Whip out your hocks! (Updated 11/3 with new pics!)
It’s that time of the year. I think most of us will agree that the Halloween season is our favorite. Not only is it a great time to pop in your favorite horror flicks (but then again…what time of the year isn’t a good time for that), it’s also a great time to start piecing together your costumes. One would be safe to assume that a big majority of our readers will (or have) donned a Jason costume. So let’s see ‘em! We want to encourage our readers to “Whip out their hocks!” Go ahead and send me your pictures of you wearing your Jason costume for this upcoming Halloween season and I will update this posting with pics of our readers wearing their Jason costumes. Pics will be added as they come. Please state what name you want posted with the pic. Pics can be submitted via email to [email protected]
Tony Carroll ^ (The Final Chapter)
Wickedbeard ^ (2,6,7, Jason Goes to Hell, Jason X, 2025)
Dmsdragon ^ (The New Blood)

Capn Vlad ^ (Jason Lives)
ton lee ^ (Freddy vs. Jason)

Jason Taylor ^ (Origial Concept)
Rahl ^ (Freddy vs. Jason)
MARK SANTOS ^ (PART IV. Undermask will be sold on frightstuff.com in the near future)
THE UGLY ^ (Freddy vs. Jason, Jason Takes Manhattan, The Final Chapter, Various masks, Orginal concept)
MWK ^ (2009)
FAB A ^(The New Blood)
TRE ^ (original concept/combo piece)
ROBIN ^ (2009)

RICH ^ (The New Blood)

TOM HAMMER ^ (Jason Lives)
MARCX ^^(Original Concept)

