Upclose Look At Screen Used Jason Goes To Hell Hock
This hockey mask is my personal favorite in the franchise. I have nothing against any other mask that was used, but I just enjoy the dirty, worn look that the JGTH hock represents. It is very simliar to The New Blood hock in size and in damage and I like that fact. Recently, pictures of a screen used hockey mask from Jason Goes To Hell were posted at the NightOwl Forums and I think the mask looks spectacular. This mask was on display at Planet Hollywood Las Vegas back in 2025.
Along with this mask, in the fourth picture down, you can see a miniature Jason Voorhees next to the hock. That is the standing Jason used in one of two Demon Model sets created for the end sequence of Jason Goes To Hell. We have featured the other model set on the website before, with a similar, yet restored Jason figure.
To get and upclose look at the mask, view the pictures below.

Awesome mask! It’s a shame that Jason was only in it for like 15 minutes of the movie.
yeah this sure did deserve more screen time than it got.Seeing it seperated from Jason’s face it reminds me of the pet vii hock with the chunk missing from the lower left jaw line………………KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
Awesome, this mask is my favorite
this mask was in it even less then Jason, this is the mask from the opening of the film, not the end scene, so this awesome hoc only saw like 3 minutes of screen time
Maybe the look of Jason in Freddy vs Jason would’ve been better if they had gone with this mask. Cool to see it for the first time without it being grown into Jason’s head.
If you take the ending of JTM as another hallucination of Rene’s, you could make the assumption that the toxic waste melded the mask into his head. Even his skin to me kinda had the appearance that he had been dipped in it.
Ahh…you know how I love part 9.
Great, great mask. They really got it right. I wonder how they could get the mask so right and botch the location. The guys from part 9 claimed Crystal lake was in Connecticut. Connecticut! We all know its in Jersey. Kudos to the Platinum Dunes guys for getting it right.
Anyway, that look from part 9 was prob my favorite in the series too. Keep the great part 9 stuff coming! Fantastic!
Hey Rog, I don’t think Jason’s look hurt the movie. Probably had more to do with the script.
When Freddy turns into a worm in FvsJ, I had horrible flashbacks of JGTH.
I’m just glad that demon worm hasn’t showed up for any sequels.
To Rog.That’s a good theory on how the hock melts into Jason’s face at the end of part viii,setting things up for the part ix look.The only thing being that Jason rips it off after Rene throws that can of toxic sludge in his face and ends the movie sans hock.Just saying is all……………..KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
That looks kick ass!!! I liked Jasons look in JGTH. KNB did an awesome job on His look. Just sucks He wasnt in the movie much.
It would be great to see Jason with this look in another movie where we actually see him do his stuff, I know it will not happen but for me it would be awesome.
I also like the dirty, worn part 9 Hock. I think the condition of the Hock in the reboot was an homage to parts 7 and 9. maybe i look too much into these things.
i always thought it was metal for some reason, weird!
Love the mask!! i have always love the fact that his head is bigger then the mask!! Not one off my fav f13th films mind.