Friday the 13th: Part II
Written by Simon Hawke
Based on screenplay by Ron Kurz
Based on characters created by Victor Miller
Published by New American Library
Release date February 1988

Summary: Vickie didn't want to disturb Jeff and Sandra. She had heard the vigorous sounds coming from their bedroom, and knew they must be lying exhausted in each other's arms by now.
But she had to see them. She had to warn them what was happening here at Crystal Lake, as thunder crashed and lightning flashed.
Timidly she opened the bedroom door and looked inside. The sheets were pulled over two figures lying on the bed.
"Sandra," Vickie whispered. The the sheet was thrown back, and a hooded figure sat up...
...and Vickie screamed and screamed and screamed...

Reader Review: "Like his other novel adaptation, Hawke keeps it simple in this, his third F13 book (after Part VI and Part 1). One of the biggest contributions to the story from the author is Jason's childhood up to his 'drowning' as remembered by the killer himself, as well as his point of view of what happened the that fateful Friday the 13th between Alice and his mother.

Other treats creep between the pages and the result is a fun little ride through the familiar film. On a side note, this is hands-down the hardest Friday The 13th book to currently get a hold of, even on eBay. Keep your eyes open in used book stores for it." - Patrick Lemieux

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