New Friday Sequel’s Arrested Development
So here we are over two years after Friday the 13th (2009) was released, with little in the way of hard progress on a sequel. Kind of defeated the purpose of launching a franchise reboot/revamp in the first place.
Development Hell – the process of rewriting and rehiring with no finite endpoint in mind – is said to be the worst status any project in Hollywood can have. But at least with that status there’s movement by throwing ideas at the wall and seeing if anything sticks. Friday the 13th 2 is in an even more dire position because Platinum Dunes commissioned one script then the project went nowhere. Frozen in its tracks. Makes one almost long for the fiery warmth of Freddy vs Jason‘s Development Hell.
PD’s Brad Fuller has repeatedly expressed how hard it is to get Warner interested in committing to the sequel script written by Damien Shannon/Mark Swift, which kind of reminds me of a decade ago when Sean Cunningham was trying to get New Line excited in another pic, and only cracked that block by offering up Jason X.
Hopefully Platinum Dunes won’t have to send Jason to the Sahara Desert or some ridiculous location just to get the gears moving on Friday the 13th 2.

Definitely is frustrating. I mean they could even market it as the 13th Friday movie!
Seriously! How hard can it be to get this movie to get the green light? Jason is the God of all Horror Villians!
Where can they go with the next film? Do any of you have any ideas? Fan speculation sometimes ends up being reality.
Lets just start throwing ideas around of things we have not seen.
1. The snow has been talked about
2. How about an F13 with an all black cast?
3. How about a “found fooage” F13 movie (Blair witch, Paranormal activity)?
4. Jason’s dad has never been depicted.
5. What if Jason took on only adults next time?
Personally, I’d like to see a whole movie that was like the opening of JGTH. Send a military team into the woods to track down Jason. Jason could set boobie traps like John Rambo did in frist blood.
It would make sense. There are a lot of crimes Jason has commited, including killing police officers. Even a team of vigalantes with guns going after Jason would be pretty good.
De@d, some great ideas there. I would enjoy seeing him take on a military team like you suggest. They did that with the Hills Have Eyes sequel to the remake and I liked it. Because that’s the next step up in victims.
They should get someone else besides Platinum Dunes to do the sequel if it ever happens. Those guys don’t know jackshit about horror and only care about it as means of payment.
It seems that way Steven. Is their script gold or are they unwilling to spend any money on development…?
I don’t think I really give a shit anymore what they do, I mean all these remakes,reboots,or whatever you want to call ‘em is pretty much the final nail in the coffin’s to all slasher films. I’m saying that I prefer the REAL Jason, not some reinvented crap and if I can’t get that anymore than the Hell with what comes out next.
I don’t think Mr.Fuller knows gold if it fell in his lap! I don’t blame Warner Bros for not jumping in bed with another Shannon and Swift piece of shit. I do hope, on the other hand that Jason lives to kill another day but, not at the expense of having a shitty duo of writers that don’t know how to tell a story, or a few money grubbing “PRODUCERS” try to tell us that they know what the fans want and they know how to do a JASON film, then go on to deliver a very underwhelming movie. I do not want to see Platinum Dunes mess up another Friday the 13th film. They had the golden goose when they had the rights to make the last film. Mr. Fuller got everyones excitment up and delivered nothing. They knew, they were F-ing with people when they made the teaser trailer that was released at comic con in 08. Funny how they went back and changed everything about the teaser when the full trailer came out. NO Manfredini music, No suspense, No Friday the 13th feeling what so ever. Sorry for the long ass post. I don’t know why anyone would want Platinum Dunes or most of all Shannon and Swift, to have anything to do with the next (if there is one) Friday the 13th.
Seriously I can’t believe all these delays with F13th Part 2, Halloween III and a Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2 will hits theaters next year!!! and still nothing about Jason? come on give me a break!! Part 2 could be a remake of Part V, VI and VII, they’ve enough stuff to come out with something good.
I like Shannon and Swift and do hope they come back. I liked the new film a lot and it felt like a modern version of the originals to me.
I fear not having Shannon and Swift, to be honest.
I still can’t figure out why people don’t like Shannon and Swift. The only original thing people nail them on is ‘Jason afraid of water’ which was far more Ronny Yu’s fault than Shannon and Swift’s.
Generic characters, over-sexed young adults, drugs, sex, gore; these are all things Shannon and Swift put into the films that the originals were most known for. They also put back into the film Pamela and the idea of Jason being a character people could feel sorry for. Key elements to the characters that were basically ignored after Part 2 until Shannon and Swift.
I challenge someone to find something of reality at fault with Shannon and Swift’s work that wasn’t already an expected tradition laid down in Friday the 13Th’s before theirs. Rather than just taking the ‘Jason afraid of water’ anger and scapegoating it onto Shannon and Swift.
