Professionally Made, Authentic Looking Hockey Masks
Anyone here ever wanted to own an authentic looking hockey mask? I have made some of my own hockey masks and I think they look pretty good, but I found a website that makes them look so authentic that they blow my mind. Ken, who runs Fright Stuff, worked on creating the mask for Part 3 and also still owns the cast of the orginal mold. I am pretty sure I am right about that fact. If I am wrong, please correct me.
You can buy the mask and all of the accessories for pretty reasonable prices. You can then either paint the mask yourself, or hire an artist through the website to paint the mask professionally.Visit the site and see what you think. You might just find it’s worth spending your money to add to your collection.
I would love to get one, but I’m sure they are expensive. And I’m broke.
Thank you for posting this. These are the real deal, folks…cast directly from the mold used to make the masks seen in part 3 and Final Chapter. NEVER listen to the people on eBay who insist the real masks were fiberglass and had leather straps.
Yeah they are the real deal. I have owned and personally painted quite a few of them. I actually paint a few here and there on the side and if anyone wants one painted for a decent price, hit me up at
Some of the masks I have painted are in this album
You just need to flip through it to find them. They start on page 4
I was set to do an interview with Ken at one point and even submitted the questions. But he’s quite busy. But it’s a really cool place. Of course there are those who dispute whether or not Ken made the original mask. But Richard Brooker backs up the claim so I would say there’s no reason to think otherwise. Regardless, they are awesome masks and looks very authentic.
This isn’t really news. I think anyone who is a true Jason fan should have known about Frightstuff before this post but that’s just me. For those who didn’t know about this, welcome to the party. You can’t get any closer to a screen used prop than this.
J Miggidy,
You got it exactly right. I posted this for any Friday fan who didn’t know about the availability. We don’t just post breaking news hear on the website. We also like to keep the masses informed. Also, I don’t think it’s fair to say all true Jason fans should have known about FrightStuff. People are learning about Friday stuff everyday and I know that some fans concentrate on certain aspects of the franchise and are not as well versed in others.
These masks are great. Got one about 1 1/2 years ago. The guys who paint them are excellent. (Special thanks to DedKid for rushing it to me)
I am a big fan of Frightstuff, and have a few of the masks.
Username FearEmbodied assumes they are expensive, but a kit is very reasonable to paint on your own. The site also offers TONS of tips and tricks for getting it painted up correctly on your own.
Profiles In History dot com, will be auctioning off the actual original screen used Jason mask and full costume, along with weapons and other props, from the new Platinum Dunes film.
Good luck everyone.
The auction is April 30th and May 1st 2025.
I just barely purchased a very close to screen accurate mask from Friday pt. 3’s barn scene. The blank came from frightstuff. I haven’t seen it yet in-person, but the pics looked nearly identical compared to the close-up pic of Jason in the Crystal Lake Memories book…right down to every little scuff and the barely visible tear in the top “chevron”. I have wanted a mask just like pt. 3’s since I was about 10, that was 23 years ago!! These replicas are the best I’ve seen!! But they are still a little off…at least for pt. 3’s mask…
On the Paramount’s UK blu-ray release of pt. 3, in a supplement titled “Legacy of the Mask” make-up effects man Douglas White goes into interesting detail about the making of the original mask, stomping into unknown territory (for me anyway). Apparently the mask Shelly scares Vera with is different than the one Jason wears…it had leather straps and didn’t fit Brooker’s jumbo Jason head quite right. So they molded a larger version for Jason. The mask was formed from clear plastic with the off-white color painted on the inside, showing through the front of the mask through a clear window…so the visible scuffs are actually quite a bit above the masks color background. The chevron accents were glued to the outside…with no clear coats whatsoever. Seeing the film’s new transfer on blu-ray in 1080p confirms this. It’s very obvious he’s correct about how it was made…you can see the glassy texture of the clear mask surface as well as the seperate shimmer of the acetate on the accents. Is there anyone making crystal clear-based Jason masks? I’d love to buy one done this way! But so far, I think the “lost” screen-used original(s) was the only one that ever has been.
