Random Info: Poster Contest, Production Challenge, Visitor Help

MPSo, I ran into quite the problem with my computer over night and into this morning and lost some of the things that I wanted to post for everyone on the website. I apologize, but the Production Challenge: F/X Artists will be postponed until Monday.

As for the poster contest, we have really been receiving postive responses to this, not only here at our website, but also at a few other places that I have posted a link. I sent a link to Brad Fuller and he thought the posters were “awesome”. So, I want to thank everyone again for the submissions and for the participation in voting for the posters. So that’s the positive side of the contest. Here’s the negative.

At some point, in any contest, there is going to be a point where visitors and their friends can get carried away with wanting to help someone they know win. This contest is no different. Not that there are too many problems, but I have found a few instances of multiple voting or comments by people for the same entry. I will not name names or anything to that effect. However, the people I speak of know who I am reffering to and I and everyone else here would appreciate a fair contest. So, please let’s leave it at one vote. Thank you!  ;)

Last thing I wanted to mention. We at fridaythe13thfilms.com are very good at finding anything and everything that pertains to the series on a national level. However, I know there are a lot of local events or happenings that I and others that write for the website would have no real way to know about. So, if you know of anything local or regional that you would like us to share with the masses pertaining to Friday the 13th, please let us know.

If you have a screening of a Friday the 13th movie at a local theater, please write in and let us know. There may be others in your area that have no idea and would appreciate it. Last year we were told about the Friday the 13th musical and from what were were told, it was a very good production. There were a few fans that lived near the area and they would have never known about it. They attended and really enjoyed it.

Thanks to everyone who visits us. Especially, to our daily visitors, you help us thrive!

About the Author


Email questions: jason.parker@fridaythe13thfilms.com. Follow me at: www.twitter.com/jasonsfury

7 Responses to “ Random Info: Poster Contest, Production Challenge, Visitor Help ”

  1. “Thanks to everyone who visits us. Especially, to our daily visitors.”

    No, THANK YOU..

  2. I voted but for some reason i dont remember seeing the poster you have posted above. Thats what ive been looking for. That is a great poster!! I love it. And Jasonsfury, I dont know if anyone here is from Cleveland but I would love to search around northeastern Ohio for anything and send it in to you! We have a convention here 2 times a year called Cinema Wasteland so if there is anything i hear or find i would LOVE to Rep Cleveland on this page.

  3. Sounds good, Joey Cypher. Yea, if there is anything local, I think the fans in your area would like to know about it. As for the poster, I did not add anything extra after I made my intial post so I am sure you just overlooked it. It is a cool poster.

  4. So you webmasters going to be voting also before it ends?

    (sorry for duplicate. posted in wrong blog)

  5. I will be having a 2 day Friday the 13th party on Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th in August. We will be watching all the F13 movies along with a F13th video game contest. This event has been done in the past with my friends but I think it would be fun to have some real Friday fans join in on the event. Just bring a tent cause its all outdoors in the the woods. Movies will be watch when night falls on the huge projection screen. Nothing like camping and in a tent on Friday the 13th and watching all the movies. Loction is in Vermont. Just email me at Timmerdumbass@yahoo.com for more info

  6. Timmer:
    Wow that would be so awesome to attend, but unfortunately I have quite a long trip to Vermont..
    I live in Finland so :)
    Too bad those kind of things never happens here. I don’t think theres enough interest among people here.

    Thinking of that..

    Jasonsfury, it would be cool if you could post something on we (the fans) location who visits this site..

    Maybe someone out there could get together and talk about their favorite franchise :)

    You could for example do one post that takes care of the States, and then another one for us who lives outside the States..

    Think about it..

    Regards Fredrik

  7. I don’t remember seeing this poster either. Love it.

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