For Sure Halloween is my favourite time of the year, then Christmas & my B Day, I wish that I had a full body suit from part 7 though, that would be awsome.
I have a real jason looking hockey mask i got off ebay for $60, but I never really wore it on Halloween yet, cuz when I go out I like to have on the undermask, outfit, shoes & stuff that make it look more like the movies.
Austalia hasn’t embraced Halloween too much, aside from few neighbourhood kids trick or treating. Unfortunate little buggers rarely get a treat though as no one is prepared for them. which is a shame, cause i’d love to prowl the ‘hood dressed up as Jason without fear of being arrested. Again. Lol.
Nice idea Tony! Unfortunately my first mask was just shipped out yesterday, and I’ll be working on Halloween.
But hope others join in and post their costumes. Out of all I’ve seen, the grand prize would go to wickedbeard at the frightstuff forums, he has an entire ensemble of movie accurate costumes.
Halloween isn’t a huge thing in Sweden either though, I usually just end up having some sort of horror marathon (as always).
I seem to be watching Friday 2, 3 & 4 every friday the 13th & Halloween 1, 2 & 4 on halloween.
Wicked Beard does indeed have some amazing costumes. I actually have a picture somewhere that I took with him at the Scare Fest in his part VII attire.
“Halloween isn’t a huge thing in Sweden either though, I usually just end up having some sort of horror marathon (as always).”
Ah well. Don’t feel so bad my Swede friend, as it was once much bigger, but I feel over hre in the U.S., the overtly celebrating attitude has died down over the years, as many feel it’s just for kids.
Even still, over the last few years, I’ve done the same: I’ve held Horror film marathons starting around late 4 in the afternoon, so pretty early, and plus I hand out candy proudly (we always buy three or more mixed candy bags and sometimes more, ect) to the good ol’ trick or treaters.
I really wished my country would embrace it more. Or maybe it has to do with where I’ve lived on and off for the last 4 years. Ah well.
Just to note: I also heard that Australia only has so many trick or treaters, and that it never cought on there. That’s too bad. Like us, many there have Celtic ancestery, and it’s of strong Irish & Scottish roots, the holiday. Looking it up (Wikipedia.org, for example) will help better explain things. I got two lovely Canadian friends on YouTube, and they’re all dressing up. As for me, I’m afriad I wont again this year, as I have no costume party or nowhere to go to. I have plans in the back of my head, though, to start a family and costume get-together as we’re about to move soon, and I wont it to be a new tradition, cause we can all watch movies somewhere else and at different times.
Last year I saw a Yahoo! story about the history of Halloween, and in the user comments section, a women from Republic of Ireland left kind of a pissy (well just sayin’) message about how the U.S. hijacked Halloween and Hallmark-ized it. Well now, that’s a bit unfair. It’s in Ireland as well. Halloween is still an Irish day, I suppose, but it’s all over North America as well. There was no reason to get pissy about it. Anyway I found her profile a bit odd when I read it.
As for the Jason Voorhees costumes: Well back on topic, I do have plans to get some over the summer of ’09, that is. Before my planned European trip/holiday, I wanna get some fiberglass hockey masks from the sites on here, that I’ve had my eyes on. A bit pricy, but I wanna splurge.
I can’t wait to see more of the costumes as they roll on in! The fan costumes–especially of the early Jason Voorhees incarnations (Parts 2, 3 and 4) were always my favorite. A Part 2 costume would be pretty easy to whip up, as all ya gotta go is get a white pillow case, a pair of denium jean overalls, boots and a flannel shirt, and viola: Your dress the same as Steve Dash (nope, I’m not gonna say the W word) from Part 2! The Part 3 and 4 look as well, as all ya need is a good fibeglass hockey mask from one of the sites that sells’em screen accurate, khaki trouser pants, an olive colored long sleeve dress shirt and button it all the way up but leave it un-tucked in.
So I feel those incarnations are a bit easier to do then the later films Zombie-fied Jason. Just my own two cents, of course. Jason was far scarier as a human serial killer anyhow.
I cant find any good hocks, most of the ones on ebay ATM are overpriced and not great quality.
Might’ve missed this somewhere, but you painted the middle one yourself, right Tony? And are the other by Darren “Ruste Dowg”, or yours too?
My first mask is actually a “Remake” from fiberglassmasks.com. Their masks seem pretty nice and sturdy, but I think Darren’s work and attention to detail is fantastic. (And Bob seems to know what he’s doing, but Darren keeps in touch in a more personal way too). I’ll get two hoods (remake or at least “remake-ish” and regular woundless) and one mask (The Classic V2) from him later (late Oct/early Nov).
Too true that many feel Halloween is just for kids – but who ever said an adult Halloween party is wrong? I guess if there’s a formal invitation involved, and everyone knows costumes will be required, it could turn out to be a pretty good time. Me, I’ll be too tempted to don the Jason-wear and hunting knife and just walk out into the darkness, staring at people from a distance..no harm to anyone, but just…staring.
Still, there’s nothing wrong with a cozy horror marathon – I usually watch all Friday the 13ths when the date is on the calendar (after a few years, I finally learned to spread it out over two or three evenings though). As for Halloween, I have nothing in mind, but I know I’ll have a Saw-marathon sometime before seeing Saw V in November.
captain_brandon1980, where are you planning to travel in Europe?
I still think it would be sort of hard to get the “right” Part 2-look. Anyone can throw a pillowcase or sack over their head, but to get the “quality” and something genuinely creepy without looking like..a nutcase in a pillowcase or the world’s cheapest trick-or-treater (which is also why I’m excited to see the look of “sackhead-Jason” in the upcoming film).
I’ve donned the mask twice. Last year being one of the times and I basically wore the JGTH full mask (being his head and mask)w/ the body of the costume a zombie costume I wore the year before. I’ll try to post the pic since that’s the spirit of this blog. Hey Tony, AWESOME pt.3 Jason costume my man! I’m just trying to figure out the masks in the 1st pic. It looks like 3,4,& 5? Am I right? The only reason I’m thinking pt.4 for middle is because of the off white color of the mask although I don’t recall any blood on that part of the mask in pt.4 so it could just be a varient version of pt.3. Again, I’m just guessing here. Still awesome regardless!
As per request I sent some pics to tony to post.Thanks for the compliments on my gear.
I made an original mask. It’s posted on YouTube. Here is the link:
Rate and comment everybody!
To Robin:
“Too true that many feel Halloween is just for kids – but who ever said an adult Halloween party is wrong? I guess if there’s a formal invitation involved, and everyone knows costumes will be required, it could turn out to be a pretty good time. Me, I’ll be too tempted to don the Jason-wear and hunting knife and just walk out into the darkness, staring at people from a distance..no harm to anyone, but just…staring.”
