FirstJason Rocks Festival de Cine de Terror
Ari Lehman’s band, FirstJason, recently played at this festival in Molins de Rei, near Barcelona, Spain. Check out the humongous hockey mask that was created by the promoters for the show. The show looked awesome. Congrats to Ari and his band for playing such a huge event. All photos are credited to Dave Fleischhauer.

Nice keytar.
pura frikada
What a ska-douchebag.
Greetings from CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE!!!
Many Thanks for posting these pics and telling your webguests about our successful show in Spain. We performed for the sold-out festival crowd outside under the Spanish moon. Jaume Balaguero the director of REC and REC2 rocked out to FIRSTJASON and took pictures! FIRSTJASON is a PUNK/METAL band, featuring myself on KeySword, Nefarious from MACABRE on bass, and Cleaver from the CRO MAGS on Drums. Seems that one whiny complainer here is misinformed – FIRSTJASON is forged in steel and sharpened in battle – that is why there’s no rust on OUR Machetes! METAL!!!
Here is a review from a recent show:
Scott Johnson – DREAD CENTRAL (Aug 31, 2025)
“Like young Jason rising from the deep to take his prey, First Jason caught me by surprise. Lehman didn’t just play the keytar, he melted that motherfucker. He didn’t just sing songs about Jason, he sang them with a passion and a power that was above and beyond what the subject matter called for. When, toward the end of the set, he threw a Jason mask my way, I put it on and started banging my head, smiling like a maniac. I was glad I stuck around.” MP Johnson – Freak Tension
FIRSTJASON will be appearing all over the US and Europe this year to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of “FRIDAY THE 13TH”, and we are already booked for Dallas, St. Louis, Sacramento, and Hamburg and Frankfurt, Germany to name a few. We are deeply honored to be playing many return engagements at Conventions and Metal Clubs.
STAY METAL and remember…
JASON IS WATCHING!!!!! – Ari Lehman/Jason The First
Thanks for visiting, Ari! It will be great to meet you next year at the 30th reunion. Take care and best wishes and continued success with your band.
need a bass player? lol. but seriously….
TheRustyMachete, who are you calling a “ska-douchebag”? I don’t think Ari’s band plays ska…