What’s Your Favorite Friday the 13th Poster?
Through 30 years of the franchise, numerous posters have been created for countries all over the world. There are so many different versions of posters for each film in the series that you could possibly spend your whole life searching out every single poster and still not find them all. We have listed a great number of posters from the franchise for you to view, but keep in mind that there are so many more to be found. That being said, if you could look through every poster, which would be your favorite?
Let us know about your favorite poster even if it is not listed here. If you have an image of a poster that is not listed here, post a link or email us and it will be added to our list below. Have fun looking through the gallery of posters!

My faves would have to be the earlier posters in the series (Parts 1 -4). They captured the creepiness that those earlier films gave off.
I’ve always loved the wood font they used on the movie title for Part 3′s posters.
For the later sequels my fave poster would have to be Part 7.
The “I Love NY” poster from Part 8 is my favorite. Even though that movie sets you up for a complete letdown both in ending and in actual location.
I also like the reboot poster of Jason just standing there. I think that poster captures just how menacing Jason actually is. I mean, if you were in the woods and saw someone like that you’d prolly Sh** bricks.
fridayposter32 (The first in the fourth last row) reminds me of Alone in the dark from ’82..
Or did that movie rip off part 2?
There all awesome but i think the best one is the new one from Friday the 13th part II i like it soooo bad!
27 is awesome. The knife cutting away the scenes of love and happiness to reveal the horror beneath. Frickin awesome! Thanks for posting all these in an easy-to-access format! 2nd would be the Japanese pt 5 poster: this thing is completely messed:
I know I won’t get any poinits for originality but I’ve always loved the original movie poster from part 1. Just love the woods and the creepiness in the silouette. Plus you get the classic font!
My all time favorites are; parts 6, 7, 8, and 9.
I’ve always had a soft spot for the Part VII poster because that’s the first Friday poster I ever saw. But the poster for The Final Chapter’s knife through the eye poster is up there as well. That was a full page ad in the sunday paper that I couldn’t take my eyes off of.
part VII for sure.
It’s hard to pick just one, but I would say that very first poster above. I think it’s from Thailand. That is the perfect poster.
I am a pretty big fan of all of the Japanese posters, but I too like the Thai poster for the original and also the UK quad 3rd row from the bottom on the right.
here is a part 4 poster with no knife in the eye hole. not sure if i ever remember seeing one without the knife.
here is a rare part 2/3 poster http://autumnsend.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/part2-3quad.jpg
and here is just a demotivational Part 6 picture, nothing to do with the post, just something funny http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2009/8/8/633853329862668995-NiceoneTommy.jpg
here is a cool part 2 dvd cover that would make a cool poster http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v236/130/6/512941027/n512941027_549723_5316.jpg
here is a little better view of just the poster part of the link above http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v126/130/6/512941027/n512941027_206177_7964.jpg
Jason Lives is my Favorite.
Poster #5 – “the original” is my favourite.
Poster #4 – “13″ is my second favourite.
…If Jason still haunts you…
I’ve always liked that part 2 poster that wasn’t used that had the same outline figure but inside had Jason popping out of the water attacking the girl. It looks pretty creepy.
But my favorite has to be the classic part 1 poster, #5 It scared the crap out of me when I was little.
poster number 27, the uk quad for the first film, for some reason it really stands out from the crowd, and i managed to get this poster way back in 1980 for £2 at the cinema i saw the film in (a lot of money in them days).
Pure nostalgia, and to me its absolutely priceless
Mines definitely the 3D part 3 poster of Jason smashing through the window with an axe!
Forgot to put the link! http://www.rollanet.org/~vbeydler/van/3dreview/friday-the-13th-poster.jpg
I have so many favorites, many which are above. But if I had to pick one at gunpoint Id say the original poster for The Final Chapter. The one with the knife going through the eye of the hockey mask. It was also used for the title screen from the crappy NES game (the only cool part of the game). If I had to pick a second Id say the poster from The New Blood, where its half the hockey mask and half Tina. Instead of The New Blood it shouldve been called Jason vs. Tina. But I guess they went with The New Blood to confirm they were finished with the Tommy Jarvis story.
My faves are definitely the Thai from part 1, shown above and the Thai for part 2. Then the Japanese for both parts 1 and 2.
I have a picture of the Thai part 2, but not sure how to post it. I don’t have a link, I have the actual picture.
My all-time fav is not up here, but it is the Part 3 poster (in 3D) with Jason coming through the window – jason and the shards of glass are all in 3D – I had the glasses for it too!
Final Chapter, Jason Lives and the Reboot Poster (Jason in the woods) are my favs
I love NY is the best to me!
They all kick ass!!!
I love the U.S. version of F13 Part 2, with the outline of Jason holding an axe. It’s simple and effective – similar to the person outlined for the Part 1 poster, except holding a knife.
The original 1980 Friday the 13th poster is a work of iconic art. I’ve always loved the silhouette aspect to the original 3 posters, but The Final Chapter’s knife in the hockey mask is brilliant too.
My 2 favorites are the original one and The Final Chapter International Version that shows the Hockey mask lying in blood…..Very Cool.
poster 9 the banned poster,that poster is epic some one needs to start making those
and poster 13 because that would awesome framed in my room
I always love seeing 70′s and 80′s Japanese posters for Horror films in general. But the regular silhouette Part 2 poster is my all time favourite. Probably because I vividly remembering seeing the betamax video cover for the first time, after I had heard bits and pieces about the first 2 films.
So glad they dropped the illustration inside and just went with the silhouette, works so much better like that and really captures the atmosphere of the first 2 films for me.
My favourite ones are the posters for the classic movies (parts 1 to 4). Especially I like “The Final Chapter” poster, the classic one: you know, Jason’s hock over some blood and that knife on its eye hole… if I could only have one, that would be the one, no doubt.
Apart from classic first four movies, I like the “A new beginning” one: “If Jason still haunts you, you are not alone” (the one in which we can see the hock and the full shape of Tommy Jarvis with a machete).