I just barely purchased a very close to screen accurate mask from Friday pt. 3’s barn scene. The blank came from frightstuff. I haven’t seen it yet in-person, but the pics looked nearly identical compared to the close-up pic of Jason in the Crystal Lake Memories book…right down to every little scuff and the barely visible tear in the top “chevron”. I have wanted a mask just like pt. 3’s since I was about 10, that was 23 years ago!! These replicas are the best I’ve seen!! But they are still a little off…at least for pt. 3’s mask…
On the Paramount’s UK blu-ray release of pt. 3, in a supplement titled “Legacy of the Mask” make-up effects man Douglas White goes into interesting detail about the making of the original mask, stomping into unknown territory (for me anyway). Apparently the mask Shelly scares Vera with is different than the one Jason wears…it had leather straps and didn’t fit Brooker’s jumbo Jason head quite right. So they molded a larger version for Jason. The mask was formed from clear plastic with the off-white color painted on the inside, showing through the front of the mask through a clear window…so the visible scuffs are actually quite a bit above the masks color background. The chevron accents were glued to the outside…with no clear coats whatsoever. Seeing the film’s new transfer on blu-ray in 1080p confirms this. It’s very obvious he’s correct about how it was made…you can see the glassy texture of the clear mask surface as well as the seperate shimmer of the acetate on the accents. Is there anyone making crystal clear plastic Jason mask blanks? I’d love to buy one done this way! But so far, I think the “lost” screen-used original(s) were the only ones that ever have been.
Yeah, seen and owned plenty of the abs plastic masks and even fiberglass ones cast from film molds. But none of them even closely compare to owning the real deal. Happened upon a couple in auctions on ebay and was fortunate enough that the sellers didn’t know what they really had. The mask design they used for the Friday the 13th 3 3-D (and subsequent films), was based on a design that was produced in the 70’s by a company in Magog Canada called Fibrosport. The Company was founded by NHL goalie Jaques Plante, who really kicked of the trend of goal tenders wearing facial protection masks during league play. It was the Fibrosport Elite mask which the team decided to go with, there are several verying designs of it out there, hole placement is altered, ect. These masks are very sought after and hard to come by. I’ve seen auctions go as high as $1,000 and better for them. As far as durability and overall feel are concerned, this mask is the holy grail of Jason masks…
Are the straps included or do you have to buy them on top of the $55 kit? And what about the chevrons. $5 each or for all of them.
Also,so how much does a paint job usally run? I am thinking about A F13th part 4 look on my hockey mask.
I know many of you are saying “just go to the web site and find all this out” but, for some reason I cant get on to the website.
If any one could help me out that would be great!
“Of course there are those who dispute whether or not Ken made the original mask. But Richard Brooker backs up the claim so I would say there’s no reason to think otherwise. Regardless, they are awesome masks and looks very authentic.”
Tarallo didn’t create the mask dude. Brooker did back Ken’s claim, but it seems brooker can’t even recall which movie he worked on these days. Richard carries around a mask made by (Which Tarallo gave him). Brooker tells fans it’s the original mask…Dick Warlock actually owns the real mask. All these documentaries and books never mention Tarallo’s name…why? It’s clear that Doug white created the mask. Tarallo doesn’t even have an IMDB credit for Friday the 13th.
There are a number of makers who make masks just as accurate (if not more so) than Frightstuff. probably makes the best hockey masks you’ll ever see. Brooker seems to think Crash’s work is good enough to pass off as the original. makes blanks that look just as accurate as frightstuff masks, and they’re cheaper too! They also paint masks, sells great hocks and hoods at affordable prices. there’s a lot of great hock makers in the nightowl community. I got a mask by “puckface” not too long ago and the damn thing rocks. Nightowl also makes some fantastic undermasks.
“Of course there are those who dispute whether or not Ken made the original mask. But Richard Brooker backs up the claim so I would say there’s no reason to think otherwise. Regardless, they are awesome masks and looks very authentic.”
Tarallo didn’t create the mask dude. Brooker did back Ken’s claim, but it seems brooker can’t even recall which movie he worked on these days. Richard carries around a mask made by (Which Tarallo gave him). Brooker tells fans it’s the original mask…Dick Warlock actually owns the real mask. All these documentaries and books never mention Tarallo’s name…why? It’s clear that Doug white created the mask. Tarallo doesn’t even have an IMDB credit for Friday the 13th.
There are a number of makers who make masks just as accurate (if not more so) than Frightstuff. probably makes the best hockey masks you’ll ever see. Brooker seems to think Crash’s work is good enough to pass off as the original. makes blanks that look just as accurate as frightstuff masks, and they’re cheaper too! They also paint masks, sells great hocks and hoods at affordable prices. there’s a lot of great hock makers in the nightowl community. I got a mask by “puckface” not too long ago and the damn thing rocks. Nightowl also makes some fantastic undermasks.
Big thanks for all of those links, Wallace!
I’m in the market for a nice and my first, by the way, screen accurate hockey mask this year, and I finally wanna break down and buy one this one.
Big thanks once again. Gotta check those prices out now …
I just received this pt. 3 replica from artist “Warlock”. I was quite impressed, it has a very “film prop” presence. At age 33, I finally get a good Jason mask!!
