Replica Camp Crystal Lake Sign Looks Promising
While I was visiting the Night Owl Pro boards I came across a project that brought a great big smile to my face. Wayne Savage, one of their long time members and a darn good caricature artist, is in the process of trying to create an exact replica of the Camp Crystal Lake sign from the 2025 movie. I have always wanted an authentic looking sign to add to my collection and I was impressed, even now, by how nice the sign is progressing. Check out his photos below and we’ll let you know what his finished product turns out to look like.

YES! I to have wanted this sign for years. It would be the coolest thing to have for any friday fan. A few years back I cut out the sign and painted it red but that was as far as I got as I cant draw at all. Just a week ago I had asked my friend to ask his aunt if she could cause she can draw. If I ever get mine done I will try 2 get my pics in to jasonfury.
Sounds good, I would love to see the pics!
Is this going to be sold or Mass produced? I would also love this
I am not sure. The creator might make a few of these for sale. I think it depends on how this first sign turns out for them. We will have to see.
Look forward to it!
Really cool