Comic Digest: Jason Vs Michael Myers in 1984!?
Far prior to the internet (and this beloved magazine turning to garbage), Fangoria as guided by editor “Uncle” Bob Martin was the place for things you couldn’t see anywhere else. Circa 1984 the Maniac Match-up contest was held where readers could write/illustrate a cartoon/comic strip pitting Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers and Leatherface against each other. The winning entry came from John Arnold & Linwood Sasser. Their 1st Fangoria Splatterbowl saw print in Fangoria #39.
Sasser wrote on our sister site Retro Slashers: “I remember back, 25 years ago, what a kick it was to buy my monthly issue of Fangoria and open it up to see my first published work in a national magazine. I quickly bought another copy and rushed over to my friend and co-creator John Arnold’s apartment We had not received notice of our winning the contest prior to the publication, so it was a complete surprise. There’s nothing better than that feeling. Don’t tell that to my firstborn.”
Read the complete five-page Splatterbowl:

Man, I really miss the 80′s. I miss vhs, RCA Selectavision video disc, and when Fangoria was still good. Oh well… Nice article Dusk. It brought back a lot of memories.
I never knew that existed. That was cool!
I remember seeing this comic thing along time ago; I did’nt like it then and I don’t now. Yeah, I know it’s suppost to be funny but I take my horror hero’s seriously.
As if Michael could kill Jason…but it’s funny how Michael dies at the hands (or rather tentacles) of another one of John Carpenter’s films…