Mezco’s Cinema of Fear Jason (2009)! Want to win one? Enter today!
Here it is folks! The Mezco Cinema of Fear Jason figure from the upcoming relaunch of Friday the 13th! And to be honest, it’s a thing of beauty! But Mezco isn’t simply offering our readers a chance to LOOK at this figure. They are offering our readers a chance to OWN the new Jason figure! That’s right folks! In conjunction with the release of Friday the 13th, Mezco toys has agreed to give one lucky reader a Cinema of Fear Jason. This contest will run on both and my site How do you win? Simply drop me an email at Include your name, phone number and mailing address. That is all. It’s simple. There’s just no reason not to enter! The contest will run until the week Jason jumps back onto your theatre screens. The film opens on Friday, February the 13th! So what are you waiting for? Fill my inbox! Only one entry per person please. Now…onto pics of this awesome figure by toy photographer Jason Jerde!
Good luck everyone! And BIG thanks to the folks at Mezco for partnering up with us for this giveaway
When is this figure in stores?
The figure will hit stores during the same week that the film hits theaters.
Absolutely awesome!! Can’t wait to pick it up and I entered :D.
well this sucks i try to enter but when i sent the email it said there was an error i did it 3 times and the same thing happen
hmm. Keep trying T. I don’t think anyone else has had a problem
Let me know if you get through. If not, we’ll work something else out to get ya entered. You can contact me via the myspace if that works better for ya. Just go to and drop a message and I’ll count that entry too.
Sent my entry! The figure looks great!
I can’t wait for this to come out. Wonder if the mask is removable? I would imagine it is, and they just don’t want to reveal his face yet. My only gripe with the figure is that it doesn’t come with an interchangeable sack head. Damn NECA!
They could have included the sack head. I mean you can change the masks at least. Some prefer the sack more than the hockey mask. I looked at the close up of the figure and I do believe you can remove the mask. I entered and looking forward to getting this. That is one bad ass looking figure. It would go nicely on my bookshelf.
I’m pretty sure there\’s going to be a 12 inch Mezco fig with a changeable head
Heads up there is a previews exclusive 7″ sackhead Jason.
how old must u be
I’m not worried about the age issue. But if you have parents that don’t want you to have it, you may not want to enter.
i entered on myspace thanks for doing that for me
I Entered! This Figure is AWESOME!
Keep em coming folks! Love hearing from you guys
I always wanted to be in a friday the the 13th because I love Jason Vorhees.
entered the day this was posted
Cant wait until this hits stores. Is the mask removable?
Chase Snyder mentioned a Previews exclusive of this same figure. It\’s definately badass. You can preorder it on Here\’s the link to the picture.
Is the mask removable?
I just read a review on and they said that it’s not removable. That’s disappointing.
The 19″ NECA Jason has a removable mask.
Coool giveaway…….
I’m buying the figure.
God bless you all!
entered this contest, and wow this figure sure looks great, been a big fan of the series, and i hope that the remake will live up to the hype, im just siked out by this one, on a side note, i was born on a friday the 13th a 12:01 am, yeah i know creepy so anyway this film series have haunted me for a long time, keep getting jason hockey mask for my bitrh day, its become somewhat of a ritual every year that i get anyway good luck guys …