Friday the 13th the Series: The Second Season DVD

Streeting February 10, 2025. Fits in nicely with the Season One DVD set.

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5 Responses to “ Friday the 13th the Series: The Second Season DVD ”

  1. i cant wait for this just another reason to be excited as a friday fan even though its not about Jason BUT WHATEVER I LOVE IT lol

  2. I still desperately need season 1 :(

  3. Yeah, that makes 2 of us Tony! Luckily I added that to my Xmas list and hopefully the Mrs will get it for me. The cool thing about the 2nd season of F13th the series is that it is being released the same day as the Tales from the Darkside tv series season 1 set!! I used to love that show as a kid in the 80s!! Now I can finally get rid of that crappy yet still barely viewable bootleg set I bought off of Ebay a few years ago!

  4. I still haven’t found season 1.

  5. Every once in awhile, the series will show upon the Sci-fi channel.
    One day last week, I saw 8 episodes, from 8am-4pm

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