F13TH THE OBSESSION: New Poster & Updates
The web series is the rebirth of the first Timberwolf Project ever. A Friday the 13th fan film from 1997-1998 which has taken on a life all its own. We first announced this project a few blogs back, along with the casting of Hannah. And now we get to show you the first “Obsession” poster to feature her in the series. “This is another example of me recasting a male role with Hannah, as the role was a guy in the 90s version. ” Tim admits, “Maybe I just don’t like boys! But seriously, she does has a complexity where she is able to take on and adapt a part that was originally for a guy, and still keep its toughness or brute force, but still not loose the fact she is a beautiful and sexy woman. She was my first choice, but then I felt, well ‘I can’t put her in EVERYTHING, so I started looking around and even talked to a few actresses, but ultimately it just felt right with her.. and Rydell’s sage advice of ‘why the hell not’. But with this project, I have to admit I am fascinated with seeing a woman take on the role of “Jason”, with the mask, the machete, the whole damn thing.” As people following this project know she won’t actually be playing Jason himself, but a character who takes on his persona. That said, Tim felt a guy doing that has been done before, in the actual series back in Part 5, so he wanted to take his idea and take it even one step further with Hannah in the lead role of this new version of Obsession. The series will start shooting this summer after the release of Photographic and Diary Of A Black Widow.
Wanna help make Obsession? Fans can help Obsession get made by visiting this page. While we did reach the original $500 goal, and in fact passed it, we wanted to leave the page open both to let fans take part and get the perks, and because the more support we get, the better the series will be.
Excited yet? Now that there’s some artwork for the series I hope to give the design here a spruce-up and really kick my epic plans for the blog into high-gear. Or something like that.

Love the poster, apart from the girl she looks too fake really. But apart from that its a great poster!!
ok, i love f13.. and i never do this at first sight of an attractive girl on the internet.. but this girls assets are stunning. gorgeous girl.
So when is this going to officially become a series?
Looks interesting.Will certainly look out for this when it becomes available.Wish there was more news on a new sequel to the series outright…………………KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
That girl has some great tits!