Victims you couldn’t care less about, whether they lived or died.
Just because someone states that “Jason was my son” doesn’t constitute bringing Pamela back.
I do agree with you about Jason being afraid of water. But I buy that more than a group of teens go into the woods and die, all the while they have GPS and cell phones yet no one can find them when they end up missing. Oh yeah did I mention under fucking ground tunnels! Shannon and Swift are horrible. What happend to “were taking the best parts of friday parts 1-4″ Did I fall asleep and miss the best parts. I sure as hell didn’t see anything remotley as good as parts 1-4 hell i didn’t see anything as good as Jason X.
I liked the tunnels, it explains how Jason gets everyone so fast and easy. It also gave him a dark lair, somewhere that felt like home to him.
Yes, they had GPS and Cell Phones and they are all traceable. But are you really going to fault them on that? Many people carry them into the woods now. Maybe Crystal Lake has spots where they get bad signal status. Maybe the victims were using AT&T. See, now we have more questions to keep us guessing.
I love all the Friday Films, but I like Friday 2025 a lot more than Jason X. True, though, that only some elements from parts 1-4 really came back. But I found the story as engaging as the last so many romps around the camp ground.
The remake sucked ! I Did not mind the new Jason even tho I want a return to the par3/4 look of the chubby pig face mongoloid i don’t need crazy sex, and tons of girls with tits out all tho it should have some of that
I needs to be scary , where girls your with scream and the MPAA is like nc17 cause someone had a shit them self or had a heart attack at th3 test screening of it ! HE should fucking be brutal chocking till eyes pop out putting faces through windows after he smashes through the front door !! AS THE HUMAN JASON NOT UNDEAD !!!!!!!! THANKS oh and I don’t think Platinum Dunes or Shannon and Swift can ever do that ,they need to sell the Friday the 13th package to someone who will do it justice like how Planet Terror , or the remake of Dawn of the dead , something from the 80′s like Parts 3,4,5…. !!
Maybe if they get someone else to write a script. The Swift/Shannon duo and their typed out diarrhea won’t look good to anyone. Where did these 2 hacks come from in the first place?
You need to write a script that contains characters that the audience can identify with. Normal people. That’s what the early films had and it made the villain more menacing.
And they need to knock off the pity aspect for Jason. It just makes him look pathetic and weak. Make him back into the relentless monster in the woods that made him popular in the first place.
I say we got 1 more Jason movie left to check out in theaters someday, and it’s not too late to bring it back full circle in returning to its roots.
I agree, Jason was cool in the new movie. Did it feel like the old Jason we know and love. Not really, Jason didn’t act anything like he did in the old films. I liked the fact that they went back to the human Jason, but he didn’t act very human. Tell me one person that would get stabbed in the leg and not make a sound. Or someone that is running like hell and not breathe heavy (kane Hodder Friday parts 7-X). I don’ see how just having a tunnel makes it faster to get where your going. I mean if you had a tunnel under Cowboys Stadium from the uprights to the 50 yard line and you had to run from the uprights to the 50 yard line, Do you think it would be faster to use a tunnel or just run the field. My guess would be, it would take the same amount of time. The tunnels were a dumb idea. Tunnels don’t make you faster. I remember hearing that junk back when Jason was teleporting in parts 7 and 8. They should’ve went back to the films they said they were paying homage to and had Jason take his time at finding and killing people. As much as I hate to say it, I think if we ever get another Friday the 13th, it will be written by those two fucktards and produced by two more fucktards. I would love to be wrong but I remember reading somewhere when the reboot came out that Platinum Dunes or New Line or whoever is running the show now, signed a 3 picture deal with Shannon and Swift. So if that is true then we have no hope cause some dumbass in the front office has a hard on for them.
“You need to write a script that contains characters that the audience can identify with. Normal people. That’s what the early films had and it made the villain more menacing.”
Not according to Sean Cunningham. I don’t remember where I got the quote (and I hope to find it again someday) but he relates how people typically think your statement is true but in deeper analysis it’s not. That it really doesn’t sell more tickets and is just a falsehood fans feed themselves on.
“And they need to knock off the pity aspect for Jason. It just makes him look pathetic and weak. Make him back into the relentless monster in the woods that made him popular in the first place.”
So, you hate the way the original films characterize Jason then don’t you? Jason is a pathos character in the first two films. A key part of his character is that he is, “pathetic and weak.”
I get so tired of fans trying to make Jason Voorhees into Michael Myers. Jason is not a soulless, mindless killing machine like Michael is. Yes, by later sequels people stopped caring about characterizing Jason and by Part 7 or so they basically forget he has a story.
Why do fans want to take about the only really storyline Jason has? This is also confusing to the producers.
