Memorable And Influential Characters In The Franchise
Since there are twelve movies to choose from in the Friday the 13th series, it is hard to choose who might be the most memorable. Some characters in the franchise could be viewed as possibly the most influential in taking the franchise in a certain direction. There are those few characters that are easily recognizable and might very well be the living breathing essence of what makes Friday the 13th the type of movie series it is.
Recurring characters would be the first to come to mind and you need look no further than Tommy Jarvis. His character spanned three films and is responsible for not only ending the original series of films, but also for creating the zombie Jason that dominated multiplexes in the late 80′s. His story also spawned the murderous exploits of Roy Burns and in doing so completed a profound transition in the series to what we know it as today.
Prophets of Doom are littered throughout the series to this point and none are more recognizable than Crazy Ralph. “It’s got a death curse” is just as synonymous to the Friday the 13th films as Jason himself or Ki Ki Ma Ma as the signature sound of the franchise. There has been quite the following for another Prophet of Doom in Abel from Part 3. His brief appearance in the film and his cut scene later on in the story were merely an homage to Ralph, but the spirit of that type of character definitely defines the film series.
Perhaps you enjoy the outhouse exploits of Demon and his girlfriend Anita talking about “the snake that’s gonna crawl up that crapper and bite yo’ ass”. Those damn enchiladas were killer. Over the top characters are what make the tense moments in film more settling for certain viewers and that comic relief feeling is a key ingredient in the Friday the 13th saga. Ned dancing around with Indian feathers in the original 1980 film or Ted having Jeff’s truck towed in Part 2. Maybe lovable Shelly turning around with a porno mag when being asked for money struck your funny bone. The endless laughs of the Ethel and Junior combo in ‘A New Beginning’ lend multiple viewing ability to their film.
The serious tone of the characters can also lend a powerful element to the films as well. In ‘The Final Chapter’, when Rob is being attacked in the basement and screaming his last words, “He’s killing me!”, chills can run down your spine. The fact that we know as an audience that Rob was there to avenge his sister’s death makes us sympathize with his character. Mrs. Voorhees poignant speech at the end of the original film where she explains why the camp should not be opened, is actually quite moving. In an instant, you feel something for her character and her now iconic motives.
The newer films in the series offer more flashy characters. Telekentic Tina lays waste to anything that emotionally angers her in ‘The New Blood’. Uncle Charles is the prototypical overbearing parental figure, and then some, in ‘Jason Takes Manhattan’. ‘Jason Goes To Hell’ offers one of the more endearing and most overlooked characters in the franchise in bounty hunter Creighton Duke. His character should have been used in more installments. Marine Sergeant Brodski was possibly the lone stabilizing force in ‘Jason X’ as his tough demeanor gave a formidable foe for Jason Voorhees. Jenna’s death in the 2025 reboot was surprising and saddening for some as her character came off as one of the few likable in the film.
So, you see there are so many different personalities present in the characters created within the Friday the 13th universe. Which is your most memorable and how do you feel they contributed to the mythos of Friday the 13th?

This is going to sound like a contradiction but I think Creighton Duke is very memorable even though he’s in the most extreme continuity fubaring the film series ever went through. I don’t think he fits or represents the series in anyway but
I would love to see a movie base solely on his exploits.
As for someone that DOES fit the series Travis Van Winkle’s character Trent (oddly enough Trent is the same name of his character in Transformers) in the remake is easily the highest level asshole to ever grace the series. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to see a guy bite the big one so badly. There are cliche’s about who lives and who dies and hit fits right up there with the ones who you see immediately think “oh he’s dead.”
Crispin Glover is one of favorite F13 characters. Aside from his goofy humor and dancing, he gave new meaning to the phrase “Dead Fuck.”
My favorite F13 character is none other than Jason himself. Without him the movies would have nothing but horny teens having sex, drinking, swearing, swimming, doing dope and having a good time. Jason is what makes those films, enough said!
Shelly. I am Shelly. Seriously, always the clown, trying to get attention and a certain girl to like me. It never works, but I keep on with the schtick. He is who I identify with, victim-wise. I think at some point in their lives, everyone will identify with Pamela or Jason Voorhees. Revenge dwells in everyone’s heart. They were misguided as to how to utilize their avenging nature. There is sommething almost moralistic about their killings. I mean, obviously murder is wrong, but very rarely do you see someone getting slashed who wasn’t doing something worthy of punishment from a righteous point of view.
