Texas Fearfest 30th Anniversary Reunion
Whoa! This is going to be huge. Texas Fearfest is back at it again and it could be the biggest gathering of Friday the 13th stars and fans in history.
The last 3 Fear Fest shows combined have sold over 10,000 tickets, and sold out 9 hotels. Typically, our shows are themed with a reunion of sorts as we did with Fear Fest 2 ? the largest Nightmare on Elm St. reunion in history. The show featured over 60 guests from all 7 films and was a huge success. We do this namely because we are fans of the genre ourselves, and with the 30th anniversary of Friday the 13th coming for 2025, it only made sense to make this our next event.
This convention is unique, in that there happens to be a lake next to where the hotel is located. That means in addition to the usual convention activities, there will also be nearby on-site “camp”-related activities for fans who attend, such as canoeing, archery, swimming, and even a paint ball crew to re-create the mayhem from Jason Lives: Friday the 13th part 6. Since we plan to include cast and crew from every Friday movie ever made, this looks to be the Friday extravaganza every Voorhees fan has waited 30 years for.

I’ll probably go, but man I hope they get their stuff straight. Texas Fearfest 08′ was a nightmare, no pun intended. The only redeeming thing about the Fearfests are the excellent guests.
I just found it about this today, and I’m SO goin’ next year! I currently reside in Bossier City near family, and I’m gonna immediately get in touch with’em as soon as tickets go on sale. Whoa! Dallas isn’t that far of a drive at all. I think it’s under three 1/2 hours at the most with heavy traffic.
This’ll be my first convention, and I hoping that it will go off without much in the way of hitches. Look’s like I’ll also have to take my fine Friday posters out of they’re frames in order to get some signatures on’em before puttin’em back in.
I assume like I’ve read online at various genre film message boards, that autographs from the Friday starts will start around $10 a piece and go up to about $20/25? Look’s like I’ll start saving aside cash for them, cause I don’t mind, but I want my posters signed, and maybe some of my Deluxe Edition standard-def DVDs as well.
I wonder what the policy is on taking photos, as well? Cause I know I’m gonna grab myself a new digital camera I’ve been saving aside a few days before I go, and I wanna personally take plenty of pics for my Photobucket acount and some personal video as well.
The other activities that are “campground related” sound cool as well. All in all, it is so far shaping out to sound like a very cool three day late summer overly long weekend next year. You all can count me in as someone who is gonna go. Now I just hope the Friday stars, all of them, look you in the face and are kind enough & cordual for the few moments we’ll all be interacting with them. I’m not already tryin’ to wear my ass on my shoulders, but after missing the His Name Was Jason DVD signing in Burbank this year, and I’m SO glad this is here to make up for it.
It’s just that we’ll all be payin’ for their signatures and personal time and we’ve all seen they’re work on 35mm film countless times, so it won’t hurt them to be cordual to us for a breif moment.
im there
Dag I was excited about the convention comming to Chicago but the lake and the camp activities sound great to give it that Camp Crystal Lake feel. If I get a break next year around that time and a few willing friends I might make my way down there.
I absolutely HAVE to go to this! Glad I\’m finding out about this now, so I can make the plans!!! I\’ve got family in Dallas, so I\’ll be staying with them over this weekend!
What happened that made it a less than spectacular experience for you? I am seriously thinking about going to this, but if it’s organized poorly, I might reconsider.
Isn’t this around the same time as the rumored sequel ? I didn’t know if there was any connection especially since the reboot was filmed in Texas. I live in Kentucky and plan to go to Scarefest in Lexington next month. Wow! this sounds so much better, hopefully I can go.
Well like I said, you can all count me in
This will be my first ever genre film convention, and I’m SO lookin’ forward to getting some posters out of my frames signed, as well as some DVDs and to take plenty of pics and video.
I’m SO hoping that they’ll be lenient on autographs and (please, if any Friday stars read this: talk to the promoters, and work out a deal so that your sign isn’t worth over $20–anything else is just too much for many of us, I’m sorry) that they’re nice to us face-to-face. Reguardless, I’m just SO pumped for this. Hope it lives up to my expextations.
