Happy Friday the 13th!
For the second month in a row (a rare happening), we have another Friday the 13th calendar date! That being said, what are you planning on doing on our second “holiday”? Are you going to hit the theater one more time to see the new film? Are you having a marathon in your home? Spill the beans and let us know how you plan on spending the second Friday the 13th in a mere 3 month of 2025!
And yep…that’s my Cat!
Happy Friday the 13th..part 2..:-)
I’m going to watch Part 3 in 3-D again. It’s kinda cool even if i got a headache last time I watched it.
And also Happy F13 to my swedish friends at the swedish website http://www.fredagenden13e.se
Haven’t really considered the above, but now that you mention it, I just may watch the Relaunch later tonight just for the helluva it. (For some strange reason though, I’ve been craving “A New Beginning” in extreme measures lately) I wonder why? Maybe it’d Debbie Su Voorhees’ topless seen on the blanket? (My fav. set of boobs btw), perhaps I like the crazy ole coot and her funny foul-mouthed language…maybe just b/c of Roy, I dunno…
We are currently having a marathon movie session and documenting it too. Check out the link above. We’re on part 3 at the moment, in 3D too. Headaches aplenty.
Oh, link here http://www.youtube.com/dammitfilms
I actually promised my daughter I would watch the original Halloween with her. She has been dying to see horror movies, and that is a good starting point. The F13 movies might have to wait a little bit.
That cat looks awesome, Tony! Happy Friday the 13th everyone.
Happy Friday 13th everyone! We’re on Part 4 at present. Don’t forget to check out the link http://www.youtube.com/dammitfilms . There will be full videos of today on there soon.
parts 5-FvJ in the day, parts 1-4 at nite..muhahahahahah
We’re currently on number 5. We’re unsure of whether to include FVJ as yet.
going to monster mania con in new jersey for a friday reunion! screening all the original films, 3 in 3D, a Q & A with the jasons, a Q & A with the victims, a Friday `09 reunion, oh yeah!
Steve, Dan & Marc you must include Freddy vs Jason, make it a proper marathon, come on you can do it.
If the remake were out on DVD I’d have said for you to watch that aswell.
Well tonight I’m been dragged to the theatre but if I make it out in good time I’ll watch Jason Lives or Freddy vs Jason when I get home.
well i’ve been watching 2 thru 4 a hell of a lot recently so maybe tonight i’ll show some love to 5 thru 8. i rarely toss on 9 or 10 at all.
and i don’t know why part 5 gets such a bad rap! i can understand that people don’t like it because they know our boy Jason isn’t really in it, but take it for what it is — an underrated, solid Friday film that just happened to be sandwiched in between some really great Jason flicks in the series!
8hr. drive from Cleveland,Oh to Cherry Hill,N.J. for the Friday the 13th reunion at Monster Mania con ‘09.Wish you where here
Dunno about including FVJ yet as we plan on having an Elm Street marathon in the future and may include that then. We are now on part 6 and it’s 7pm in UK.
Hey everyone,
well first, I woke up and I downloaded in HD and have saved the latest audio podcast of http://www.deadpit.com radio, and am currently enjoying Steve “the real Part 2 Jason” Dash’s interview. DAMN good, by the way! What a guy with some awesome set stories. Jsut an all around awesome guy.
I’m about to move into a nice 4-bedroom apartment on my mother’s hotel property that she manages to lvie for now, and currently all of my DVDs are still in boxes in storage for a few more days for under a week, and all I have is what is in my luggage, but my TV set and my up-concerter home theater system player with speakers and my TV set is here at my brother’s new house that I’m stayin’ at and enjoying life in, and I’m gonna watch Part 1 (uncut), 2 and 3 in 3-D, yes all of them the recently released fine Deluxe Edition’s that I find has awesome picture quality and nicely revamped 5.1 audio for us home theater owners, later on well into the night since I don’t work weekends, thankfully.
So finishing up this fine podcast, giving it a re-listen as well since it’s a fine one, and watching all of the Deluxe Edition’s tonight that I’ve been collecting (I really hope more genre fan’s and hardcore Mr. Voorhees fanatics such as myself pick these up, as the films look & sound about as good as they’ll ever be), is pretty much my Friday the 13th. I think another is in mid November, so hopefully by then, we’ll have all of the rest of the Deluxe Edition’s out.
Have a good one, and Happy Friday the 13th everyone!
Remember: Just don’t came out in New Jersey’s very own Camp Crystal Lake tonight
Startin at around 5 pm Im watchin Parts 1,2,3,4,6, and freddy vs. jason hoping to go all night. All the true friday fans in my family are comin over to have a F13th reunion.
Happy F13th everyone watch out for jason
Happy friday the 13th guys, I will be marathoning the series starting at 7 pm
btw cute pic of the cat
Hey, Happy Friday the 13th. We’re planning a backyard cook out and movie franchise marathon tonight. I believe we will be starting off with The final Chapter and working our way through as far as we can make it before people start dropping out. PBR, Hot dogs, and Jason doing what he does best. Can’t beat it with a stick.
I wanted to see the remake tonight, but my girlfriend is sick. Hopefully I’ll get to pop in that Part 3D atleast.
