Trip Back In Time: Friday the 13th (1980) Laserdisc
Here’s a look at the Japanese Laserdisc for Friday the 13th. I hadn’t seen this in a long time and while I was searching around for some Friday memoribilia, I found this little gem. I’ve never owned this before as it normally cost around $150 to $200. Now that the uncut Blu-Ray and DVD are out, I don’t see the worth in owning it at that price now. Back in late 80′s and into the 90′s this was heavily sought after.

Pretty cool. Too bad I wasn’t alive in the 80′s!
The Original Director’s Cut!! =)
I actually had this one in my collection !
But sold it a long time ago when DVD came up. Now i have the danish DVD with german language.
i had a vhs that was transferred from it. there’s a store in pittsburgh that used to sell bootleg stuff like that, but they dropped their video department…i assume they got in trouble. i paid an absurd price for it (absurd for a lame-looking homemade dub)…i think like $40, but the internet was just starting out then, and i didn’t know how else to get it. the subtitles were annoying but it was so awesome to be the only person that had those scenes. that was the first time i realized the f13ths are all censored….PISSED ever since.
The uncut version of the film, the same as the Japanese, has been out on DVD and VHS here in Sweden for years now.
That’s a rare gem to see this Laserdisc of the film from Japan. Its good now to have the Uncut American DVD of the movie. Hopefully the Japanese fans can now enjoy it uncut on DVD and Blu-Ray now.
“That’s a rare gem to see this Laserdisc of the film from Japan. Its good now to have the Uncut American DVD of the movie. Hopefully the Japanese fans can now enjoy it uncut on DVD and Blu-Ray now.”
I agree, it’s just So warming that the first film, even though it’s been available in VHS tape trading circles for years, has a North American release that is official and in some of the best quality I’ve ever seen (even if, for me, the series didn’t get interesting untill the Steve Miner sequels, I still think the first, flaws & all, is a historical mini footnote of general Slasher & Splatter films that most genre films should look into owning).
Also I like to regularly look over eBay items, and the size and backs of the old first eight Laserdiscs on there always facinated me. Even though I never owned a Laserdisc player, it must’ve been nice from the last ’80s onward, to own the Friday films in non-biodegradable form.
But I’m glad as all hell that standard-def DVDs replaced’em.
But just as a suggestion to the mods here: I have been lovin’ teh recentup-dates, even when I’m yelled at by other boardies (;)), and I think one thing you can do, in addition to waiting for the usual street release dates for the remaining Deluxe Editions cause we all know about this & that, is that you chould highlight cool & obscure eBay items that we all find. Just a thought, as there is always some pretty facinating stuff on there.
I own that disc, it was beautiful to see the First Friday uncut, though it did have the annoying Japanese text on the screen, it sits among my 300+ laserdiscs including US releases of parts 1-9.
Laserdisc: You can watch them and not worry about the discs getting ruined by the player.
Is THAT the original uncut version? I would say that the cover art isn’t that great, but then again neither were some of the Paramount DVD covers.
Yes, Rich. That is the original uncut version.
uhh somewhat funny…but kind of lame that they’re calling people gay when they are celebrating something so homo-erotic.
you’re not gonna get much by posting that on the f13th blog. we’re here to talk f13th. quit getting my hopes up that you’re link will lead me to something f13th-related that i haven’t seen.
“uhh somewhat funny…but kind of lame that they’re calling people gay when they are celebrating something so homo-erotic.
you’re not gonna get much by posting that on the f13th blog. we’re here to talk f13th. quit getting my hopes up that you’re link will lead me to something f13th-related that i haven’t seen.”
Mmmm I must’ve quite obviously missed somethin’. So, who was in here being all Homophobic in a Friday the 13th official Blog forum? *ponders*
There is a sweet part 5 laserdisc on ebay right now. I might get it. The back of the cover looks great,has alot of cool pics on it.
its this metal song thats saying fuck rap and death to all but metal their saying rap is gay and the can go suck each other its a good song
and i know i just wanted ppl to hear it
tommyblah was refering to a post that I deleted due to spam on the blogs. Now metal fan has posted the same entry again.
metal fan,
We can all appreciate people wanting to get there message out, but don’t leave the same reply on multiple blog postings. That’s just spamming our website and isn’t necessary. Thanks for understanding.
I too saw that laserdisc. No bids yet, though. The $34.99 buy now price is a little steep. I got the Jason Goes To Hell laserdisc for $14 the other day.
Thanks man. Yeah I watched eBay on occasion, but mostly for generation-1 Transformers toy stuff. And some long out of print DVDs, but very rarely over the last two years.
And thankfully anniversary re-issues often bring out new film transfers and re-issues so there isn’t much need as of late. I AM gonna be in the mood for some new hocks (hockey masks that look film accurate of the first half of the Paramount series) later on this year and next, though. Big thanks again.
People get way, way off track in this forum. Let’s keep all the homophobia and religion talk out of this room, just this once. I don’t care about gays or what color Jesus was.
im sorry 4 that
On a side note about this uncut laserdisc; it was me purchasing the FIRST Japan import version of this title that started the whole hoopla. Don May, Jr. (Synapse Films) who wrote the article for Video Watchdog managed a Laser Disc Store and did their ordering used my laserdisc. I purchased the disc because it had the Warner Brothers Lego, a different cover and the running time was 1 or 2 minutes shorter than the American version. Little did we know what was inside! When we found out about the footage we contacted Tom Savini and asked if he knew of this. He did not and he couldn’t believe what we were telling him. We sent him a copy and he called Don to thank him and tell him that he thought this footage was gone forever.
After the article made its way out to people and they started contacting Laserdisc Stores to see if they could get them, the overseas suppliers ran out of product in under 1 month. That disc was out for at least 1 month without any imports of this title, until mine.
A weird, wacky but true piece of history right there.
Interesting, Kirk! Did you ever find out how the extra footage got included in the release?
Warner Bros. had the international release rights, Paramount had the domestic release rights. I learned from an early age, different release rights sometimes means different cuts.
Jesus was black! and gays well…are all colors. (and sizes…wink wink