I went to Fearfest ’08 and like HSOF said, it was a nightmare. The organizers really didn’t have it together and the ambiance of the event pretty much matched the chaos of the pool party scene from Nighmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freedy’s Revenge. To start off, Robert Englund requested a bowl of only red M&M’s from his Manager but when he failed to sort through ten M&M packages in five minutes, Englund just rose and decended on the crowd. He asked attendees for red M&M’s and started telling people that they “were all his children.” The a fat chick next to me started to scream that Rober Englund had stolen all of her M&Ms. Crazy!
Haha, well that’s not quite what happened. Let’s see. The VIP passes oversold, making them virtually useless. No one working at the convention knew when and where the hell anything was, they were completely unhelpful. Many people got screwed by how Englund’s line was handled. The Alamo Drafthouse people (I think) were late with the NOES print for the screening, though that isn’t really their fault. Just mostly a bunch of nonsense that could have been avoided. It was a year and a half ago, so I’m sure I’ve forgotten things, or remembered things wrong. In short, I was not impressed by anything but the celebrities they chose. Oh, by the way, I would say go look at their message boards to hear more, but after some attendees posted some constructive criticisms, they shut them down. So, yeah, their customer service rocks.
That sounds understandable. I’m planning on snatchin’ up tickets, as soon as the official site (www.txfearfest.com/) makes mention of the venue and where to purchase the tickets online, but while trying to keep my expectations a bit modest, with all of us being big time Friday fanatics for the characters and franchise and this being my first Horror convention, and so I am hoping it’ll knock my socks off at least somewhat, and it’ll provide three full days of solid late summer entertainment.
I just worry about the numbers of our fellow Horror lovers who are all gonna be there, like us, snappin’ awaya photos like me and video taping things. I know people’s patieance with answering questions & siging things may make some people’s cups runnith’ as it says in the bible, but there is also no reason to be total bastards & bitches and assorted cunt-bags to any of us, reguardless of population problems and the like.
But yeah, I’m not gettin’ my hopes up that it’ll be the bash of the century, but I do wanna have some fun and want most people to be nice & behave themselves so I can have some posative memories.
oh yea im gonna be there!!!!!! never been to a horror convention, and its supposed to be in Dallas!!!!
Ouch, HSOF! Sounds like a bummer of a time. Hopefully the organizers of this reunion have learned from their mistakes and will make this an event to remember. The lake and camp activities sound real cool and harken back to the times when Blake and Brenna organized the camping trips for the fans on this website and had mass screenings of the Friday movies.
Hi, John Gray here, promoter of the last 3 Fear Fest shows, and Camp Blood: Friday the 30th.
I assure you all, the small issues we had were mostly out of our control, and we learned our lessons with not having friends help run the show. We have since hired a professional staff (that get paid) to 100% correct those “customer service issues”. Not to mention, there was an insane freak blizzard (in March!) that prevented the Alamo from presenting the 35mm prints outside as we had arranged, so we had to move all the screenings indoors, flights got cancelled, events ran late… so yea it was a nightmare. This event being in August, I think the only thing you will have to worry about is the heat!
Also, our forum is welcome to comments and suggestions on the show, however when people start to get abusive, they absolutely will get shut down.
Lastly, this will be the event of a lifetime for any F13th fan (as you can see), and the guest list we have already announced is only a mild teaser of things to come. Not to mention, we will be screening actual 35mm prints of the F13th films, drive in style on the lake. (for you purists)
Looks forward to seeing you ALL at Camp Blood!
P.S. I wish I had been there for the Englund M&M incident!
Dear Mr. Gray, thank you SO much!
I recently joined in to ask a few questions at your forum as “guest1983″, and it was nice that you got back to me. Whoa, the fact that even more guests have been add, plus, actualy 35mm prints of the old school Friday’s will be shown, sounds like a winner!
I shall purchase my three tickets once they become available from the official site. Thank you once again! And yeah, this is shaping up to be a very memorible first convention for me, as well as I presume many others.
That sounds pretty cool. I wish I could go, but there’s no way I can get off from work to go see it.
Hi John,
Thanks for visiting our website and for shedding some light on the problems you had last year. I can imagine pulling something of this magnitude together must take a lot of time and resources. I will definitely be there and look forward meeting a lot of great people. The fact that you will have all of the 35mm prints is spectacular. I have seen Part 3 and then part 7 on in the theater and it’s a great experience!
Can’t guarantee we will pull off an actual 35mm screening of Friday 3, but you can damn well bet we are gonna try! In a perfect world, we would screen them all… I myself own a pristine print of F13th 7, so that’s definitely on the roster. I’d also bet F13th 4 (my favorite Friday) will find it’s way on the big screen as well.
