Fangoria Mags And Old Jason Articles Going Digital

Fangoria just announced that they will begin offering back issues of all of their publications for iPhone, iPad and Droid. Talk about a shot of Jason nostalgia. For some Friday the 13th fans, this will not matter as much as they still own a number of the magazines from the 80’s. However, there is a newer generation of fans that never had the opportunity to own all of the glorious Fangoria and Gorezone magazines that featured articles on Jason Voorhees and Friday the 13th.

This writer is very excited about Fangoria taking their magazines into the digital realm and cannot wait to see what their first offerings are going to be when they roll this out late next month. Check out a portion of their release below and visit Fangoria’s website for more details!

From Fangoria
The Fango app will let users browse though a list of titles/issues and purchase editions for immediate reading. All of the magazines and comics will be specifically-formatted for the iPhone and iPad screen (Droid coming in December), allowing users to enjoy FANGORIA without zooming or scrolling; the only necessary action will be flicking, which will move from one panel/page to the next. The user interface will be very similar to holding the print copy. Once downloaded, a selected issue will open up with that issue’s cover. A flick of the finger will bring up a table of contents allowing the user to select where in the magazine they’d like to go. In terms of appearance, the app will have a true FANGORIA feel to it so that a reader of the print version will feel right at home looking at the digital edition. Also within the app will be links that can take the user to the FANGORIA website and online store. The FANGORIA Twitter feed can also be linked into the app, giving the user up to the minute horror news updates.

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7 Responses to “ Fangoria Mags And Old Jason Articles Going Digital ”

  1. Thats funny, I still have that issue somewhere among others. I love Fangoria, in the 80’s it was the horror fans best friend.

  2. The people at Fangoria(these days)do nothing but trash Friday the 13th. This is probably the best idea they’ve had in quite a while. I imagine that there is a monthly fee or subscription required to view this stuff. My only beef about Fangoria is that they only talk about indie horror or new movies. I wish they would have retrospect issues and better movie critics.

  3. Thats funny, I still have that issue somewhere among others. I love Fangoria, in the 80’s it was the horror fans best friend.

    This is one of my favorite issues pertaining to the series. Don’t know why, but it is. :)

    The people at Fangoria(these days)do nothing but trash Friday the 13th. This is probably the best idea they’ve had in quite a while. I imagine that there is a monthly fee or subscription required to view this stuff. My only beef about Fangoria is that they only talk about indie horror or new movies. I wish they would have retrospect issues and better movie critics.

    I don’t know if they ouright trash it, but they haven’t supported the franchise as much as in the 80’s. Even in the 80’s they would write unfavorable reviews for the movies. However, Friday the 13th and Nightmare On Elm Street were the backbone of their issues and in a lot of way, their bread and butter.

  4. Hi All Friday the 13th fans.
    Just wanted everyone to know I was selling alot of my Friday the 13th/ Horror items on ebay. I have Costumes, Sideshow Horror 1/6 figures, and all 12 of the 13 Jason Repersentations in 1/6 form. Here is a link to my Custom Roy Part 5 1/6 figure and you should be able to view all the other items from there.


  5. Sign me up, this is awesome

  6. JB Demented:

    You are right, it was every Horror fans best friend. I was a preteen when I owned most of these. I had almost every magazine that Fango put out that had an article on Friday the 13th, but the sad part is, after moving a lot and being so young and having everyone looking at them that they got destroyed and lost over time.

    If I knew then what I know now I would have a gold mine considering I also had a Friday the 13th comic magazine issue #1 that someone stole from me off the school bus that I am sure would be worth a ton now.

    Back when my mother would take my brother and I to the grocery store we would spend the entire time at the magazine rack sitting in the floor and if we wasn’t reading Thrashin’ it was Fango! Remember the classifiends in the back? They sold some of the craziest stuff and before the Internet that was your only source to buying hockey mask etc…

    If anyone remembers that comic it would be helpful! It was a Friday the 13th style magazine , but I remember it was in comic form and it said right on the front cover “Historic First Edition”.

    Still can’t remember the name but if I saw the cover again I might remember it.

    Good times.

  7. *Thasher Magazine I meant.. Thrashin’ was the movie. Sorry ;)

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