You do know that the hock that Brooker has is a Frightstuff, right? It was given to him by Ken and was painted by Crash.
Crash and JDF were both featured artists for Frighstuff.
It appears that JDF is now making his own blanks now though.
I am a member of nightowl.The artist of is Steve Bellamy.His screen name is Bellamy in the nightowl forum .He is running a 24 hour sale on some of his hoods and prt 7 jasons.Just click on forums in nightowl then go to classifieds .You will see his add there .Tell him MASK4ME sent you…..
Ken Tarallo is the man!!!
All of the non believers are jealous jag offs.
Yer Boy
Non believers? Is Ken a religion now? You believers should perhaps read a book instead of the frightstuff forum.
This business with Brooker is just sad. At MM I met Brooker and held the mask. Crash’s signature can clearly be seen on the inside of the mask. Brooker was very clear in saying it was the screen used mask. It’s sad to see Richard Brooker lying to fans.
Geez, Brooker is really saying this?! That\’s too bad. I\’ve never seen him at a convention but he\’s the first man up in the interview segment \
I wouldn’t buy a thing from frightstuff. Ken Tarallo is a fraud, and his artist team is made up of hacks. Ken had nothing to do with Friday the 13th. It’s ridicules to see people who run this site promote Ken as the creator of the mask. The mods of this site should know their stuff when it comes to these things.
As someone else said here. If Ken really created the mask, why is he left out of all these books and dvds? Ken’s claims are bullshit.
If you feel Ken is a fraud, please tell us your reasons. Our website has never promoted Ken as “the creator” of the mask. I merely pointed out that he offers a service of creating authentic looking hockey masks. Damn good ones at that. He also has been mentioned as working on Friday Part 3 in the effects department and on the hockey mask, and not just in the Frightstuff forum. I look frward to your thoughts.
Well, Brooker might be passing his replica off as the real deal to occasional fans at conventions, but in the very beginning of the “Legacy of the Mask” supplement on Paramount’s UK blu-ray of pt 3, he brings it along for show & tell, holding it up to the camera for a good view (in full 1080p). He says up front that it’s a replica and not the original. It’s very obvious that it is made from an opaque blank unlike the original…the scuffs didn’t have 1/16″ of clear coating covering them. The original mask had a far more realistic look.
I should have done more research as to what was available to fans before I purchased the mask I posted above. I’ve since contacted JDF studios (thanks to this blog!), which just recently started offering the “real deal” clear PETG blanks. He’s in the process of making one for me now using Douglas White’s original inside-out painting process with real scuffs & damage (not painted simulations) on the outside surface where they should be. I am jazzed to see this in-person!! Can’t wait!!
I’ll be sure to post pics & opinions.
I have to fully agree on Ken NOT having anything to do with the making of the original mask or using the original mold (many claim to use this). There are too many differences in hole placement/size & overall shape and profle.
If Ken really made the mask, or even helped out Douglas White making it, he would have obviously known the original mysterious building process. And if he uses the “screen mold” his blanks would be far more accurate and would have been offered in clear PETG from the start, not to mention much BIGGER (to fit Brooker’s make-up). Also, the inside-out paiting method would have been exposed to fans a long time ago. The blu-ray transfer backs Douglas White’s info as fact. Is he claiming to have forgotten the process, or that Douglas White is lying?
I dig JDF, he created his own sculpture/mold using the title montage of Pt 4 for reference (one of pt 3’s masks was used for this). His blanks look the most accurate from all I’ve seen…and he’s got them available in clear PETG. And he’s cheaper!!
Ok, Just visited frightstuff again. New announcement: Frightstuff now offers crystal clear blanks for fans to make their own, authentic styled inside-out painted replicas…as used in parts 3.4 & 6. He says he made these a long time ago (way before anyone else, lol) to use as covers to his opaque masks. Covers? lol, he claims he sweat and bled on the set of pt 3 and he, just now , finally offers up a clear blank, which is the authentic way. But he had them long ago with the intentions of using them as covers? And this decision to finally offer these clear blanks is conveniently after the real story was released. Lol, I smell a rat there…JDF offered these BEFORE frightstuff, right after C.C. interviewed Douglas White on their site. Nobody knew the truth, not even Ken, until Douglas White (the real mask maker) spoke his words.
Thanks for all of the info. In an earlier post you made on this topic you mentioned that you bought a mask from Frighhtstuff and were really pleased with it. Why now are you against Ken and the inaccuracies of the mask he provided? Did you find a problem with the mask you purchased after the fact? And please do not take my comments as not believing your or HazelJames claims. You bring up good points.
Anyone else feel the same as Gunner or have more to add to his claims?
