Derek Mears Signed Items Giveaway by Marc Ecko
Between the days of December 7th and 18th, Marc Ecko’s website will be running their Holiday Giveaway. The website will be giving away numerous items, signed, including the Jason Voorhees hoodie we mentioned a few weeks back. Now, they will not announce which day they are giving away the prize back for Jason Voorhees, so check here for when it is announced and then head over to their website to enter for a chance to win!

The hoodie sells for $88 on amazon. I would love to win one of these.
that would be sweet to add to my collection!
very nice items up for grabs here as any collector would love to add to their collections. I know i would.
does anyone know how to enter the contest for this & the other stuff they’re giving away or do we just have to wait for an update?
They start their contest tomorrow, so you can visit their website each day or wait for us to announce at least the Friday the 13th prize pack contest.
cool, thanks man
Love one off those!!