Upcoming Friday The 13th Blu-Rays, DVDs & Boxset From Paramount
So we know a bastard cropped reissue of the reboot is coming from New Line’s home division but over in Paramount land plans are afoot to drop a stack of Friday the 13th releases onto the market on October 4. Now obviously you know that Paramount will almost always disappoint you, so no never-on-blu-ray releases. Let’s take a look at what they are pooping out, then.
Friday the 13th DVD Collection
Amazon have no information on this – but DVD Empire have more, including a fair price of $37. The proper name is Friday The 13th: 2025 DVD Collection – Limited Edition Gift Set and the product item page gives a description. Neither site list a number of discs, presently.
Return to Crystal Lake like never before with Friday the 13th Kill. . .Kill. . . Kill. . . Collection Limited Edition DVD box set. They’re all here: from the first Friday the 13th: Uncut to Friday the 13th: Jason Takes Manhattan. Re-experience the terror and the gore from the exhaulted executioner who never dies in this definitive collection of all 8 of the Friday the 13th films.
Okay, that’s not too shabby. The From Crystal Lake To Manhattan boxset from 2025 is out of print so this would collect the Deluxe Editions into one set. And that will be handy for those that don’t have ‘em, especially considering some of the later entries are now scarce themselves.
Friday the 13th Blu-ray & Friday the 13th DVD
The 1980 original will be back on the market in what is presumably a reissue. Can we get some better cover art then the Deluxe Edition, Paramount? Although it looked certifiably badass, the killer on the cover looked like they were wearing black leather. And I don’t know about you but the thought of Mrs Voorhees all leathered up makes me throw up in my mouth a little. Oh okay, and a little turned on.
Friday the 13th Part 3 Blu-ray & Friday the 13th Part 3 DVD
Hopefully it’s just Amazon’s lazy, inaccurate placeholder details but they are listing the ratio for these as 1.85:1 when the previous releases were 2.35:1 which was what the film was shot in. If it carries through with a cropped 1.85:1 ratio, I don’t have to tell you why that’s a bad thing for purists. In an ideal world Paramount would use these re-releases to offer up a better 3D print. The existing one was lambasted.
Friday the 13th Deluxe Edition Four-Pack
Coming earlier than the others on September 20, this will contain the first four Deluxe Edition DVDs. It’s a simple enough dumping of old stock. Of minor note, DVD Empire already stock a blu-ray version of that upcoming set, called Friday the 13th: 4 Movie Collection. It’s part of a Paramount Blu-ray sale and is listed as having only 1 Disc. While I would love to report that Paramount just discreetly dropped Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter onto the Blu-ray format, there’s evidence on that page to suggest it is a glitch on DVD Empire’s part and the release is actually just the first film with an incorrect product title.
When will Paramount learn? Maybe after they’re done whoring Star Trek, their “respectable” genre franchise. Anyhow, someone must have fucked up by letting some of those Deluxe Editions turn out so good! Think we’ll get parts 4-8 on Blu-ray before there’s another format jump? Let us pray.

And come on!! I don’t know how you can leave the Final Chapter out of the Blu-Ray mix. I really, really just don’t get it. So many people list that as their favorite, it just seems like such a no-brainer.
It’s poor math on Paramount’s part, they probably figure they have 8 movies so figure 4-5-6-7-8 aren’t needed, let’s just have the first 3 films and maybe Blu-ray suckers will think it’s a trilogy.
There’s probably also a degree of “format snobbiness”, just like when DVD was relatively new companies concentrated on putting their “premium” product out first.
I had the 5 disc set that came out earlier, but when the upgrades became available, I bought them. I bought some slim dual DVD cases, and put 1&2 3&4 5&6 7&8 in the old cases to keep them in the same box. Half of my DVDs didn’t come with the 3D covers anyway, so why take up extra shelf space?
Amazon usually doesn’t have the right aspect ratio; it’s been wrong on F13 releases before.
