Fan Films: Friday The 13th Cold Heart Of Crystal Lake
A Jason movie in the snow! The exact type of story that fans have been waiting to see happen. Cold Heart of Crystal Lake was released in 2025 by Timberwolf Entertainment. Yea, that is the same company that recently released The Storm in HD. This film has a much smaller run time than the previous fan films that have been featured here recently. Clocking in at just over 16 minutes, this movie gets straight to the point and delivers some gruesome kills. Enjoy the film below.

You know…if them damn new re-releases of all the friday movies would have showed this kind x-rated kills in uncut. We’ll they might have been worth a damn for putting back inside the movie itself and not as deleted scenes.
Hey man, sorry to interupt, but there is a little news regarding the 13th friday. Not much but digg it!
Yea, I saw this earlier today and there really is no news. It’s about the new Nightmare on Elm Street movie and then at the end of the blog it is mentioned that there will hopefully be some news on the Friday the 13th sequel soon.
This was actually a pretty good film. This actually featured a pretty good love scene without the nudity and good music to it. The deaths were low budget, but cool
Meh, I might give this one a shot. I’m a regular reader on over at scabboy’s old school (Parts 1-through-5) Friday centric site, and he gave this one good notices. However, I’m not gonna lie: Back in the old school Friday forum days on here, that Tim guy who runs Timberwolf Entertainment (I seem to remember him getting banned at one point) got on my nerves during his postings and when I would occasionally find him in the chat room, and plus, and I’m sorry cause I realized very oearly on that I had no real cinematic voice and could never be a 35mm film maker as I originally dreamed, but I have seen several dozen fan films now, through screner’s and mostly online, and so far, I was never impressed.
Hell, very few of them seem professional and worth the effort, in my eyes, but hey, to each they’re own. I doubt I’ll look at this one myself, but again, to each they’re own. I would just personally much rather here of some modern sequel or Jason on Blu-Ray news then this fan film shit myself, but of course I don’t run the site and Jasonsfury does a fine enough job such as it is as of late. Peace.
I know you’re one of our regulars and I appreciate you visiting the site as much as you do. Your not alone in wanting to hear about Blu-Ray or sequel news. I get a lot of requests from other visitors for that exact thing. That being said, it’s hard to report on that information when it just isn’t there. I try to fill in the gaps of time with what I hope are interesting subjects about the franchise. I hope everyone enjoys it for the most part.
It’s awesome that Warner announced the release date tonight. I think the fans are yearning for anything new about the movies we love. Sorry you don’t like the Fan Films that are being featured, but I think they have a place here as they are made by fans just like you that have a passion for Friday the 13th. Hang in their, brother, it looks like Friday sequel news will begin to poor in soon enough, now.
This was a pretty good fan film. The special effects were just great (the shot of Jason pulling that girl’s intestines out was absolutely perfect). I also like Jason’s camo jacket.
thats a pretty good fan film considering its age. that storm one that jp and tw dude did was more more pro though. I like mothers day too. legends was kinda lame. i actually like that the site features them. f13 part 2 is most important though in the end.
Some of the kills where a bit odd. Jason embowling the girl with his hands? *Jason wouldn´t do that*
Good fanfilm, but not my favourite.
Edwige Fenech
Whoa, how did I post “Edwige Fench” when I was trying to post somethin’ else?
Anyway to Jasonsfury, big thanks for the reply bro.
Hey, I know how it is.
Seriously, I should have noted in my original post that of course I know you cannot report on series news that is non-existent, or when the DVDs don’t sell well and Paramount won’t issue Parts 4-through-8 on glorious Blu-Ray, or when convention news of next year’s Texas Fear Fest isn’t too fresh, ect.
And hell, I made two very breif fan films myself, when I was VERY young during the late ’80s (around the time of JTM came out in August of ’89) as well as the early ’90s when I wasn’t much older. It was on an old family fullscreen VHS camcorder, of course, and often just three set pieces during an overly long 6 minute or so timed take with me hitting stop & then backing up to do it, with it stressfully only being shown to family & friends. So I understand that ultimate fanatic wish, such as I did myself, that we all often have.
I don’t know; I know I should have said it differently, but ya know—to each they’re own. It is most certainly cool, of course, but alas, they’re just most certainly NOT my thing, but I am glad they are there for those who enjoy them. To each they’re own, as I said.
Also, like I said, you do a great job of up-dating this site, and I COMPLETELY understand my good man! I still love comin’ here at least once a week, as well as Jack’s and Camp Blood as well. Stay cool, bro! *peace sign*
…..Did Jason really need to be in the blue/purple shirt? I love the mask….the part 7 look was one of the best.
I love the part 7 mask as well.
Captain Brandon, unfortunately that guy is on the F13 Community board as well & it seems he hasn’t changed any from his ways on the old board.
Anyway, I’m not really interested in fan films. I’ve seen a few good ones but nothing I went out of my way to see. Doubt I’ll give this or their new one a watch because they don’t look all that interesting.
Is the shirt blue or does the light/snow just make it look like that?
Wow… nice to see this up. This is really old school. It was a fun project though.
To Capt Brandon ,no I was never banned back then. I was just a quiet fanboy back in the days. I think the director JP got banned once or twice, though. LOL. He is a much more stand up guy who don’t back down from his opinions.
However, I did get a few warning points recently for having an opinion, so I guess I’m in good company now. But, its a great forum in general and a great place to chat. Great people. Only one guy actually gets on my nerves there, but he just some dumbass kid that just kisses the mods asses and follows them around like a puppy. It’s kinda cute actually. He may grow out of it, but he just mad cause he found out he was concieved by his grandfather raping his mom.
Anyway, thanks for posting the short film. It was a fun time.
Joe Marshall is so uninterested, that he clicked the link to this blog post and decided to post in it. Must be an incredibly busy guy.