I’m not against frightstuff, only the false claims from the owner being the original mask maker. I don’t think the blank used on my previous posted replica came from frightstuff after all, it looks different in many ways. BUT Warlock (whoever he/she is) is a very talented artist, only the technique was off. The future will give all mask artists a whole new 3-D canvas to create more accurate pt 3,4 & 6 masks…which is exciting!! And it’s all thanks to Douglas White’s valuable information, not Frightstuff’s.
Yes I did like the mask originally…but the longer I looked at it, the more it resembled a decoration rather than what Jason really wore. My biggest pet peeve is the painted-on simulated scuffs laying underneath a thick layer of clear coats. Scuffs & scratches happen on the surface…which is what the screen used mask looked like. The clear coats are only simulating the glossy gleam of clear PETG, and this glossy texture is supposed to be behind the red accent & scuff details, not covering them!!
After receiving the first mask, and the “it still ain’t right” bug kept biting, I kept digging and getting more info. One week later I found JDF, he offered what I was really looking for all along.
I think the “Legacy of the Mask” supplement was one of the most “prop-secret” revealing of any put on disc in the genre. I could never put a finger on exactly why Jason’s mask in Pt. 3 had the unique look that it did.
If you want the real deal, then go to
Made by ONE of the creators of the mask, who holds the original mold to the original mask.
If you want a knockoff from people who just want money…go elsewhere.
Yer Boy
If you feel Ken is a fraud, please tell us your reasons. Our website has never promoted Ken as “the creator” of the mask. I merely pointed out that he offers a service of creating authentic looking hockey masks. Damn good ones at that. He also has been mentioned as working on Friday Part 3 in the effects department and on the hockey mask, and not just in the Frightstuff forum. I look frward to your thoughts.”
Gunner pretty much gives my reasons for why I said Ken Tarallo is a fraud. There is not one shred of evidence that ties Ken to ANY Friday the 13th film, and he didn’t even know how the original masks were made. And Ken is being promoted as the creator of the mask, Tony Carroll says
“Of course there are those who dispute whether or not Ken made the original mask. But Richard Brooker backs up the claim so I would say there’s no reason to think otherwise.”
That’s telling fans that Ken is the creator, and people should believe it because Richard Brooker says so. I don’t see Richard as having any credibility. For a time I recall Richard saying Sean Clark’s masks were from the movie mold, and a year ago there was a thread on about Richard Brooker saying Ken was full of shit. Richard now backs Ken 100% and sells those $30 blanks signed for $80 at shows, and you can bet your ass he gets a cut of the signed Brooker1 masks Ken sells. $$$$ talks fellas.
Hevymentl13, Can you post a link showing me something that proves Ken even worked on Friday the 13th Part 3? I would love to see it. The books and DVD’s seem to leave Ken out all the time. I read on the Frightstuff forum how Ken was going to be on the His Name Was Jason DVD, but Ken said he didn’t have time. Ken says now that he will be on the new part 4/5/6 DVD’s that are coming out. I’ll bet my house that Ken won’t be on the new DVD’s either, anyone want to bet against me? Your comment about buying a knockoff from people who just want to make money makes you look foolish pal. Does Ken give his masks away? No you have to pay them, right? You think Ken sells masks out of the kindness of his heart, just for us fans? ALL these makers make these things for money. Some makers are more honest than others, but it’s all about money. And all these makers, including Ken, are selling knockoffs. None of these masks are licensed. Ever see Ken’s COA’s, they don’t even say Friday the 13th on them.
Ken only recently started selling these masks a few years ago. I read a post on frightstuff by Ken calling other makers thieves who steal his work. Makers have been selling these masks long before Ken. Ken comes out of nowhere and says he’s the creator and has the original mask, now all of a sudden every other hock maker is a thief selling knockoffs!? I’d actually rather have the knockoff if that’s what the frightstuff alternative is going to be called, the so called thieves seem to put out a better product.
I’ve been a collector in this hobby long enough to smell Ken’s kind of bullshit a mile away. I am glad I’m not the only one who can smell it.
First off Hazeljames, I’m not going to give you a link to shit.
Why don’t you give me a link proving he’s not one of the creators of the mask, or the original mold.
And don’t give me the Doug White bullshit, he wasn’t a part of Mr. Brecker’s team.
Do your homework a little bit.
How do you think the knockoffs are better in quality, when they are ripoffs of Ken’s mold.
This is an fx guy who works on all sorts of major stuff, ask yourself why he would ruin his credibility in the entertainment industry for some god damned masks.
I’ve seen the pics of his crusty old mold, the one New Line tried to buy from him.
He’s not credited for working on the movie, but I know plenty of actors, grips, and so on who were never credited for work on movies either, so that doesn’t mean jack shit.