I don’t understand the hate for the Part 3 blu-ray in 3-D… sure it is red/blue, but the 3-D effects come off great to me and is the best I’ve ever seen it. I never caught it in theaters but have seen a 3-D version utilizing shutter glasses (which are much more annoying that red/blue glasses to me).
The Friday the 13th Deluxe Edition 4-pack is listed as DVD-only on Amazon. I’m betting DVD Empire just made a mistake there.
I’m more curious about the 2025 Limited Edition set and what it might include. I’m hoping they don’t add something that makes it a must buy since I don’t want to re-buy what I already have.
I think Paramount “learned” when they changed up how they did the Deluxe editions with Parts 4-8. To not acknowledge that sends the message to Paramount that their efforts at improvement are not appreciated and make no difference to how they are perceived. So, why should they bother? Hopefully, the sales told the story. I was very pleased will all of the Deluxe Editions except for Part 2, which had barely anything on it, but it was still nice to have it remastered. I’m still hoping they can track down the cut footage one day. Parts 4-8 were excellent and a noticeable improvement over what they gave us for Parts 1-3. Paramount sure didn’t disappoint me then.
Parts 4-8 will hit blu-ray eventually. I also hope it is sooner than later.
The original covers (VHS boxes) were always the best. They should just go with those.
Hell,(I say only) if the film’s still have more to give then they should give it! I’ll buy anything twice if it has NEW lost footage, deleted scene’s, extended scene’s, interview’s, or what ever!? But if it’s the same shit then why bother? It’s just a damn waste of money.
Got to say I was happy enough with the Deluxe Editions that came out a couple of years back. It was nice to get commentaries, deleted footage and interviews. Would be nice for Parts 2 and 3 to get a decent release though, as the special features on 3 were non-existent.
I have to agree with Matt13 that if and when they make them all Blu Ray they should just use original covers (VHS boxes) were always the best. They should just go with those. I don’t know who the fuck they have who picks the covers for the boxes but the last ones ob dvd sucked ass the need some one who cares to put them out but its all about the $$$$$$ CASH $$$$$ so its take what they give I guess
@Matt13: My 3D experience with part 3 was horrible, couldn’t bare it more than 5 minutes. I’d be interested in what elements you viewed it in to get an optimum experience. I watched it on a Plasma TV, sitting dead center. The colors just didn’t seem to come together for me and the edges of primary images were jumpy, like static.
@Christian: Good point, if Paramount are so hung up on pimping out the first 3 films they should go back and do proper versions of those to match the Deluxe sequels.
@Dusk: LCD screen, about six feet away, in a dark room (best for red/blue 3-D), using the blu-ray. The first bit is not in 3-D, of course; that only starts after the titles (about 8 minutes in). By the end of the movie, my eyes always seem to have compensated for the red/blue and the correct color comes through more. But red/blue does make color wonky. I just looked at a little bit of it again, and it all seems very sharp and sells the depth very well. I’m not sure what you mean about primary images and static.
I already own the crystal lake to manhattan box set but I really don’t get paramount’s beef with this franchise. It’s been 30 years since they started with the original,and they’re clearly pissing on the fans deliberately. With this planned release schedule I myself want to see 1-8 on blu-ray UNCUT.
Even with them uncut they would be pretty tame compared to modern horror films these days.Also include extras not added before like the original dream sequence from part 3. As well as the mentioned scene where Sandra is trying to push Jeff off the bed in part 2. Give us more audio commentaries,making of,etc if they aren’t going to release them differentially. Then why do it anyway it’s like they are doing it for their own amusement to fuck with us. They’re just wasting money doing this do they think we’re stupid,and will just buy them anyway?
Paramount’s beef with the franchise is as far as they are concerned this is just low budget garbage. They made millions from them in the 1980s, but they also made millions from Indiana Jones, Star Trek and Eddie Murphy. The fact that they’re re-releasing them at all is something we should be grateful for, as Friday the 13th has long been the unloved franchise in the movie industry.