Yup, I feel over the last decade, as people have (over blown) the supposed too much crime sh*t, I feel too many feel these days that it’s simply “just for kids”. I know alot of non-North Americans, unfortunately, feel this way. Which I can’t say I blame’em, but even still, they don’t really know.
And as for my European travel plans: Well I shall be spending a full two weeks abroad. I’m headed to Belgium first to Gent, to see a good over 5 year online friend named Stefan who lives there in the northern Flemish region. I’m taking my father with me. And from there, we’re seeing Beligum, France (which I adore; huge Francophile here, believe it or not) and Spain.
I can’t wait. Been planning it for about three years now.
And yeah, true, in some ways (though not many I feel) it is kidna hard just to get the right Part 2 look without lookin’ too pathetic. Even still, if the denium jean overalls are good, you tape your pillow case with one eyehole down (and I checked the Crystal Lake Memories book I got; the costume designer confirmed it is a pillow case; not an old burlap sack or an old timey potatoe carrier, ect) and have on the right dark flannel long sleeve shirt under it, I feel you should pretty much have it down. Carrying a Pitchfork, if you have one in your toolshed or where ever, would also help drive down your Jason from Part 2 point, I might add.
Stay cool, everyone …
I’ll be going to a big halloween party this year held by my buddy’s parents. They throw a party every year and invite people out and, Yes, tell them to wear costumes. Its so much fun to see what people come up with. They told us also to bring a prop with our costume last year and they ended up making a big game of ‘Clue?’. Not for children of course. But still a way for adults to have fun.
To Robin: I actually painted all of my masks. Ruste Dowg made my undermask. I really enjoy painting the masks. It’s very therapeutic. To everyone who has sent me pics thus far, Thanks! Your pics have been posted. Be sure to spread the word to anyone who may want to be featured on Fridaythe13thfilms.com!
Added some more from Wickedbeard and Vlad
Whoa great stuff you guys! Especially WickedBeard. Awesome stuff, dude, truely.
To captain_brandon1980:
It’s not so much associated with crime here, but rather people feel it’s infantile and never understood the real charm of it. If only it had caught on a bit more overall, it could’ve been a bigger thing. But sucks that it has to be that way no matter where you live.
And good luck on your travels, sounds like it should be a good time. (Also sounds like you’re entirely right on the facts of a Part 2-costume).
To Tony:
Nice work on all three. I wasn’t entirely sure either way, so they’re all good enough to have me doubting. Nice blood on them too (I experimented with digital blood-splatter on masks in Photoshop just yesterday).
“It’s not so much associated with crime here, but rather people feel it’s infantile and never understood the real charm of it. If only it had caught on a bit more overall, it could’ve been a bigger thing. But sucks that it has to be that way no matter where you live.
And good luck on your travels, sounds like it should be a good time. (Also sounds like you’re entirely right on the facts of a Part 2-costume).”
Hey again Robin:
Big thanks for that info; truely my friend. Also, might I enquire as to where you live? Just curious. The United Kingdom or Republic or Ireland, ect? Just curious.
Yup, it does suck a bit. But of course, for all of us huge genre film collectors and fanatics, it’s only a modest/small loss, as Hell, with the way I decorate two of the rooms in my house and with my viewing scheduale and what I watch on DVD, most months are pretty much Halloween season anyway.
Your right.
Why thank you. And I feel I’ll have a good one, holiday wise. People just need the right money and the right attitude on a holiday for a good life time of posative and plesant memories that are all cool.
And props about the Part 2 costume. I would say that’s my second favorite look on him, after the Part 3/4 look (which is exactly the same, minus the knife wound to his leg missing in The Final Chapter cause of Continunity).
Have a good one mate …
“Big thanks for that info; truely my friend. Also, might I enquire as to where you live? Just curious. The United Kingdom or Republic or Ireland, ect? Just curious.”
I actually mentioned that, and you even commented on it, a bit earlier (scroll up a bit). I live in northern Sweden.
And you’re absolutely right, any month is a good time for horror. We’re in it for life, not just for October 31st. But I guess, if anything, we’re sort of the go-to guys for that date. The masters of the season.
I actually don’t have a particular favourite look for Jason (or second or third), but I like what I’ve seen so far from the remake. Something that is human but worn and torn, disfigured but believable. That’s how I like most masks too, weathered and worn but not cracked or polished.
Wow! Just thought i’d say that you guys’ costumes are really good! One of these days i’ll have to break down and get a quality fibreglass mask like these ones.
“I actually mentioned that, and you even commented on it, a bit earlier (scroll up a bit). I live in northern Sweden.
And you’re absolutely right, any month is a good time for horror. We’re in it for life, not just for October 31st. But I guess, if anything, we’re sort of the go-to guys for that date. The masters of the season.”
(*slaps head Homer Simpson style and says D’Oh!”*)
Oh my God; *lol* My bad. I can’t believe I forgot so easily.
Ah well, good for a chuckle.
And yup, us Horror junkies who are super serioius about it, I suppose we’re in it for life, as you say. That’s such a great way to put it!
And I dig that you don’t have ab absolute favorite Jason. I’m kinda the same way with The Shape (Michael Myers) myself. Jason I liked and love a lot more as a character, though.
Added some pics from Rahl’s FvJ costume
So all these pics are of fans in costume? What’s up w/ teh pic of Pamela and Jason (the one with her putting her hands on his face)? Is that a costume or somebody messing with photoshop?
Wickedbeard met her at a convention recently and had the pictures taken. He has some with Kane as well.
Ah ha, I see. I wonder how they got that back ground for the pic he took with Betsy and Kane. Guess it was just some back drop thing they had for fans to take photos w/ their favorite slashers. Cool deal.
I was actually standing close by when that pic of Betsy and Wickedbeard was taken. lol. Cool stuff.
I have a under mask from: http://www.nightowlpro.com/catalog.html. It is not listed there but it is a PART IV (human skin color) w/ the whole for your face and the ax mark.
I have two others and think one of you great fans would use it.
Paid $150.00 so $70.00 would be fine and the buyer can decide the shipping method and amount.
The mask is in perfect condition.
If you are interested, reply here with your email address and I will send pictures if you like.
Added some more pics today. Thanks everyone! Keep em coming and keep telling anyone who may be interested in participating.
Nice Jason costumes, its too bad I don’t have myself photographed as Jason from “Freddy vs.Jason” back from 2025 or I would’ve posted it here. My cousin and I both went out as Jason that year, he was the Part 6 Jason. We got a lot of attention when we went to our local Mall that year dressed as Jason. I wish I still had my Jason costume but I lost it in a house fire back in 2025.