The Walmart Man Revealed!
As far as annoying and inappropriate internet commenters go, The Walmart Man here on our very own Friday The 13th website takes the cake.
When one ban wasn’t enough to send the low-wage worker back to wherever he came from I did some digging and eventually found some webcam video footage of him on YouTube. The result speaks for itself…

what the f was that. LMAO! I have no idea what that has to do with W.M. but that was f’d up!
WTF?What was that?Ive seen WAY better fan films.
I give this video negative infinity out of 5
Hey! sometimes I enjoyed the Walmart Man’s ramblings. Somebody has got to love Warrington Gillette.
Wow. I mean not to criticize regular ppl, but why was this even made? Why would Jason send an email or even know how to make one. Not to mention that “Angry German Kid” is obviously a cheap rip-off of “The Angry Nintendo Nerd”…But I must say it shows me what Leatherface would look like with turrets.
I just don’t get it… that video was just… sick.
God, what on earth was that!!?? God what a temper!!!!!! And no voice after!!!!
Funny in some parts.
I know The Walmart Man offended a few people here…but he was a clever person and it was obvious that he knew the Friday the 13th series well. I think thats why I thought he was so funny to me.
I’ve gone back a few times to re-read his Harry Manfredini post because it is utterly hilarious and probably his best post on the site. The original Warrington Gillette bit he did was good too.
I will miss The Walmart Man (if he is indeed gone). I really did look forward to reading his posts. His serial annoyances was on par with Jason’s serial-killerness. LOL!
Good riddance.
I wonder what that kid was really screaming about haha
This shows a real level of maturity, Dusk…….
For some reason, I cried while I watched this. Disturbing.
madmaxx, he is crying that he can’t watch porns on the computer. :p
And that one crazy kid if that isn’t acting. Especially with his screaming & knocking some keyboard buttons out. Quite amusing blog though, Dusk. Even if it’s weird. ;)
why did he get banned
Is that really the walmart man
No that is just a video found online my friend. :)
Wow,if ever a kid needed a machete to the face then it’s most certainly “angry german kid”.What a little whining pussy……….KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
I think I might have this figured out.
Dusk, are you the Walmart Man? LOL
Perhaps ……. :)
At times I wanted to laugh but holy shit I kinda feel bad for that kid. He needs some help, no joking.