Ken has also blown every bullshit negative thing said about him right out of the water, in public on his forum.
Everybody and their brother wants to claim they made the mask NOW, but when it was being made it wasn’t expected to be such a huge thing.
The mask was made by a team of people, Mr. Brecker’s team, which Ken Tarallo was in fact a part of.
Who else has anything close to the movie as that?
And by the way, of course the masks aren’t going to be licensed, because he doesn’t work for Paramount or New Line, so continue being a fan boy collector, and leave the movie magic to the pro’s.
Yer Boy
lol wow, that’s the most idiotic ranting I’ve ever heard. Rather than just show me something that ties Ken to Friday the 13th, you give me all these reasons why there isn’t…thank you for making my point for me.
Sorry, I didn’t realize you rode the short bus, otherwise I would have kept my comments to myself…good luck in life, people like you need it.
Since I don’t know Ken or anyone else involved personally, it would be hard for me to make a real determination on who actually did what. However, Ken does produce good masks and the artists do amazing work. I am sure a lot of other people out there make good masks as well. However, Ken does good work in supplying a product to people and he should be commended for that.
The last thing I want to have happen is have this turn into a “who really played Jason in Part 2″ debate. We all know how that has played out. Lets all enjoy our masks and even more so enjoy all of our Friday the 13th movies.
What homework should people be doing? I too would love to see something that ties Ken Tarallo to Friday the 13th. You tell people to do their homework, but please help educate us short bus folk, point us in the right direction man.
Your comment about every other mask being a rip off of Ken’s, ahh did you just find this hobby? Mask makers have been making these hockey masks WAYYY before Ken ever showed up. Looking at the sites of the few artists mentioned, their work blows Frightstuff out of the water.
If anyone does a Google search on Ken Tarallo all you’ll see pop up about the guy is profile pages to various online communities, nothing actually relating to his work in the movie business. It seems the guy just put his name out there to make himself look like a name. The only thing that popped up regarding a movie was about him being fired from cloverfield.
The only thing Ken has going for him is that he works in the FX business, and this is what frightstuff guys latch on to. If you guys think movie industry people are honest people, well then I have a bridge to sell ya. Ken’s just another guy looking to make money. Look at Brooker telling fans that mask of Crash’s is the movie mask, enough said.
With all that being said, I have bought blanks from frightstuff and they’re good blanks. I would recommended them. But Not for a second do I believe Ken created the mask though.
1. “Heroes” (special effects) (18 episodes, 2025-2009)
- Chapter Ten ‘1961′ (2009) TV episode (special effects)
- Chapter Nine ‘Turn and Face the Stranger’ (2009) TV episode (special effects)
- Chapter Eight ‘Into Asylum’ (2009) TV episode (special effects)
- Chapter Seven ‘Cold Snap’ (2009) TV episode (special effects)
- Chapter One ‘A Clear and Present Danger’ (2009) TV episode (special effects)
(13 more)
2. Linea, La (2008) (special effects foreman)
3. Death Race (2008) (special effects)
4. Che: Part One (2008) (special effects technician)
… aka The Argentine (International: English title: alternative title) (USA: working title)
… aka Che - 1ère partie - L’argentin (France)
… aka Che, el argentino (Spain: Castilian title)
5. Hell Ride (2008) (special effects)
6. Cloverfield (2008) (special effects technician)
… aka 1-18-08 (USA: promotional title)
… aka Monstrous (USA: promotional title)
7. Trailer Park of Terror (2008) (special effects foreman)
8. This Christmas (2007) (special effects)
9. Shoot ‘Em Up (2007) (special effects foreman: Los Angeles)
10. Ocean’s Thirteen (2007) (special effects technician)
… aka 13 (USA: promotional abbreviation)
11. Man in the Chair (2007) (special effects foreman)
12. The Good German (2006) (special effects technician)
13. Bobby (2006) (special effects) (as Ken Tarrallo)
14. World Trade Center (2006) (special effects crew)
15. Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006) (V) (special effects supervisor)
16. The Adventures of Big Handsome Guy and His Little Friend (2006) (TV) (special effects supervisor)
17. The Ring Two (2005) (special effects technician)
… aka Samara (Hong Kong: English title) (Singapore: English title)
… aka The Ring 2 (International: English title: alternative spelling) (UK)
… aka Samara: Ring 2 (Philippines: English title: informal title)
18. Ocean’s Twelve (2004) (special effects technician) (uncredited)
19. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) (special effects)
… aka Dodgeball (USA: short title)
… aka Voll auf die Nüsse (Germany)
20. Envy (2004) (special effects foreman)
21. Gigli (2003) (special effects)
22. “CSI: Miami” (special effects foreman) (22 episodes, 2025-2003)
- Body Count (2003) TV episode (special effects foreman)
- Freaks and Tweaks (2003) TV episode (special effects foreman)
- Tinder Box (2003) TV episode (special effects foreman)
- Spring Break (2003) TV episode (special effects foreman)
- Grave Young Men (2003) TV episode (special effects foreman)
(17 more)
23. R3 (2003) (special effects foreman)
24. Solaris (2002) (special effects technician)
25. High Crimes (2002) (special effects foreman)
26. “Crossing Jordan” (special effects) (2 episodes, 2025)
- Crime & Punishment (2002) TV episode (special effects) (uncredited)
- Wrong Place, Wrong Time (2002) TV episode (special effects) (uncredited)
27. Wishcraft (2002) (special effects foreman)
28. Scary Movie 2 (2001) (special effects foreman)
… aka Film de peur 2 (Canada: French title)
… aka Scarier Movie (UK)
29. Joe Dirt (2001) (special effects)
… aka The Adventures of Joe Dirt (Canada: English title: TV title) (USA: working title)