Top 10 characters other than Jason Voorhees or Mrs Voorhees
1. Tommy Jarvis
2. Duke
3. Crazy Ralph
4. Shelly
5. Jimbo
6. Dr. Crews
7. Ted
8. Tina
9. Trish
10. Megan
Ethel and Junior, best characters EVER!!
Ethel and Junior are in my top of 5 of most memorable in the series. Most influential in the series is probably Tommy Jarvis. As stated above, his character helped reshape the series in the 80′s. And according to certain people, that wasn’t a good thing either. ;)
There are alot of characters that stand out. But You got to give props to Tommy Jarvis. Parts 4, 5, and 6 are like a trilogy, which in horror films is rare. Unless You count Halloween, Halloween 2, and Halloween H20 which I dont cause H20 was terrible. But anyway, Tommy is like Jasons arch enemy. I know Ginny gave Jason a machete to the shoulder, Chris gave Jason the trademark axe to the head, but Tommy was the first to seriously do some damage. Trish got in some good shots as well. But Ill never forget when I first saw The Final Chapter. That destruction scene of Jason is over the top, and who really knows how many times Tommy struck Jason with the machete saying “die, die, die”. The screen goes white before Hes done, could have been up to 100 times. But after that Tommy and Jason are forever connected. Tommys delusions in part 5, thats just messed up. And then in part 6 the law treats Tommy like hes a looney, like Hes crazy Ralph. I would think hed get more respect for putting an end to Jasons mayhem. But then again He had to go dig Him up.
Another person that stands out is Tina. It was cool to see Jason go up against someone with equal if not more power. She really did some ultimate damage, like the fire scene I love it.
Creighton Duke had alot of knowledge on Jason, probably the most knowledge. But it sucks in part 9 that they didnt go into Dukes backstory. But for those who may not know in the JGTH magazine that came out in 1993 made by Fangoria, when Duke was younger, Jason killed His fiance. Thats all that was said, but I figure after Her death Duke spent the rest of His life studying Jason. And how He learned about the body jumping, its got to be Jasons father Elias that told Duke about that. Elias was still alive in part 6, even though that ending was never used. But Jasons dad must be into witchcraft. But thats a guess, I really dont know.
And finally, Ethel and Junior Hubbard from part 5. I believe they stand out because they were the first to bring some serious humor to the series. They allowed us to take a break from the fear, and have a few laughs. “You big dildo, eat Yer fuckin slop”.
I would have to go with REGGIE!!! The little black kid from A New Beginning!! His scream was just fucking amazing and when he drove the tracker into “Jason”… Priceless!!
Bad News Crews would have to be in the top 5. Combine his personality with one of my favorite nicknames in movie history, and you get one all-time greatest assholes in Friday the 13th cinematic history.
amanda righetti is hot. thats all i can remember?
The list that excludes mrs.Vorhees and Jason
1.Tommy Jarvis- I think its pretty damn obvious why
2. Shelley- Only reason he has the trademark mask, reboot aside.
3. Crazy Ralph – Everyone’s favorite senile old man! lol
4. Alice
5. Trent- the scream in the cop car was PRICELESS lol but yea I agree he perfected the asshole character
1.Roy from part 5
2.Tina from part 7
3.Violet from part 5
4.J.J. from part 8
5.The dog from part 8
1. Steve Christy
2. Ginny Field
3. Shelley Finkelstein
4. Rob Dier
TRENT! He was the most memorable prick in the entire franchise, but he wasn’t a malicious asshole who intentionally put people in harm’s way. He also brought a lot of comic relief to the reboot.
My list without Jason, Pamela and Tommy;
All the suriving ladies (except for Megan and Rennie).
Without you the ending chases wouldn’t have thrilled us.
And a special nood to Rowan from JX – I really liked her (and nice to see someone of a different ethnicity too).
…”he’s definitely dead,” Rowan; “show me”….
I’d have to say Steven Freeman from JGTH. He went to hell and back, literally, just to save the woman he loves and his kid. Even took on Jason barehanded and the police force to save them. Mucho props to him
The final girls!