Interview Part 2: Mario Kirner, Friday The 13th Props Museum

1048_1_lg2With the Hollywood auction concluded this past Friday, Mario contacted me and let me know exactly how things worked out. Mario immediatley let me know that the screen used Jason costume and hockey mask from Friday the 13th (2009) sold for $53,100! That price included the buyers premium. He also let me know that the machete sold for $15,340, also with buyer’s premium. Instead of telling you what he came away with, I’ll let him explain everything himself.

Was the auction run smoothly? Was there anything that stood out that made you surprised?

There were many unsold pieces that I would have thought would have sold. And in fact would have sold for quite high prices like the offered Star Wars props. Other pieces sold quite well, like the Tim Burton items and pieces from 80`s movies.
This strange bidding also reflected the Friday the 13th pieces. A couple pieces went unsold, like the Metal Hay Bale Spike and some of the costumes. Even when they started at $150. However, the Jason costume and machete went up like crazy. The costume skyrocket up to $45.000 plus buyers premium and tax, and the machete made it up to $13.000 plus buyers premium and tax.

Were you able to obtain all of the items that you were interested in and what items did you secure for the museum?

I’m pretty happy with what I obtained. There were 5 items on my list and I could safe 3 of them. Sadly I was outbid on the Jason costume and the machete. A good friend and collector buddy hit the nail on the head when he said that these were both important lots in the auction, but sadly a hint too expensive considered that these pieces are not from the original films, but from the recent remake “only”.


The 3 items that I won are Jason`s bow, the matching arrow and Jason`s bear trap. All screen used and important items that I think are pretty much worth what I paid. In fact I got them for pretty cheap compared to the other two lots I was watching and bidding on.

Overall, was the auction a good experience? Were there any regrets during the two day event regarding an item you should have bid?

The auction was a blast. Always interesting to see what these kind of items bring, considering the bad economy and in the other hand the growing collectors community. I watched the auction via their live bidding modul on their website. And so I could see the single bids that came in either from the floor or the internet. I do not think there is anything to regret. I was able to reap 3 pretty cool items to add to the museum.The fact that this costume officially sold for that much, let my other costumes rise up in value. That`s an extra benefit in what happened.


What’s next for your collection? Do you have any new leads you will be pursuing or plans for the museum?

My goal is to display each single piece in a proper and adequate way. I`m not the guy who collects and throws everything into a box somewhere in the cellar, so the next step is to work on some nice displays. And as said in the first part of the interview, I was working on 2 further deals parallel to this auction. So, the second benefit that I lost the big boy is that I now have some cash over to go for these pieces

I want to thank Mario for taking the time to communicate with me and giving us a glimpse of his passion. I am sure that if we had the money we would be in the same position he is, owning physical history of the Friday the 13th franchise.

About the Author


I've been dedicated to this franchise for most of my life and am happy to be contributing news and information to all of the fans out there. Happy Friday The 13th!

7 Responses to “ Interview Part 2: Mario Kirner, Friday The 13th Props Museum ”

  1. im glad mario was able to get these cool items, and i hope one day to be able to visit the museum in person, i to collect friday memorabilia nothing screen used as i cant afford it but i one day would love to document all the friday collectibles in a book.

  2. I posted someting like this in the reply section of the Interview Part 1 already, but wanted to mention it here again. Thanks to all of you who kept their fingers crossed for me. Hopefully I can work out some live exhibitions in 2025 and 2025 to give you all the chance to see the pieces in person. So, if you have a Movie related Museum in your town that might be interested in such an event, get them a link to this interview articles or directly to my website. Thanks for your interest guys! As always, it`s a blast to part with you this treasures of Friday history. Mario

  3. Congrats Mario, I was the underbidder for the bow. At least I didn’t come home completely empty handed. I got the screen used wardrobe of Jared Padalecki (Clay Miller).

  4. Congrats, Scott. I decided I would not bid on any of the cast costumes but to concentrate on the Jason stuff only. Great score though! It was the costume with the most bids, beside of the Jason one.

    In the last minute I decided to bid on the doll too. I did hit the button with my bid and was just a second too late. It went for $800. My personal estimation for it was $800 - $1000 so I thought I would go up to $1000.. but as said, too late.


  5. I was bidding through a telephone auctioneer who was on-site. Things could of been better. It was hard to hear and I missed out of a couple of items because of that. But overall I wasn’t too upset. If a few more reasonably priced F13 items surface, I will try again. I’d be curious to see where the mothers pendant went.


  6. I didn’t realize they were auctioning off the pendant. I had not seen it in the listing. I wonder what it sold for?

  7. They didn’t. I was just curious where it is. That would be a nice piece.

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