30. The Way of the Gun (2000) (special effects)
31. Magnolia (1999) (special effects: F/X Concepts, Inc.)
… aka mag-no’li-a (USA: promotional title)
32. Idle Hands (1999) (special effects)
33. Rush Hour (1998) (special effects)
34. Johnny Skidmarks (1998) (special effects coordinator)
… aka The Killer Inside (UK: DVD title)
35. Cold Around the Heart (1997) (special effects)
36. “Women: Stories of Passion” (special effects supervisor) (1 episode, 1997)
- Sophie Shpooricky’s ‘Night of Love’ (1997) TV episode (special effects supervisor)
37. Levitation (1997) (special effects supervisor)
38. Albino Alligator (1996) (special effects technician)
… aka Albino Alligator (France)
39. Bound (1996) (special effects crew) (uncredited)
40. Guyver: Dark Hero (1994) (special effects coordinator)
… aka Guyver 2: Dark Hero (USA: video box title)
41. “Boy Meets World” (special effects foreman) (4 episodes, 1993)
- Teacher’s Bet (1993) TV episode (special effects foreman)
- Cory’s Alternative Friends (1993) TV episode (special effects foreman)
- On the Fence (1993) TV episode (special effects foreman)
- Pilot (1993) TV episode (special effects foreman)
42. Infested (1993) (V) (special effects mechanical and pyrotechnics) (special effects supervisor)
… aka Ticks (USA)
43. Street Wars (1992) (special effects supervisor)
44. Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker (1991) (V) (special effects coordinator)
45. Black Magic Woman (1991) (special effects coordinator)
46. The Arrival (1991) (mechanical effects)
… aka The Unwelcomed (USA: video title)
47. Guyver (1991) (mechanical effects and pyrotechnics: FX Concepts Ltd.) (special effects supervisor)
… aka Mutronics
… aka The Guyver (USA: video box title)
48. Solar Crisis (1990) (special effects) (uncredited)
… aka Kuraishisu niju-goju nen (Japan)
49. “A Brand New Life” (special effects coordinator) (6 episodes, 1989-1990)
- Even Housekeepers Sing the Blues (1990) TV episode (special effects coordinator)
- Children of a Legal Mom (1990) TV episode (special effects coordinator)
- Private School (1989) TV episode (special effects coordinator)
- I Fought the Law (1989) TV episode (special effects coordinator)
- Above and Beyond Therapy (1989) TV episode (special effects coordinator)
(1 more)
50. “ALF” (special effects coordinator) (102 episodes, 1986-1990)
- Consider Me Gone (1990) TV episode (special effects coordinator)
- I Gotta Be Me (1990) TV episode (special effects coordinator)
- Hungry Like the Wolf (1990) TV episode (special effects coordinator)
- Stayin’ Alive (1990) TV episode (special effects coordinator)
- Mr. Sandman (1990) TV episode (special effects coordinator)
(97 more)
51. Tremors (1990) (special effects)
52. “Tales from the Crypt” (special effects assistant) (2 episodes, 1989)
… aka HBO’s Tales from the Crypt
- And All Through the House (1989) TV episode (special effects assistant)
- The Man Who Was Death (1989) TV episode (special effects assistant) (uncredited)
53. “Monsters” (special effects foreman) (4 episodes, 1988-1989)
- Parents from Space (1989) TV episode (special effects foreman)
- Rouse Him Not (1988) TV episode (special effects foreman)
- The Vampire Hunter (1988) TV episode (special effects foreman)
- The Feverman (1988) TV episode (special effects foreman)
54. The Sleeping Car (1989) (special effects crew)
55. Tequila Sunrise (1988) (special effects crew)
56. Hero and the Terror (1988) (special effects technician)
57. Phantasm II (1988) (model creator)
… aka Phantasm II: The Never Dead Part Two (Australia: video box title)
58. The Running Man (1987) (special effects crew)
59. Hamburger Hill (1987) (special effects)
60. Tough Guys Don’t Dance (1987) (special effects) (uncredited)
61. Love Among Thieves (1987) (TV) (special effects crew)
62. Black Widow (1987) (special effects crew)
… aka Bullseye (Australia)
63. Stewardess School (1986) (special effects) (uncredited)
64. Critters (1986) (special effects)
Miscellaneous Crew:
1. Twelve Monkeys (1995) (pyrotechnic foreman)
If this isn’t enough for your lame argument of Mr. Tarallo’s work, then nothing is.
