Submit Your Questions For Koen Wooten

interviewMario Kirner is currently conducting Part 2 of his interview with Prop master Koen Wooten. If you read Mario’s first interview, posted on this site this past weekend, you found out some interesting information about the props that were used in the making of the reimagining of Friday the 13th.

Now, Mario has been nice enough to take any questions we may have for Koen and ask him directly before he concludes his second part of the interview. So, if you are curious about any part of how props were prepared or created for the most recent movie, post your questions here and Mario will be sure to get Koen your questions. Please post your questions with the next day or so in order to have them answered. Thanks for contributing to the interview!

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8 Responses to “ Submit Your Questions For Koen Wooten ”

  1. Mario,
    If you haven’t thought about this as a question yet, I would like to know more about how he created the rig that was attached to Travis for Trent’s death. It looked like a pretty cool device that was featured in the DVD. Also, I wonder if he has any other behind the scene pictures that were taken of him working on the props that he is allowed to share?

  2. I would like to know any info regarding the axe’s made for the remake. How many were made and used in filming. I know the original hero was used for when Jason grabbed it off the tree stump and threw it through the air…. I was interested in any and all info relating to the axe scene with Lawrence. Thanks

  3. Dear Mario,

    I’d love to know what was the propmaster’s favorite scene to work on during filming, and was he disappointed that anything that he supplied props for got cut since there are numerous “Slashed Scenes” as special features? Also, how did he feel about the over all film once it was complete?

  4. they will be making a new friday the 13th and it’s release date april 13th 2025 release date could change deark mears will be playing jason again.

  5. Dear Mario.

    I’d like to know what ideas there are for the sequel.I wholeheartedly understand if you can’t divulge them yet.Great work on the reboot and can’t wait for the sequel.How about Jason using a bear/man trap(you know what i mean)on a chain like lasso but not necessarily reeling them in.Just to maim them so he can then put his machete through them whilst they are wounded…………KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.


  7. Please find a nice follow up interview probably later this weekend.


  8. i was wondering how to get the friday the 13th 3d game on my pc for windows 7

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