 2025 15:30:47 +0000 jasonsfury I was tipped of to this awesome T-shirt by a visitor that shared something else with us that will be featured this Friday. There may be a number of our visitors that already are aware of the this Tee, but for those of you that do not know and are huge fans of the old 80′s Friday the 13th Nintendo game, this is definitely for you.

Mini Cassette has offered you crazy Nintendo fans the chance to relive your gaming glory days and sport the purple jumpsuited Crystal Lake slasher whenever and wherever you please. If you feel like going retro, hit up the link above and transport yourself back in time, 1980′s style!

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The “Friday the 13th” Game You Would Die For Tue, 29 Jun 2025 04:13:06 +0000 jasonsfury I had never picked up on this game back when it was reported to be in development some years ago, but there was talks to produce and sell this “reverse survival horror” game, called Campfire. The premise is exactly what many Friday the 13th fans have wanted from a video game experience, no matter how morbid it may sound. Campfire was not developed to be a Friday-centric game, but more of a choose-your-killer situation to dispose of those sex crazed campers. Read the official premise to the game below:

What if you were the hunter instead of the hunted? What if your sole purpose in life was to cause misery, death, and pain to anyone and anything you encountered? Now you have your chance. So begins Daydream Software’s brutal “reverse survival horror” game, Campfire. Based on contemporary slasher flicks, Campfire allows players to choose from four different serial killers (Vincent Voucher, Mac Douglas, Louis Winterstorm, and Mannie the Clown) so that they may use them to wreck havoc on the unsuspecting populace of an out of the way campground.

The game was gaining momentum in the gaming community and then, poof, the concept and production came to a screaching hault. Some speculate that pressure put upon the Developer, Daydream Software, and the Publisher, Sony, by outside influences caused the sudden stoppage of this very promising video game. Take a look at some of the concept art of the characters in the game below. Who’s that hockey masked guy? Also, watch the preview trailer for the game that was created to pump up awareness of the game. Very cool stuff!

Imagine this game with the setting of Camp Crystal Lake and surrounding areas from the first couple of sequels and being able to choose the different versions of Jason to do some killing!

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This Is Not Your Jason Voorhees’ Splatterhouse Fri, 07 May 2025 05:22:14 +0000 jasonsfury splatterhouse_banner2
Just announced over at the official Twitter account, the new trailer for the brand new Splatterhouse video game is available for viewing. This game is definitely not the side scrolling game that many of us grew up with in the 80′s and into the early 90′s. I knew that the new game would not have Jason’s trademark hock, but that was what was so great about the original game. It was the only game (and still is) that you actually felt like Jason going on a carnage filled rampage.


This new game, however, will be a lot of fun to play. Nothing beats mindless carnage. To watch the new trailer, visit the official website for the game at . Check out some of the action below!


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Domark’s Friday the 13th: The Computer Game Wed, 28 Apr 2025 03:28:44 +0000 jasonsfury DOmark_Fridaythe13_gameWe have talked about this game previously at, but I thought I would take the opportunity to reintroduce this relic of gaming systems past. FRIDAY THE 13TH: The Computer Game was released by Domark Ltd in 1985 to be played on the Commodore 64. The one thing about this game that you notice right away is that we are not dealing in game cartridges or CD’s, we are looking at the use of floppy disc. Yes, there are some out there that have never even seen or used a floppy disc. But is was not that long ago that this was the type of media used for computers across the globe.

In this game, Jason is hiding in the forest, waiting to avenge his mother’s death, when a party of teenagers visit the eerie Crystal Lake holiday camp close where Jason lurks. The name of the game is that you must warn everyone that the mad murderer is on the rampage and lead them all to safety, without, of course, losing your head! The game would come with an instruction booklet and foaming blood capsules.

For an interesting story about a certain controversy surrounding this game, check out a story Dusk wrote in March of ’09. It is a bit comical in today’s standards!

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Video Review Saturday: Friday the 13th Nintendo Fever Sat, 17 Apr 2025 06:52:14 +0000 jasonsfury That’s right, Nintendo had Friday the13th fever towards the end of the 80′s and the fans of the franchise were the direct recipients of the desire to jump on the franchise bandwagon. We have featured this game a few times on the website in different blog postings, but I figured that I would show a video of how I display my NES game and show off a few things that maybe the fans may not have seen before. Sit back and Destroy Jason If You Can!

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Terrordrome Game Update: New Undead Jason Character Added Tue, 16 Mar 2025 16:27:51 +0000 jasonsfury At the very beginning of the year we told you about the awesome, in-progress, fan video game Terrordrome. This game pits all of the horror/slasher legends against each other in a Mortal Kombat type of situation. There is lots of violence and mayhem. And yes, there will be blood. There has not been any news lately on the  progress of the game, until now.

The creators just recently finalized two new characters for the game, Candyman and Undead Jason. Here is what they have to say about the newest Jason character:

Jason will be more based upon his strength, powerful attacks and ability to heal and endure from hits. No double mode for him yet. His attacks will feature many other weapons than the machete.

So, there you have it, more progress on one of the most popular fan games out there. For more information, check out the Terrordrome website and for pics of the newest Jason check him out below.



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Play Nintendo’s Friday the 13th Now! Wed, 10 Feb 2025 05:48:03 +0000 jasonsfury Friday_nintendoI know there are a lot of our visitors that are aware of this link I have below. However, there are people who are either new to the series and do not know or there may be lifelong fans that just never found this link previously. At any rate, if you’re itching for come nostalgia and want to battle it out with with a floating Mrs. Voorhees head or a purple jumpsuited Jason, then click on the link below and enjoy! Oh yea, watch out for zombies that leap out of the water at you like Flipper on steroids.

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