Show me someone with the mold from part 3, oh that’s right Ken has it…and has pictures to boot.
Get a hold of Ken, he’ll show his blank…until then, shhhh, grown folks are talkin’.
Are you for real dude? Copy and pasting imdb is doing your homework? For one I don’t think anyone doubts that Ken works in the movie business. One important credit is missing from that list, and that’s FRIDAY THE 13TH!!! Christ dude.
Oh and someone who calls people “jag offs” and ends posts with “yer boy” shouldn’t be saying “shhhh, grown folks are talkin’”.
AWWWWW, you’ll get over it lil’ guy.
Here’s what you said in your last post…”If anyone does a Google search on Ken Tarallo all you’ll see pop up about the guy is profile pages to various online communities, nothing actually relating to his work in the movie business. It seems the guy just put his name out there to make himself look like a name. The only thing that popped up regarding a movie was about him being fired from cloverfield.”
Now you say this…”For one I don’t think anyone doubts that Ken works in the movie business.”
Now I have to laugh at anything you have to say, goodbye smart guy.
“AWWWWW, you’ll get over it lil’ guy.”
Get over what? What are you talking about? You’re trying a little too hard to get a rise out of me, start slow and something clever may come to you.
Oh and you misunderstand me. What I was saying there is that Ken’s a hack and his work is not recognized by anyone, which is why if you Google Ken there’s no buzz or talk about his work in the movie business, only a mention of him being FIRED from cloverfield. Of course nothing mentions his supposed work on Friday the 13th. You fanboys seem to over look that fact, and the fact that Doug White is credited for making the mask. Is Doug a liar? If you think so then ask yourself what Doug White has to gain from lying, and then look at what Ken Tarallo has to gain. Who’s making the money here?
*YAWN*….Doug White was a make up fx guy, and has contradicting stories out there already…you’re going to have to do better then that.
Dig a little deeper, get yourself some facts.
Yer Boy
Yeah then how come Doug knew exactly how the mask was made, and Ken did not? How come Doug White is always interviewed about the creation of the mask? How come no one from the films production will credit Ken for his work? How come Ken Tarallo doesn’t set the record straight and call Doug out…Maybe you shouldn’t get your “facts” from Tarallo’s forum, that forum is a breeding ground of ignorance and stupidity.
Wow, you really are slow, bye bye now.
That’s all you have to say now? Come on kick some knowledge you stupid little fanboy. Answer my questions.
Here’s some links for anyone who wants info about the creation of Jason’s mask,
If you have the blu ray of part 3 then you’ve already seen Doug’s interview describing how the mask was made. By the end of the year the Part 3 blu ray should be available in the US.
Here’s a couple of books,
Crystal Lake Memories -
Making Friday The 13th: The Legend Of Camp Blood -
And of course everyone here knows about His Name Was Jason -
All these books, Documentaries, official writings. Ken Tarallo’s name is not mentioned at all. If Ken really is the creator of the mask he should set the record straight. There’s no backing to what Ken Tarallo is saying. Arguing Ken’s the creator of the mask without anything real to back it up is just retarded. Go back to frightstuff hevymentl13, you lost this argument.
Here’s some more of my copy n’ paste skills…from another forum, and this will be my last post…it’s like arguing with a straight up retard in a wheelchair.
The other thing i found hard to believe with what Doug said is perhaps the most important, how the mask was made.