And thanks to everyone for their understanding and giving the show it’s deserved chance. The thing with FF2 was it was only our second show and we had over 70 guests. The entire cast from every NOES film, the entire cast and director of Fright Night 1 & 2 etc… lots of first time things for us since we only had 40 or so guests at the first FF… then factor in a blizzard, 5,600 horror fans, and a multitude of other problems. But, all you can do is learn from your mistakes and improve for the next one! I can promise this event is the one you have been waiting your whole life for! Can you imagine paintballing with CJ Graham?
I will keep checking back from time to time and try to answer any questions you guys have. In the mean time, feel free to jump on our forum at http://www.gutsandgory.com and discuss the event!
“Can’t guarantee we will pull off an actual 35mm screening of Friday 3, but you can damn well bet we are gonna try! In a perfect world, we would screen them all… I myself own a pristine print of F13th 7, so that’s definitely on the roster. I’d also bet F13th 4 (my favorite Friday) will find it’s way on the big screen as well”
Oh that’s fine, Mr. Gray, as we all know about how difficult it is tofind a good quality print of Friday the 13th Part 3. I do know, however, from friends here in the south and from looking on the web, that there is a theater in North Carolina that screen’s Part 3 every few months around Halloween 3. Also, a good close Canadian friend of mine from the greater Toronto area says that recently (just about two days ago) he cought a Part 3 screening at the Fox theater, so you may want to get into contact with them, as they have one of the few prints left on North American shores, I believe.
I hope that helps! Here is some more information should you need it:
And best of luck in landing those prints, my good man! I must say, it’s really the first five more exploitation-y looking instalments that I prefer to see prejected on a big screen with my fellow big time old school genre fanatics, because I don’t much care for the series (as much, anyway) after those, but reguardless, I’m such a massive Mr. Voorhees supporter that I’ll watch ANY & ALL films, even if it’s *just* Parts VI and VII.
Thank you again SO much for putting this all together, Mr. Gray. Please know this is VERY much apprechiated.
Bless you.
Hey guys, before this becomes archived and all, I just wanted to copy & paste somethin’ I wrote on the Guts and Gory forms:
I just recently got into contact with the Fox Theatre of Toronto people via e-mai, as I was telling you about, as I’ve e-mail many faous cinemas’ here in North America via e-mail to tell them to try to get into contact wtih you about 35mm film prints of all the old school Friday the 13th’s.
For Paramount, in order to use clips & entire films of them, I believe you have to log on here and copy some information from a reputable source and send it in:
You can also call them from the number they have up for the studio: (for general studio information)
Area code: [323] 956-5000
Or we chould all write in, snail mail:
Paramount Studios
5555 Melrose Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90038
I feel if we all contact Paramount as well as New Line Cinema enough, we should be provided with plenty of 35mm film prints for the series.
Anyway, to Mr. Gray, I hope my latest e-mail with those links and contact infor helped some. I’ve been trying to do my research online.
okay that was the message. So please, everyone, try to contact Parmaount without really being bother some, and New Line as well, because I’ve been told the studios out in L.A. have the most prints, trust me. The next highest number would be the independant collectors online and then the indie cinema’s of North America who all through out our continant show these around Halloween or Friday the 13th time. Best of luck to everyone!
Yeah, I heard about this from another horror forum! I really wish the people that were involved with the 20th Friday aniversary were doing the 30th. This Fear Fest guy just has a bad track record! He ripped off Corey Feldman at Fear Fest 3, and Corey posted on his official blog about never doing another convention!
Update: I heard about this because I am the same guy who posted previously. Sorry to mislead eveyone.
Jasonsfury: I am not going to pull this post as Corey Feldman does make some interesting points in his blog. Decide for yourself and then read FearFests response below. Make your own decision. However, please keep in mind that this guy was being deceitful and posting under differeent names to get this out to everyone.
please don’t go to Wizard World or Fear Fest as they are the worst I’ve seen
November 13, 2025, 11:44 am
Filed under: 1
Hi All,
I’m sorry it has been so long since wev’e spoken, I have just been all over the map in the last few months. Literally….in 2 months we have been to London, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Miami Fla, Atlanta Ga, and Dallas, and Arlington Texas. Now we are finally back in LA for a few weeks before we hit Vegas and a Farm Sanctuary event we are doing in New York on Dec 5th. I then return home to begin work on a new film called The adventures of Belvis Bash. I will work on that right up until the holidays and then will take some much needed time off with my family. In the meantime I will stay quite busy in LA doing loads of press interviews for the upcoming release of Technology Analogy which goes digital worldwide on the 25th of this month. The physical street date for retail will be announced shortly so stay tuned to find out which stores will be carrying the CD. For now of course you can still order it from the music store at www. coreyfeldman. net more on the CD later.