You, and people like you, are why you don’t get the Jason you want. Because you keep saying you want the original when you don’t. The original Jason is pathetic and weak. It’s the fact that he is an underdog that makes him interesting.
In Part 2 he is pathetic and weak. He is not massive. He is not unstoppable. He is not a “relentless monster in the woods.” He is some guy that any Grandma could beat to death with her walker if she saw him coming.
It’s the fact that this pathetic and weak character attacks people with stealth (some might say like a coward) that makes him scary. He slips up behind and, like his Mother before him, kills most people before they see him coming.
Jason doesn’t really become the “relentless monster in the woods” until he becomes a zombie in Part 6. Yeah, in the way later sequels that the fans keep saying they don’t like and keep telling the producers not to make Jason like.
Here is the formula:
A: Fans that don’t know how to say what they want say they want the original Jason.
B: The writers and producers give fans the pathetic and weak (pathos character) that they said they wanted, but didn’t mean to say they want.
C: Fans flip out because they got exactly what they asked for, pleaded for, and demanded… but it wasn’t what they wanted. Instead of blaming themselves for bad communication skills, they blame the writers and the producers.
D: The writers and producers are totally confused because Jason isn’t the “relentless monster in the woods” until he’s a zombie in Part 6 and the fans keep saying that they don’t want Jason to be a zombie and that they want the Jason of the original films and not the later sequels.
E: Writers and Producers may start to just ignore the fans completely, as the fans either don’t know what they want and or don’t know how to say what they want if they know what they want.
F: We might (shutters in fear) get the next Friday the 13Th like Nightmare on Elm Street 2025 because they might just ignore the fans like they did there because the fans aren’t getting their act together and getting on the same page.
If we get a new Friday that sucks where Jason is a mindless killing machine like Michael and there is no story; I blame you personally and all the fans like you.
I work in fast food. I ashore people who order a number 7 when they really want a number 8 and them blame me because they don’t know how to talk.
You are asking for the Friday you don’t want and then blaming the people who are giving you want you asked for because they listened to you. Shameful.
abhor people* typo
And for those who keep saying they want Jason to be like Part 4, it was because Jason was pathetic and weak, longing so much to be a child and have a childhood like he never had, they he’s thrown off, almost hypnotized, by Tommy dressing up like him as a kid.
Yeah, really some “relentless monster in the woods” there. Pansy…
(Sorry for all the posts. Not trying to spam. Is there a way to go back and edit a blog post without having to post a new post? I do that with my forum posts a lot because I often think of new things after I post my post.)
I think your belittling of fans is unneeded, f13ticket. Round of shakes on f13ticket! Yes we want fries with that!
Not to point out the obvious but isn’t Jason portrayed as a pathetic kidnapper in the reboot. Just saying.
I don’t want to see Jason as a relentless monster. They portrayed that in the reboot. I want a Jason that feels pain, shows emotion and is not UNSTOPPABLE! I agree F13ticket, Jason was not a killing machine until he turned zombie. But eventhough the reboot was supposed to be HUMAN Jason, he was still a machine.
I wish they would do what the makers of the new Leatherface movie is doing; Ignore the remake and make a sequel set in the original series.
Ok I think some of you need to watch parts 3 and 4 over again he was not pathetic or weak he was fucking on a war path busting through doors windows and running after bitches to kill !!!! part 1 and 2 he was weak and feeble and pathetic not in part 3 or 4 shit not even in part 5 when he was the fake Jason so u last few post’s on this site need 2 RE watch. I also don’t care what some people think but me and my friends who grew up watching Friday the 13 the first 6 then the last ones after when Jason was a monster we always thought he was a crazed killer in the first 5 parts we never thought of him like Mike Myers we always thought Jason from part 4 would fuck him up !!! Jason in 3 , 4 was true TERROR !!!!
Fuck the shit. “Adolf” Marcus Nispel and the writers fucked up the 1st remake, by adding the same tone and style as Texas Chainsaw Massacre… now there going doing a sequel? Why? Damn it, why can’t some of these directors do a movie that is fresh, new without having to copy something already done. Then they made three lame sequels: Part 8, Jason goes to Hell & Jason X. Personally, they should have stopped the series after John Carl Buechler’s film Part 7 – which was the 1st role for Kane Hodder as Jason. These dumb ass horror director’s, producers and writers are in such hurry to get a film out to make an extra buck in their pockets… and they can give a fuck if it satisfy the fans or not. That’s why people are giving up on buying anything with the Friday the 13th Label on it – because it’s the same shit over, over and over. Why not just take the uncut footage that is out there, that does actually exist and give the fans what they want!!!!
All I can say is we all want a new movie,will we get one YES but when . I think they know its a cash cow so they can do what they want with it. it just had to be in the right hands or the right place at the right time so we need to keep posting and asking and it will come one day soon !!!
Hey f13ticket, can I have fries with that?