He claims he took a Jacques Plante fibrosport hockey mask and made a mold from it and then…
”There’s a technique where you run the mask over the stone form, cut the plastic as if you were making the mask, drill all the holes put the mask back on the stone form and run plastic over it again, take that one off, finish it off and run it again and again until the mask was big enough to fit the face properly”
Now to my understanding if you keep repeating this process as said above then the mask will keep getting bigger, not just the size and the sides but the whole mask including the nose, well if you look at the picture below you will see that there is no doubt this was the inspiration behind Jason’s mask but i just don’t believe this is how the mask was made as the enlarged mask would have had a thicker more bulbs nose rather then the sharp and fine one seen on ken’s blanks. Ken stated that he was shown what he was told was a black police riot mask and this was used as reference for Jason’s hockey mask, Ken stated he had never seen a Jacques Plante fibrosport hockey mask before he made his mold, it is more than likely that the mask Ken was shown was infact one of theses masks or a modified one and used for reference to make the mold which Ken has stated he sculpted, if you look at a fright stuff blank you can see the surface is less than perfect with bumps and indents and the forehead slopes off at an imperfect angle, looking far from perfect produced Plante mask. Some people have claimed the masks are so alike that they line up but if you look closely at the forehead hole alignment you will see this is not the case.
Fright Stuff Blank
Doug White also claimed the mold he made did not have the flared/flanged edges on the mask, if that is the case then this is not a mask pulled from his mold.
This mask is from the hospital scene in part 5, this mask is the stunt mask from part 3 that was used again as the hero in part 4 and in this part 5 scene. You can see that it clearly matches up with a fright stuff blank, look at the flared edges.
Crystal Lake Memories it states
Martin Jay Sadoff: ”Well, no one wanted to do the make up. So the late Marty Becker, who was heading the effects on the film, came & said, “Well, we don’t have anything, so let’s put a goalie mask on him.” And I used to keep my big red hockey bag with me, and I pulled a mask out. It was a Detroit Red Wings goalie mask - it was white & had a big red stripe down the middle. It didn’t ultimately look like what ended up in the film - they poked holes in it & changed the markings. Then Marty Becker’s team made the molds, and Robb Wilson King made various versions of it.”
People that believe Doug White’s version of events will have to say as well as Ken Tarallo being a lair so is Martin Sadoff and Robb Wilson King.
Robb Wilson King: There wasn’t just one hockey mask. We made different sizes to accommodate the 3-D - we created some that were oversized, for different angles, and they were fitted to Richard Brooker’s face. So it really was a group creation. I certainly can’t claim the hockey mask. I don’t think any one person can.”
Sadoff says that the duties of making it fell to Marty Becker’s team, which Ken was a part of. Doug wasn’t. He was make-up FX, not mechanical FX.
Over the whole red markings on Jason’s mask, Doug White says in Crystal Lake Memories ”Terry Ballard, the technical advisor on the film, had already put the little red pieces on the face of the mask, which gave it that unique look.”
In the new interview he says ”i found some opaque thin red plastic that i cut out with an x-acto blade and a ruler. they were then glued on with super glue” so which is it?
Again this looks like he maybe trying to take credit for something he didn’t do, which is why i don’t believe his recollection on events regarding the making of the mask.
Ken Tarallo has always stated it was team effort to create the mask and that not one person can take credit for it all, he hasn’t changed his version of events. He has stated things that people don’t agree with like the materials used to make the red markings on the mask but no-one was there, we can’t say that all the masks had plastic tri’s, it is possible that one had painted tri’s and this is where Ken’s recollection comes from when he stated he thought the tri’s were painted. My opinion is that Ken is not trying to take ALL the credit for Jason’s hockey mask, Doug White clearly is. When someone makes bold claims like this they will receive a lot of attention, expect to see Doug White credited as the creator of Jason’s Hockey mask on the documentary DVD coming out next year about the origins of Jason Voorhees.
So in short i don’t believe what Doug White has said above.
Well, there you have it…I know, the pics didn’t show up, but you get the gist of it all (or maybe you don’t).
Bye bye now smart fella
I bought a mask from Max Fantastic and was really impressed ,its one of the best VS hocks iv seen. Nice rusted ring and buckles with full leather an the paint up was a work of art. He can be reached at .he told me he was working with bellamy at thedevilslatex but now has his own site seems its under construction at the moment but once its up id for sure give it a look.
“Here’s some more of my copy n’ paste skills…from another forum, and this will be my last post…it’s like arguing with a straight up retard in a wheelchair.”
Jacobb’s info comes from books and other official sources. Your info comes from a message board…and he’s the retard in a wheelchair?
You make a good argument, but let me ask you this, is there any proof that Ken ever worked on Martin Becker’s team? If Ken can’t be placed on the set of part 3, then everything you’ve said means shit.
Your remark about Doug being just make up efx. In each movie it’s the make up efx guys making the mask, you do know that right? Savini reworked the part 4 mask. David Miller made the masks for part 5. Bill forshe and Gabe Bartalos made the masks for part 6. John Carl Buechler made the masks for part 7, and so on.