Friday Conversation: The Jason Jacket Debate
Ever since ‘Freddy vs Jason’ was released back in 2025, comics, action figures, and even the Friday the 13th reboot from 2025 have featured Jason Voorhees sporting some variation of a jacket. Fans of the series have been up in arms ever since 2025 on this Jason attire and have been pleading producers of the aforementioned products and films to stop the madness. The fan cries have fallen on deaf ears as even the new Sideshow Polystone figure, “The Terror of Crystal Lake” has Jason wearing a jacket.
Who thinks that Jason wearing a jacket is no big deal or if you are not a fan of his jacket wearing ways, what do you think he should be wearing in future installments in the film series as well as other media?
Doesn’t really bother me.
I think people seem to think from Jason’s POV as if they were dressing him. Like why the fuck would he have the need for a jacket? Especially since he’s never worn one prior to FvJ.
As it was. In New Line fashion, they tried different things with Jason in their series of movies and of most of them were god awful. Body hopping Jason, Jason in Space and Jasons size and attire in FvJ. That said of all of those I don’t mind the switch in attire.
The ONLY reason they probably continue to use that attire is in the hope of keeping him recognizable to current audiences. Throughout the last decade he wore a jacket. Its merely a more current version of Jason.
It’s not the hillbilly look or the green/blue workshirt with the green/tan pants we saw in 3-8 in different eroded fashions. Its merely a current more up to date look for Jason.
Just look Rob Zombie’s Halloween shitfest movies. They took Michael Myers and made him more dirty looking which I didn’t as much as the rest of the shit in those two movies, etc.
It’s all about marketing, changing it up. Every big icon goes through it.
Jason, Michael, Freddy, Leatherface, Chucky likely will, Batman, etc.
Doesn’t matter to me, either. the jacket still fits the look of Jason so long as they don’t make him take a First Down coat off of some helpless victim so he can keep warm. Also as long as they don’t give him the Boris Karloff Frankenstein fur coat Myers had in H2.
Im a fan of the workshirt…its like the old saying, if it aien’t broke, do not fix it…New Line has kept doing new things to Jason since 93- body hopping, in space, the jacket..but yet Paramount did some different stuff too- taking Jason out of Crystal Lake and to Manhattan…why? Declining box office? Jason fought lots of enemies during that time, including the scissors of the MPAA watering down the films so people would say, “They are not so bloody anymore” so producers kept changing, gimmick after gimmick to distract people away from those facts, the jacket is that..another gimmick.
Never been to big on Jason in a jacket. For my money, I still think the best Jason look came from The Final Chapter. He was really scary in that movie. The traditional white hockey mask with the red triangles and the axe cut on it, the long sleeved work shirt and pants, the work boots and finally the longer figure nails. I always thought that the long nails made Jason appear creepier, I know that sounds strange to hear but I found it scarier. If a sequel does get going, go with what worked in parts 3 and 4 because that was when he was scariest.
I hate that jacket!!, bring back the classic Jason look from part 3 and “Final Chaptar”!. And I hate the machete-thing too!!!… bring him an axe!!!!
i’m all for doing new things with the character, however this was introduced by the most inaccurate depiction of jason (FvJ), which is why i’m against it.
the jason in that movie was nothing like jason aside from wearing a hockey mask and killing…but of course the creators of FvJ don’t think there’s anything more to the character and basically parodied him rather than represent him, for what should have been the greatest horror showdown of all time.
so fuck the jacket. in theory i don’t have a problem with it, but i’m sick of all of these people that have never seen a f13th but they think they’re up on jason stuff because they’ve seen FvJ. it’s because they think the true jason wears a jacket that i am against it.
no influence on the jason character should ever come from that movie… since little-to-no influence from the jason character went into it.
fuck it.
I’ve hated the jacket since FvsJ, hell i’ll even go one further I hated the damn straight jacket that was on him, all tore up in Jason X. I want to see old school Jason with the green shirt and gray pants. Why is that so hard to do. Oh and another thing get rid of the damn 5 foot machete. What happend to the normal size machete from the originals.
Actually the jacket was introduced with Jason X, where he wore the torn straight-jacket.
I like the jacket. It ads to his “wild-woodsmann” look.
I dig the coat. It works better in the remake than it does in Freddy vs. Jason where it looks like he looks homeless.
