Preview: Custom ‘The New Blood’ Figure Could Be Yours!
Alright, everyone, as many of the visitors to this website know, we have had a crazy summer of contests. We gave away more prizes in 4 months than Price is Right. Anyone even know what that show is anymore? Anyways, we had a very successful contest for One’s Customs’ Crazy Ralph figure this past June. With that being said, we did hear from some people that they would have loved to win a Jason Voorhees figure. Well, everyone here is in luck!
We had such a successful and fun time with our last contest, that One’s Customs and Friday the 13th: The Website is going to give away a ‘New Blood’ Jason. Now, this is just a preview of what is to come. Since this is a preview, we are not going to tell you what the contest is going to entail just yet. However, check out the in-progress photos of the custom ‘The New Blood’ Jason that is being created for the contest. Yes, the figure will be painted and clothed and come with accessories. So, keep an eye out for that contest in the near future and make sure to check out the Youtube channel for One’s Customs!

Me Want!!!!
Just to let people know this is going to be a stylized version similar to what mezco does except more detailed its gonna be awesome
One, you are “The One”, Sideshow, NECA or Mezco, need to see your work and give you a job, I mean, you make their sculptors look like third graders. Just saying. Keep it up man!!
Man, that sculpt is killer. Can’t wait to see it finished and I hope I can win it!
Look forward too seeing the complete model!!!
Love too have one my self!! yeah right!!!:(
@One’s Cutoms Stylized or not it does look better than the New Blood rotocast that Mezco released. Great, great job man!
Awesome as always!!!
that is awesome. i’d kill for a non-stylized roy or part 8 figure. how can i get my hands on those?
that figure is going to be awesome cant wait to see what do we have to do to win it