Rare Friday the 13th Posters
I am a huge fan of marketing from different countries for the franchise and really like to collect foreign posters. I just found some posters from different countries that I have not seen before. I think they look awesome and wanted to share with everyone. If anyone knows where I can get these, please send me an email!
Dutch Part 3 Poster

The first poster isn’t from Sweden. It’s from Norway.
My sincerest apologies. I found the poster at a Swedish website and it said it was a Swedish poster. Should have checked it out further. Thanks for pointing it out to me!
Wow, never seen these before, they’re unbelievable! Especially the Part V.
I actually own the part 5 Turkish Poster. I have always thought it is an awesome poster. I am willing to sell it as I am in the process of moving. Anyone intrested in it should send offers to my address bono_triplett@hotmail.com or lemure77@yahoo.com .
Just say in the email that you are checking on the part 5 Turkish Friday the 13th poster. I will try to get a picture of the poster up online in the coming days.
The first poster was also used in Belgium and Holland.
I own a calender of the franchise that has most of these rare posters in huge scans as images for every month.
The internation posters are always cooler in the 2025 calnder i saw that part 5 one i was wondering anyone out there know if there will will be a 2025 calender I love them
The poster of part4 displayed in the third is not obviously a poster of a Japanese version.
It seems to be written in Korean though I saw it for the first time.
I had no idea the man was this huge! Those posters put the ones I have to shame.
The turkish one remind me the Nightmare on elm street saga’s posters.
Hand made, a girl featured with the enemy behind, people “walking” on the weapon
Very nice
the last one is the best i think the others could have been better but what ever
very fine posters they are!!!
I love all of these posters. They are so awesome.
Interesting are the images from the Turkish Part 5 Poster. The sickle, the woman, and the guy chasing the woman in a dress.
Reminds me of the elm street posters.
The turkish poster is recycled from another horror movie. I found it years ago (trying to find what movie it was used for)
And this one?
It’s must be turkish too
lol. dont worry, sweedish/noweigen, they’re basicially the same.
I think the Turkish 5 poster is taken from a 1986 poster fro a film calld “The Wind”.
Yes! PGHpunk, you’re right. Thank you :)
The turkish poster for 5 was actually the poster for that movie: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61M7DDV8MML._SS500_.jpg
I have that pt5 poster. Never knew it was changed from another movie! That kinda sux still like it better than our US poster. Wish they had used the image of Tommy holding the machete with the mask really big beside him.
pghpunk13 and jenosis,
That is awesome guys. Great find on the poster. Amazing how they took so much from another movie’s poster. Thanks for sharing with us.
the first poster is not norwegian, its Danish.
i am from norway and its not a norwegian poster.
“the first poster is not norwegian, its Danish.
i am from norway and its not a norwegian poster.”
Sorry guys, I surrender on this poster and where it originates from. Maybe someone can help with this. I would actually like to know the exact answer. I originally found it on a Swedish website. Then some visitors posted here and emailed me saying it was Norwegian. I found a Norwegian website that references Fredag Den 13.
I figured this was then correct. Then Steve mentioned:
“The first poster was also used in Belgium and Holland”
My guess is that this is just used to cover a variety of countries and is not specific to one country? Don’t mean to offend anyone, just trying to get the facts straight. This sort of reminds me of the Mexican Lobby Cards I posted before where they say Martes 13, which is Tuesday 13, not Friday 13. However, Tuesday is considered a more unlucky day so certain Spanish speaking areas use Martes 13 instead of Viernes 13.
regardless of whew the posters come from, great finds, yeah pt 5 one is cool in the 09 calendar, the pt 3 poster is actually pretty creepy i think.
I have the dutch version ( video tape covers) from part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I think the part 5 version is one of the prettiest I have on my wall. Also have JGTH-dutch cover..it’s the same as the U.S. poster, but without the flames. It’s tagline is “De laatste fatale vrijdag van Jason” ( The final and fatal friday of Jason”)
I can try to scan them, but I’m not a big computer-nerd…so if someone can help me out a little….
By the way…the part 3 poster is deffinately Dutch….that’s for sure…but it is also used in the Norwegian country’s. This poster has the Denmark language..so I hope that problem is solved…Nice part V poster….it almost beats the one I have
Thanks for the information! Send me an email and I can see if I can help you scan the items.
Hi JasonsFury, I tried to send you an e-mail, but my PC says I have to add a e-mail adres….do you have an e-mail wich I can use? I already scanned the video covers from the Dutch F13-movies: part I, III, V and IX for you.
Sure thing! My email is jason.parker@fridaythe13thfilms.com. Look forward to hearing from you.
Hi JasonsFury…sorry to be such a bother.. I made an e-mail account right from this website, and sended you the covers..I only hope this will work…it’s very difficult having contact here…I don’t understand how all this message stuff works…please let me know if you received the pictures. thanx
Very interesting to see but you can see why they disappeared. They’re all over the map. Sloppy and unfocused. Thanks for posting them. Good to see.