I think they should give him a nice 80’s style denim jeans jacket and some tight acid washed jeans that would really complete what NewLine has been doing with the franchise. Of course I’m being sarcastic; I think the jacket is a little lame but it doesn’t bother me as much as the other retarded stuff they’ve done to the franchise see Jason in Space, Ubber Jason metal face, Body Hopper Voorhees.. I mean really the jacket is the least of my worries…lol
I actually like his jacket. Kinda cool & different. Jason always go through different look in all of his films, that none of ‘em are iconic like with Spider-Man, Superman, etc. Jason suppose to have a wild hunter look & I think the jacket kinda fit that IMHO. Most hunters tend to wear jackets.
i look at it like this…he wears cloths.. (as he doesn’t wash them), over time the cloths rot, he simply puts more on, over the top of the ones he is already wearing..he grabbed a jacket instead of a pullover…move on haters
Alright look people FVJ was to say the least not a good film but I really liked the jacket look in the remake and as long as new line keeps making these films they can dress them how they choose
Not a big fan of the jacket but like somebody already said it the least of my worries. I did like the jacket in the remake, it was half military half hunter style and suited the new Jason well. He is a bushman living out in the woods so the jacket kinda suits him. However I do hope they drop the coat for the next movie,but if they do a sequel to the remake they should keep the coat in order to provide some continuity. just my 2 cents
my opinion is that ronnie yu should be shot and beaten for anything he did. the jacket in that shitfest made jason look like frankenstein in a hockey mask. plus the biggest mistake they made was ken kerzinger.we got screwed. his jason is the worst. the new jacket from the 09 flick worked on the other hand, and it made sense being jason wasnt undead, he was a living human who gets cold, from time to time, so it made sense. kane should have played the part in fvj, and ronnie shouldnt be allowed anywhere near a friday fan meet let alone anything else pertaining to jason. fuck ronnie and ken, he had experiance playing the character? a whopping 20 seconds in takes manhatten is experiance? they just didnt like kane. kane towers over englund so i dont wanna hear that shit either. i say yes to the current derek mears jason wearing it. it works.
I always liked the jacket. If you look at the original movies, he changes his clothes. Part 2 and part 3 he looks totally different. As for FvsJ, not a very good movie at all. However, I really liked the hockey mask in the the movie. Got so sick of that cracked busted up mask.
I like Jasons original workshirt look but I also dont mind the jacket I guess for some reason the film companys think the extra bulk looks more interesting its been done with everyone Freddy in “New Nightmare” Michael Myers in Rob Zombies “H2″ even The New “Man in the Lake” Film from Southland Films has done it I must admit im guilty of doing it with my original concept Jasons as well.When People just dont want to keep it simple anymore but I do miss it.
To be honest, it doesn’t really bother me.
If I think about, I would rather have him wear what he wears in part 2, only with the hockey mask. That would be scary.
I have to admit I like the jacket for the same reason I like the olive workshirt over the white undershirt: the layering gives Jason some texture without looking out of place on a guy who lives in the forest and swipes his clothes from victims and nearby houses.
I’m fine with the jacket.
As long as he’s wearing a sack or hockey mask…I’m good with the jacket..
I hated Jasons look in Freddy Vs Jason, as well as getting rid of Kane Hodder (F.U. Ronny Yu). Its pretty sad when Jason went to hell, He was bulky, His mask was damaged. But when He was risen from hell, Hes a tall lanky dude with a perfect mask. But the reboot, I think Jasons look is awesome. His clothes look like He took every piece from past victims. Or maybe robbed a few clotheslines. As Ive said many times before, Jasons a survivalist in the remake. But the coolest Jason has ever looked was in part 7. I’ll never forget that cold chill I got in the theatre during that scene Jason steps out of the lake and You see His spine and ribcage. I wasnt scared of Jason Lives at all, even though I love it. Kane Hodders Jason is was scarier than CJ Grahams. Maybe in this upcoming sequal (whenever the hell that’ll be) Jason might change His clothes. Maybe He’ll go back to His look from part 3 or 4. But the Freddy Vs Jason look gets 2 thumbs down from Me. The whole movie was lame, worst in the series. Definately not worth the years of waiting. You know a Jackie Earle Haley vs Derek Mears movie I think would probably be better. Sad isnt it?
I love the jacket think it adds something more to Jason. Looks alot better than him just having a shirt and trousers.
Jason looked like sh*t in FvJ. It was like black matte paint for his exposed head it just looked like garbage which is part of the reason i DON’T like the jacket.
The Jacket to me would be good if they set the movie at a different season like Fall or winter..the movies of him wearing the jacket have all been summer/spring but its not cold enough for other characters to use jackets. They prefer being naked and lets face it the viewing public prefers them naked too.
Bring back the old school farmer shirt, bring back the axe and unless you want the movie set in a colder month then lose the jacket.
@ jjv, I completely agree. I seriously can’t stand Ronnie Yu myself. What he did with Freddy vs. Jason, especially with Jason is inexcusable. I hated Jason’s look in every possible way, bad choice in using Ken Kerzinger. And I especially hated the look of his Machete, it looked horrible and fake. Jason is the main reason I hate that movie and along with all those stupid kids and their horrible acting no less. @ JB Demented, I couldn’t agree more. The best Jason goes to Kane hodder & Derek Mears.
