John Carpenter Has Seizure At Spooky Empire
I know this is a Friday the 13th website, but I felt this has to be mentioned. It appears John Carpenter suffered a seizure at the Spooky Empire Convention in Florida. Nothing else is known at this time except that he was signing autographs Saturday Night when the apparent episode occured. An ambulance was summoned and John was taken away. We’re not sure if there is a long history of these occurences for him or how severe this seizure was, but lets hope everything turns out alright.
John recently wrapped on his current film The Ward and was preparing to film L.A. Gothic.

Wow, that sucks…I hope he’ll be okay
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Eddie Inman and Kristy Jett , fridaythe13thfilms. fridaythe13thfilms said: John Carpenter Has Seizure At Spooky Empire [...]
Hope everything is ok with him…sad news.
I’ve known several people who’ve had seizures. One was epileptic. My dad had them when I was 13 but never had them again. Hopefully Mr. Carpenter will get better soon.
That sucks.
I always get annoyed when people comment on-line about how they wish the person in question gets better or rests in peace, but with John Carpenter I feel the need to wish him well, a good director with some great movies under his belt and a personal hero of mine. By the way, did you know They Live! gets a remake? Ugh.
I doubt there would be a Friday The 13th franchise without Carpenters 1978 Halloween to inspire Cunningham. Get well soon, Mr. Carpenter.
That really sucks! I hope everything is ok. John is also a personal hero of mine. Sad news:(
every director who can turn a book or an idea for stephen king in a good movie, it deserves my full respect!
but I do not tire of repeating: they put something in the water john carpenter!
Very sad news. Hope he gets better soon.
Get Well John!
Halloween is my favorite movie of all time. Without John Carpenter this wouldn’t be possible. I am praying that he is ok. And I never pray. So that’s how much this means to me. Thank you for posting this Jason F. See, why doesn’t Yahoo news ever report important stuff like this??? No…they’re too damn busy posting shit about stupid Lindays Lohan’s 23148237489123948712th stint in rehab or how one of the Jersey Shore twats is in trouble with the law.
Get well soon, Mr. Carpenter!!
Oh how sad
My best to Mr. Carpenter. Hope is doing better.
Yeah hope you get better soon Mr. Carpenter..we can not miss you already….
Dread Central spoke to the promoter after we first reported the unfortunate event and they confirmed that John was fine and that he was supposed to attend the next day, which was yesterday. Don’t know if that was the case, but glad ot hear he was doing alright.
Yup, John was back in action signing at 10am the next morning and hosted an hour long panel later in the day. Talk about hardcore! He seemed to be doing well.
Thats terrible. Im a huge Carpenter fan. I hope Hes alright.
That certainly is unfortunate to hear & there’s no reason why a different horror film can’t be mentioned once in awhile on this site. Let’s not forget Halloween influenced F13th, Sean Cunningham said it himself that”We’re gonna rip off Halloween.” I prefer F13th over Halloween regardless. I do hope John Carpenter makes a full recovery.
Hope Mr. Carpenter is ok
Hope John will be ok!
I agree with Mr. Pete: I believe it’s fine if every few weeks or so, as long as this talk is old school Friday/Jason Voorhees-centric and heavy, then major up-setting confirmed news about out legendary series helmers (although Holy Hell, Mr. Carpenter is a flat out genre fil legend and Widescreen film maker legend period, if we’re all gonna talk like film buffs here). And I agree: Without him and the late/great Debra Hill co-writing and directing and producing the original almighty Halloween, there wouldn’t be a Friday the 13th series, as Sean Cunningham said to Victor Miller (enthusianstically no less) a telephone call exclaimation indeed of “Let’s rip it off!” they talked about both on the original’s Blu Ray as well as the Crystal Lake Memories book.
(although a bit off topic, like Mr. Pete, after the underrated Halloween 4 and feeling that Halloween 6 ridiculous flaws and all was an interesting flanel clad mid ’90s Slasher, I really don’t care too much for the rest of the series at all myself, but some are okay for Slasher entries. Don’t know why but I always prefered the first four or so Friday installments as well.)
I’m most certainly glad to hear that Mr. Carpenter is back and appears to be fully recovered. Like me he appears to be much less dopey and thankfulyl much more classy and much more private as directors are (which is a good thing in my book), and so since we all don’t know if this is a pre-disposed family condition that is in his genes or not, I sincerly hope that he was feeling better hours later. Let us all pray that horrible day a few days back now was some type of strange reaction and an isolated incident.
How is he doing now? I mean I’m sure he’s fine, but did anyone ever hear how he was doing?