Todd Farmer X
Yeah wiseguys, don’t even try popping out that classic zinger about getting mixed up between Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees, I’m way ahead of you. Todd Farmer, the very manly screenwriter of Jason X is an old supporter of Friday The 13th: The Website, having defined what it is to be both the ultimate fan and professional of the Friday world. And outside of it, he’s long paid his dues as a writer and rocked up with supreme genre firepower like My Bloody Valentine 3D. Being the straight up guy he is, he recently explained in-depth the process of pitching and prepping Halloween 3D, of which he and project partner Patrick Lussier seem no longer part of.
So how did it all go from this…
Sept 12, Conference call with Malek, Bob and Matt to discuss Halloween 3D.
This call was a production meeting. There were no deals and only a rough pitch. The bulk of the call was…can it be done in the time we’ve got? We said yes. But no mistakes. No BS. No overdevelopment. No second guesses. We told them we’d have them a detailed outline in two days. An outline detailed enough to prep from. We told them we could do it if we can have our crew. No lowballing. We need the crew that can do the job right the first time. We told them that we’d give them a script that was ready to shoot. The excitement was infectious. We were asked to get them a treatment and we’d start prepping on that. The call ended with confidence high.
…to this?
We did our job! And we did it well! We were accountable. Of course, those we were dealing with would be just as accountable. It was hard enough thinking about the fact that we would not be doing the movie now. We’d just killed ourselves to get a script done and this was adult swim. We delivered a great script. Last thing I wanted to do was think about all the ways sinister dark forces were lying in wait to destroy us. I refused.
It would all work out. Things were going to get better.
Sept 28th, Patrick and I get a call from the WGA. I do not understand nor do I want to understand all the details. The gist is this. Patrick and I would be pawns in a game being played by large powerful entities sitting in seats way up high in the sky.
The answer, my friends, is both deranged and compelling. Read Todd’s full journal entry

I read this yeterday and it is a very unique look, for those of us nowhere near the Hollywood scene, at how crummy the business really can be.
this was a load of crap, reading the full story ticked me off
I would love to see the script, probably much better then what we will wind up with