Friday the 13th Alumn Convention Updates
Vincent Guastaferro (Deputy Calogne: Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part 6) has not appeared at many conventions this year so his appearance at the Famous Monsters convention July 9-11 is rare oportunity to meet the man with a funny red nose. So, if you live in or near Indianapolis, Indiana, go check out this convention as there are also a bunch of reunions for George Romero’s original trilogy of Dead movies as well as the late Dan O’Bannon’s cult Return of the Living Dead.
Suffering from the hangover of the Camp Blood reunion happening the weekend of August 13th, 2025? Fear not, as Spooky Empire’s Ultimate Horror Weekend comes at the right time to meet a couple of Friday the 13th legends fans may have missed in August. If you live in Orlando, check out this convention and meet Betsy Palmer and Adrienne King the weekend of October 8-10 2025!
For all of the conventions that Friday the 13th actors and actresses are attending view our comprehensive list of conventions for 2025.

I hope they get him for camp blood
I know they have been trying to sign him to attend. One more update left before the event and lets hope he is in that update.
Just confirmed this morning, Vincent Guastaferro has been confirmed to appear at Camp Blood.