Now I have to switch gears a bit and talk about something thats quite upsetting to me at the moment…….AUTOGRAPH CONVENTIONS!!!!! I’m sorry did I scream? It’s only out of sheer frustration that I would emit such an emotion. I feel quite compelled to share this, so bear with me.
I had an awful experience this weekend at Wizard World! It was NOT the fans YOU guys were GREAT as always! It was the sheer neglect on the part of the promoters. I felt terrible for every person in that place from the fans who were paying hefty prices (as always) to the celebrity guests who were all but ignored, to the volunteers who work for their butts off doing slave labor for a free autograph or a picture with somebody. I know a LOT of people are going to hate me for saying this but ………IT’S A SCAM! I’m Sorry but it’s the TRUTH!!! The only people that profit off these events as a whole are the PROMOTERS! I have done a few of these now and had questionable feelings about the morality of it all after each event. I just don’t feel right knowing that people are spending their hard earned money on my autograph. You see, I love signing for my fans. Anytime, anywhere I see a fan, I will always stop and say hi and take a picture (time allowing of course) with anyone. So I would never personally charge someone for an autograph…..however, you must understand how these shows work.
This is how it works: They approach someone like myself and offer a large amount of money for an appearance fee. So essentially I am being hired to make an appearance. However as part of that appearance I am expected to sign autographs. The promoters then charge a high price from the fans for said autograph and that money goes to the promoter for repaying the cost of the appearance fee. So the more autos they sell at a higher price the easier it is to pay their cost. Except they are also charging an entrance fee that they keep for themselves. Sure that could offset the rental of the space they are using…..oh yeah but they then sell out the floor space to merchants who sell memorabilia of the celebs for people to get signed. So they must pay for staff….well not really the staff are all as I said VOLUNTEERS!!
So with all of this in mind you would think they would at least be grateful to the celebrities they hire and treat them well considering they are driving the business they are running right? THINK AGAIN! I will admit that I was NOT PAID for my appearance this weekend! Neither was Susie for that matter. Wizard World refused to fulfill their part of the contractual agreement between us, boldly, and blatantly. We worked very hard for them all weekend. Granted the attendance was quite low . But that is NO excuse for sidestepping a contract. A deal is a deal. And it wasn’t only me that got screwed there were others who got treated much worse. Some actors got paid nothing for their time with families at home to support. This is a job for them. I had one guy tell me he only sold 14 autographs in the entire 3 days. At $20 a pop that breaks down to less than $3oo which is then divided with the promoters. I do believe that would be grossly under minimum wage if broken down to an hourly basis, and should actually be considered as slave labor. They blame the actors popularity. I blame the vampire promoters sucking the preverbial blood from a preconditioned turnip. What else should you expect when the world is in financial turmoil and people are struggling to put a meal on the table? You expect people to be able to drop $100 a person? NO WAY!!! We are not there anymore! I understand still spending money here or there on entertainment because it helps take you away from your problems! I also understand being willing to pay anything to meet your favorite artist. But when you are forced to wait in line all day to finally get your chance to talk to that person, and right when you feel comfortable enough to actually speak, you are suddenly whisked away by ushering volunteers.
I feel it’s all wrong! So for that reason I am hereby announcing that I will no longer be taking any more offers for these types of engagements. Not until such time that I feel people can again afford the luxury. Also not until I see some serious changes in the way these things are run, and the way people are being treated. I am sorry, I must stand up for what I believe, and I would much rather meet you by chance in the world or backstage at a Truth Movement show, or at a record in store signing, or some place where I can sign your autographs and take your pictures and you won’t be charged. For those of you who wish to continue going to this type of circus….please don’t go to Wizard World or Fear Fest as they are the worst I’ve seen. The best ones to go to are the REAL CONVENTIONS like COMICON! You pay an entrance fee and the autographs are FREE! Also if you still want to go pay for an autograph the most honest and straight forward one Iv’e seen has been the Ray Corts Hollywood Collectors Show. They have always treated everybody with respect and are never dishonest as they don’t pay a fee for celebrities to attend. There are a few other honest ones like Chiller theater. There are a few good ones out there but they are few and far between. Like anything when shopping…….USE CAUTION!
