Jason Takes Manhattan Press Kit
One of my favorite things to collect are press kits from movies. Unfortunately, it’s not much of a collector’s hobby anymore as most presskits nowadays consist of either a DVD or flash drive sent out to promote distributor’s movies. However, prior to a few years ago, companies would send out full press kit folders containing beautiful photos printed on glossy paper with production booklets.
My favorite Friday the 13th press kit is Jason Takes Manhattan. It has a ton of pictures of our favorite slasher.
My favorite part of this press kit are the post cards that are enlosed within.
The older Paramount press kits had seperate paper descriptions that went along with the enclosed images. In later kits the description was placed onto the image itslef as is the case in this press kit. I’m sure there are a good number of fans out there that either own this or have owned this at some point. For those of you that haven’t seen this before, enjoy!

damn looks like long time ago in 87 héhé nice.
any way you could write out what the captions on the pics say???
i can’t see them too well
cool stuff anyways
It actually does look pretty cool. It’s also interesting to see how every pic in the press kit depicts Jason at some point in the movie. I’m sure that if this had been a press kit for Part 1, there would be very little in the way of revealing who the killer was. Jason really is the star here. I have the press kit for Part 2 and there are only a few shots of Steve Dash with the bag over his head and no shots of Warrington Gillette. I also have the press kit for Part V but the only shot you get of Jason in that one is a small advertisement in the back where Dick Wieand (Roy) is promoting a bottle of Advair with his grandchildren.
Love Press Kit, really cool seeing Jason take over the Big Apple.
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Very cool I love all that stuff too I dont have press Kits But I have every Issue of Fangoria magazine starting with #1 I love looking back at all the Friday articles when they were new and fresh They were really Mean When Part V came out but the movie got 2 covers also I have all the posters from every friday and Halloween film My room is a Jason Musueam One of my prized things are the original Novelizations of the fridays and the halloweens including the Teen Novels From 94 I started to collect the recent books but they got really sucky
What a beauty! I’m a sucker for movie memorabilia! Nice score!!
yeah they dont make this kind of stuff anymore thats for sure. very nice !
Walmart Man,
You are right in that the earlier press kits barely feature Jason at all. There are little snippets of him here and there, but that is it. Paramount new where the money was in the latter part of the 80′s.
That shot of Jason in the train is great. It’s like the New Yorkers are so used to weirdos that they don’t pay much attention to Jason stomping after two teenagers.
That’s cool, I’ve never seen a press kit before.
I actually have the press kits for parts IV,V,and VI. Very cool indeed…
Great press kit!! Thanks for sharing. I only have the press kit for part 2, but I want all of them. I hate that press kits nowadays don’t have b/w pics anymore just pictures on a cd.