Exclusive Interview: John Caglione Jr.
Although the special make-up effects on Friday the 13th Part 2 are often attributed to Carl Fullerton, his assistant on the picture, John Caglione Jr., also played an important role in the creation of the various inventive set pieces (despite sadly being neutered by the MPAA). Following his work during the 1970s on Saturday Night […]

Exclusive Interview: Stu Charno
Following in the tradition that first began with Friday the 13th‘s Ned, Stu Charno was cast as practical joker Ted in Steve Miner’s Friday the 13th Part 2. This would mark the feature debut for the New York-based actor, who would go on to appear in John Carpenter’s Christine two years later. Recently, I spoke […]

Exclusive Interview: Matthew Faison
Matthew Faison’s screen career began in the late 1970s but it would be on TV shows during the 1980s that he would begin to gain exposure, with bit parts in The Greatest American Hero, M*A*S*H and Magnum, P.I. Following a minor role in the crime thriller The Star Chamber in 1983, Faison turned his attention […]

Exclusive Interview: Nancy Kilpatrick
Following the release of Jason X, fantasy author Nancy Kilpatrick was hired to pen two novels that continued the stories of Uber Jason and the Friday the 13th saga; Planet of the Beast and To the Third Power. Kilpatrick’s other work includes Near Death, Dracul: An Eternal Love Story, Bloodlover and Dark Terrors 5. Nancy […]

Exclusive Interview: Bob DeSimone
Bob DeSimone first turned to acting with minor roles in several genre pictures directed by his brother, cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone. Following appearances in Chatterbox and Savage Streets (which Tom DeSimone was originally scheduled to direct), Bob DeSimone was cast in a minor part in the latest Friday the 13th flick. Bob DeSimone discusses his […]

Exclusive Interview: Brian Wade
Special effects artist Brian Wade first cut his teeth on a series of low budget horrors and creature features during the early 1980s, from the obscure Galaxy of Terror to the studio production Jaws 3. His break would come when he was brought onto the crew of two acclaimed pictures, John Carpenter’s The Thing and […]

Exclusive Interview: Jason Craig
Jason Craig had already carved out a successful career as an artist with the graphic novel Se7en when he was hired by WildStorm to design the highly anticipated Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. A sequel to the blockbuster Freddy vs. Jason and based on a treatment by New Line executive Jeff Katz, the comic saw […]

Exclusive Interview: Chuck Campbell
Chuck Campbell had little interest in slasher movies or Friday the 13th when he was cast as tech geek Tsunaron in Jason X. Born and raised in Nova Scotia, the Canadian actor was thirty when he co-starred with Kane Hodder in the relatively high budget science fiction romp Jason X, the tenth in the long-running […]

Exclusive Interview: Eric Morse
Soon after the release of Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday in 1993, author William Pattison was hired to write a series of stand-alone novels that related to the Friday the 13th franchise. Under the pen name Eric Morse, Pattison’s four titles - Mother’s Day, Jason’s Curse, The Carnival and Road Trip - were […]

Exclusive Interview: Russell Todd
Russell Todd’s first foray into acting came with a minor role in the low budget thriller He Knows You’re Alone, which also marked on the screen debut of future Hollywood star Tom Hanks. This would lead to Russell being signed with a talent agent and landing the part of Scott in Steve Miner’s Friday the […]

Exclusive Interview: James Isaac
It had been a decade since James Isaac had directed his first feature, 1989′s The Horror Show (aka House III), but after years as an acclaimed special effects artist James Isaac returned behind the camera to helm Jason X. Utilising many of the same crew members that he had previously worked with on David Cronenberg’s […]

Exclusive Interview: Todd Farmer
Todd Farmer was a struggling writer when he was hired to develop the screenplay for the tenth Friday the 13th movie. Set in twenty-fifth century deep space, Jason X saw the franchise receive a big budget makeover (although the subsequent sequels would be even more high tech) and Jason Voorhees left behind Crystal Lake for […]