In consideration of all of this I have decided to extend a new offer as a consolation to the fans. For all orders of the new TM album between now and the digital release date of November 25th, I will personally sign every copy. So if you order today you will get the CD with a FREE autograph and the FREE TM T shirt! In addition I will be distributing Green is the Colour as a FREE DOWNLOAD from all digital carriers such as itunes, Rhapsody, Napster, and all other major providers. If you can not find the song on your preferred download site than please notify them as all major sites worldwide have agreed to carry the song for you as a free download. So please enjoy, this one is on THE TRUTH MOVEMENT!
I would like to say a quick hi to everyone! A special hello to Evie who has been posting a lot and to Laura….YAY you made the top friends list!! Hello to Lisa thank you for all of the beautiful words of encouragement. A very special Thank You to Anna (purpletips) for working so hard on the Myspace/technologyanalogy page it looks great! A super huge THANK YOU to Fuad and again all of the mind blowing comments on the http://www.itsuptoallofus.blogspot.comsite. If you have not heard the 30 minute interview I did with them I suggest you pop on over there and check it out. The comments have been otherworldly and I really can’t thank each and every one of them enough. So much LOVE and SUPPORT from the LOVELY UK! I also want to thank all of the friends and commenter’s on the myspace page you are really creating the Movement! Also a big Thank You to CJ for continuing to run my site and keeping you all informed.
Well that’s it for now. Until next time………….
UPDATE: I am posting under three different names and want to start trouble, so please disregard my post. Thank you.
Jeez, see this is why people get banned… We have a lot of haters obviously. People that can’t just be happy that we are doing something cool for the fans.
As far as Corey goes, (which is OLD NEWS) his contract was with Wizard World and they didn’t fulfill their end of the contract. They are the ones with the law suit, not Fear Fest. Sadly, we got lumped into his blog because he was a part of OUR show, but the show was contracted by WWT… and we got ripped off by WW as well, which is WHY we are never doing another show with them. We didn’t make a DIME on that show and had one of the coolest line ups ever. Every cast member from F13th 5 and the director!
As for Corey being at the Friday the 30th show, you can count on it! He also said he got ripped off at MonsterMania, but still went back and did their show again twice? How the contract with Wizard and Corey was structured, I have no idea and am keeping out of it. He left us with a smile and to my knowledge holds no grudges, otherwise we wouldn’t be in negotiations for him being at this show I would guess. He’s no dummy, and knows where he is going to make a lot of money.
Sadly, good ole Mac & Cheese/Myers Fan (since they are obviously the same person) here is one of the jerk offs I banned from the forum at Guts and Gory for posting this kind of crap. The threads stay in our archives and are never deleted… the bullshit about “I need your social and credit card” was obviously made up as I would never ask anyone for their personal and private information. That is simply ludicrous. Dead Pit has also always helped us out with promoting our events, so I highly doubt they would be talking smack about me or the show…
Someone should clean this crap up and keep this on track… if you think you are hurting our reputation or ticket sales, think again. This show is getting more buzz than the last 3 shows combined.
And again, see you ALL at the show!
In regards to “Mac & Cheese’ and “Myers Fan Forever” and “Slasher Masher”, changing email addresses in your posts won’t change the fact that we know who you really are. See, FearFest is right, these three gentleman are one in the same and are trying to stir up some trouble.
Thanks buddy, sad when people obviously have nothing better to do than hold a grudge because they were banned from another forum. The Corey blog is old news and has been addressed… so lets keep focus on the show! Got one HELL of an update coming this week!
woogie boogie****, woogie boogie… freedom of speech?
Freedom of speach is good, but using derogatory words isn’t cool.
“derogatory” is a matter of opinion. freedom of speech was designed to protect all speech. speech that nobody has a problem with, doesn’t need to be protected.
free speech aka Sinz86,
I know it is you and if you think the word you used previously is something no one has a problem with, then you must have been locked a way for a while. Don’t want to restrict comments or freedom of speech, but can’t allow that kind of stuff here. Feel free to comment on everything Friday he 13th. Thanks.
Louise Robey is going to be there!!!
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