Happy Friday the 13th everyone. Tonight I’m going to a haunted house called Zombie Manor. Open one night only for March Friday the 13th. It’s going to be a blast. After that, probably will watch my favorite film, the original Friday the 13th. I hope everyone has a great Jason Holiday!
Ki, Ki, Ki, Ma, Ma Ma!
Will start a marathon later tonight.
PS. I don’t consider FvJ a Friday the 13th entry (they made Jason afraid of the water? What the frak was that?)
If the memory of Jason still haunts you, you’re not alone
Happy Friday The 13th y\’all.Unfortunately it falls on my dayshift weekend(i work 12 hour shifts starting at 6am).So i\’ll be watching 1 a night over the weekend.I watched the shit out of parts 1,2,3,4 and 6 in the build up to going to see the reboot last month,so i\’ll be watching the least popular ones this time round.Starting with part 10 last night,part 9 as i type(although i\’ll probably finish it tomorrow night following up with part 7(my fave Kane Hodder entry).Sunday is my last day shift so i don\’t know what part i want to watch that night(any fellow bloggers help with any suggestions?)Luckily friday the 13th falls 3 times this year,so hopefully i\’m not working that time round.Then i\’ll have a proper Jason marathon with reboot on blu-ray by then hopefully.It\’s now 22:40 here in Scotland and i really should be getting to sleep.To everyone having marathons tonight,have a good one and sink some cold one\’s for me……….KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
That’s one sick ass cat by the way.
im gonna watch parts 1,3,6, and 7. my favorites!
lol, nothing compared to what i did last month…i watched every film on every day. part 1 on the 1st…etc. then on the 12th i saw His name was jason…the of course on the 13th i saw the remake!
Tonight Im Finally going to see the new Friday I hope to Enjoy it, Happy Friday the 13th dudes!
I have been watching the movies in order over the past 2 or 3 weeks. I just finished VIII the day before yesterday. According to my schedule Jason will be going to Hell and Space camp before the night’s over, and then will find out that he’s afraid of the water after about 62 years of not knowing.
It should be good. If that fails, Edge: Decade of Decadence. I still have 7 more hours to go on that.
I’m gonna watch either part 2 or part 6 still haven’t made up my mind. Gotta whip up some grub first. Maybe I’ll just go and get some fat(fast) food.
That’s one killer pussy by the way.
I’ve seen the new Friday now, I hate to say this but I think it disappoint me, I dont know it just dont feel like a friday the 13th movie to me, the atmosphere isn’t right I think, the death scenes were really quick, goreless and I cant see almost anything, the ending was a bit lame in my opinion, I was hoping for much more to tell you the truth.
But I really like the look of Jason, that was good. I think I’m going to check it again and give it a second chance
It was my birthday yesterday (13 March) and I got the book Crystal Lake Memories from my girlfriend.. without a doubt the best gift I have ever gotten.
I hope u all liked the film second time rund!!!! One bad ass cat!!! love it!!!
I’ve seen the new movie again, and I’m glad to tell that this time I was very satisfied with it, is a good movie not the best but not the worst!
I agree, Avyel, certainly not the worst. I have been watching the NewLine movies this week. I think people over-think the reasoning of Jason. It is nice to give a backstory (the new version), or come up with possible ways to kill him (Jason Goes To Hell), and even putting him in a new location (Elm Street, Space, Manhattan), but he just works best killing kids around the camp. Having finished rewatching the series, I think Manhattan had to be the worst, if I had to make a decision.
Glad you enjoyed the second viewing of the latest flick. I think it will grow on the fans who seem unpleased. Like I said, I think it was a better horror movie in general than identifying it with Friday the 13th, but it was a very fun movie.
I watched Friday the 13th part I-VIII. Yep, all 8! It was great fun, and after rewatching each of them again a few times, I’ve changed my opinion on a few things. Jason Live’s is more entertaining than I thought, and both A New Beginning and Jason Takes Manhattan each have special places in my heart. Also, I enjoyed The New Blood more recently than I used to. Finally, I gave Jason Goes to Hell more of a chance this time when I watched it, and thought it was at least entertaining in a fan film sort of matter. Kinda Freddy’s Revenge-ish in that you don’t see the killer much, and that it’s meant to seem like other people are doing the killing.
This weekend, I think I’m gonna watch Friday the 13th part I-XI. I recently got the New Line Collection, and it’s made to “add onto” your Paramount Collection. The design is different, but the look of it [ie, it's thin DVD cases in a slipcase] is meant to go with the Paramount series. I moved the Killer Extras DVD out of my Paramount set, and put it at the end of the New Line Collection, so I can have parts I-XI, and then the extra’s DVD. Quite an awesome buy for 24 bucks [the New Line Collection; the Paramount is around 40 for anyone that still hasn't bought either collection.]
“We’re planning a backyard cook out and movie franchise marathon tonight.
Root, I’m gonna have to steal that idea for the next Friday the 13th. There isn’t another one for quite a long time though… November. I’d probably substitute the backyard cookout for awesome sub sandwiches.
Cool. You guys may be interested in this little video we made last Friday 13th, documenting us watching all 10 films in one day;