Friday Conversation: Which Friday the 13th Magazines Do You Own?
Throughout the last 30 years there have been many magazine releases for the Friday the 13th movies. Fangoria magazine has released a great number of magazines dedicated to the franchise. There are, however, a lot of other magazines, like Gorezone, Starburst etc. that have released magazines with articles on the franchise.
What magazines from the franchise do you own and what is your favorite?
Zero…..Cool little collection I might want to start.
Being from the UK i have none off them, but any that have jason in, i would buy!
My faves are the Friday specials from the late 80’s between Parts VII and VIII. The cover with Part VII’s unmasked Jason is my favorite hands down.
I only have the latest Fangoria (pictured last). I want one with Part VII on it
I had all of the Fangoria issues until Jason X but life threw me some curveballs and had no choice but to slowly get rid of them
It still hurts LOL. My favorite were two issues of Fangoria that had a 2 part F13th tribute showcasing interviews with many of the cast and crew. I especially enjoyed the “Women of Crystal Lake” articles. Ahhh memories….
I had all of the issues that even mentioned a Friday movie up to the JGTH feature issue. I also had the old Gorezone issues as well.
I have the Jason Goes to Hell magazine somewhere, and I have the Freddy vs. Jason magazine.
I only own one…The Jason Goes To Hell magazine shown above from 1993. Even though its my least favorite chapter in the franchise, I bought it because it contained stories about all the Jasons except Steve Dash…Warrington Gillette took all the credit as always. And the heroines of the film, and of course the body count list. There was no internet then, so in 1993 that was a real big deal. And also over the years Ive read many Fangorias containing the Friday films including the legendary Ted White interview. The main thing I remember when I was reading through the JGTH magazine for the first time was that they couldnt end the series like that…I really wanted to strangle Adam Marcus and Sean Cunningham over that movie. But then years later Jason X happened and all was forgiven.
I was at a toy show recently & a guy had some of these pictured plus more. I got his #, soon as money gets straight I need to get some!
I have a ton of old Fangoria mags. The only ones Friday the 13th related that I don’t have (as far as I know) are #6, #22, 44, 45, 57, 62, and 130. I can’t remember if I have any of the Jason Goes to Hell or not. Anyone have a full list of Jason related Fango issues?
Almost forgot, I also have a Bloody Best of Fangoria for part 2 and 3. My favorite issue has to be #36 with Axel getting killed from part 4 on the cover. I remember reading it back when I was a kid in a local drug store while my mom was shopping.
Here’s a list I found:
06 – F13
12 – F13 Part 2
13 – F13 Part 2 FX
21 – F13 Part 3
22 – F13 Part 3 FX
36 – The Final Chapter
38 – retrospective/farewell
44 – Part V
45 – Part V FX
57 – Part VI
59 – Part VI FX and Thom Matthews
62 – F13 Salute
68 – Jason actors 1
69 – Jason actors 2
70 – TV Series
74 – Part VII
75 – Part VII JCB interview
83 – F13 Special Issue (Mancuso Jr, Manfredini, Women of Crystal Lake 1, F13 TV Series)
84 – Woman of Crystal Lake 2
85 – Part VIII
86 – Part VIII Hodder diaries
125 – JGTH
126 – JGTH Dean Lorey and John D LeMay interviews
127 – JGTH FX
130 – F13 Timeline
210 – Jason X
212 – Jim Isaac interview and BIG Friday the 13th retrospective on the original film
224 – Freddy vs Jason
225 – Freddy vs Jason Robert Englund interview
Bloody Best #9 – Frank Mancuso Jr. says farewell to F13
Jason Goes to Hell mag
Freddy vs Jason mag
Nice! Thanks jasonsfury, you are the man! I’ll have to check and see if I have them all.
Here’s #45 up for sale right now. $20.
Ah, don’t have 212 either. Or the JGH & FvJ movie mags. A couple other ones for your list are Bloody Best of Fangoria #1 & 2, and #279 & 280 which cover the remake.
I think I may have looked at that listing for #45 earlier. It looks familiar
I just have the movies and a Keychain.
got a couple from the remake from Fangoria but thats it. I would love to get more for sure.
famous monsters may 1980 is the very first friday 13th cover story, w/ great ari lehman jason cvr this one is the holy grail for friday magazine collectors
Is there scans anywhere of that Jason goes to Hell magazine special or any of the others for that matter?
Here’s some scans of the Jason Goes To Hell movie mag:
Retrospective on Kane Hodder:
Features storyboard of damage done to victims body after the hell demon transfers out of the body
Deleted scene with Creigthton Duke in police station that made it into magazine even though it was cut from the film.
Back cover featuring the Screamin’ Vinyl model for Jason Goes To Hell
Hey Jasonsfury! As a huge Friday collector, I have all the Fangoria’s. I do not buy those anymore, but have all of them up to about 3 years ago.
Someone mentioned above about Famous Monsters. That is one of the best I’ve seen. I think its number 6 without having it in front of me.
I mostly collect posters, lobby sets and presskits. I just scored an amazing Friday the 13th part 2 Thai poster. I have part 1 already, but this one I had never seen. It is amazing!
Great post! I love to hear about other collections.