Jacket was horrible in FvJ, but awesome in F13 09
LOSE THE JACKET!!! NOW! I hate that thing. It makes him look so stupid.
thx brooklynpsycho, jb hit the nail on the head and drove it in fvj’s coffin. kanes got a new flick comin hallows pointe, it sounds cool! its like a part 7 reunion with beuchler(sry if i didnt spellit right)and lar park lincoln! harry’s involved to, gonna be cool!
I think Jason wonna looks cool with a dirty/dusted/trenchcoat (for the winter season)
That is harsh & vile to wish death or harm on Ronnie Yu, jjv. While he wasn’t the right person to direct the film, I still wouldn’t wish harm on him. What kind of a sicko would wish that kind of thing on someone just because they did something you didn’t like?? You’re taking your love for Jason too much, that you would wish bad things on someone if you hate what they did to him. There are more important thing in life than just a movie franchise, you know?
Beside, did Yu really came up with the look for Jason in FvJ like you & many other whiners claim? I don’t think so. He may have accept the look, but he didn’t created the look in the first place. Some of you guys need to deal with it & move on. It’s been 7 yrs. since FvJ came out & you folks are still whining like babies? Also, don’t blame Ken not giving you what you want as Jason. Blame that on Yu, since he is the director. Real classy on saying fuck to Ken & Yu too. That one of the problem with extremist Jason fans there: immature & lack of respect.
does nw stand for nardwaur? i wasnt being literal when i wrote wha i did, i never sead anything about death, i sead should be shot and beaten. i think you took your love for ronnie spew too much! and trying to burn another poster when his point is universally valid among most other fans is immature. and yeah, directors do have alot to say about how certain characters look!plus the fact that the writers even think the movie they wrote sucked is more than enough proof of the point im trying to, the next time you feel mushy and wanna defend ronnie yu and ken kerzinger of the crummy movie they both had a shit ton to do with how it came out, change your tampon and think again my friend!
doot da dah doot doot,……..doot doot!
i think the jacket suits hiim and should stay wearing a jacket!!
Ronny Yu is amazingly incompetent when it came to both franchises. In fact, on youtube there is a gentleman who goes by jawoosh and did a great job reviewing that film.
Sadly pt one of the review wad removed for whatever reason but both part two and three are interesting to watch and part three speaks on Ronny Yu
Watched FvJ yesterday and Yu is a terrible director and the script is a great example on how to NOT write a screenplay.
The dialouge, use of dialouge and the explaining of plot through dialouge is cringeworthy. It’s really bad, one of the worst scripts I’ve seen on the big screen.
Jason didn’t really feel like Jason in it either… just an empty puppet… but hey.. every character in that film felt like it.
FvJ realy took the worst of the Freddy franschise and made a bad, bad, bad movie out of it. And a lot of the blaim is Yu’s.
“does nw stand for nardwaur?”
It’s stand for Nightwing, kid. Does jjv stand for “jumping jerk vagina” or something??
“i wasnt being literal when i wrote wha i did, i never sead anything about death, i sead should be shot and beaten.”
But the shot part sound like you wish death or maybe even torture on him, which make you a hateful POS like a terrorist. How should I believe you that you weren’t being literal? Sorry, but I still think it vile to say such things.
“i think you took your love for ronnie spew too much!”
And I think you took your hate for Ronnie too much to wish harm & such on him. Not to mention your love for Kane too much as well, Kane apologist. I’m not a Ronnie fan as I said time & time again. Just because I don’t like what he doesn’t mean I would wish bad things on him. I’m just not a prick that would wish harm on an innocent person like you no matter how much you claim it’s not literal. It’s the Internet, so how should I believe you’re not being serious??
“and trying to burn another poster when his point is universally valid among most other fans is immature.”
Universally valid? More like opinions.
“and yeah, directors do have alot to say about how certain characters look!”
But he didn’t created how Jason should look though. I’m sure the film already planned on how the characters should look by the time Ronnie was hired.
“plus the fact that the writers even think the movie they wrote sucked is more than enough proof of the point im trying to make.”
Where is proof they said it suck? I think they’re likely refering to how Goyer change some of the thing in their original script. Their original script was better until Goyer came & polish it, that turn out to be a mess.
“so, the next time you feel mushy and wanna defend ronnie yu and ken kerzinger of the crummy movie they both had a shit ton to do with how it came out, change your tampon and think again my friend!”
Tampon? That funny hearing from someone who need it with your first whining & ranting here before I came along. Ken still have nothing to do with how his acting or how the movie turn out. It has to do with Ronnie. After all, who told Ken do this or that? Ronnie Yu. Face it, a wrong director can make some folks look bad. If Ken was given creative freedom like Kane & many other Jason actors, he would’ve been much better.
still feeling mushy huh, yeah ken did, watch the special features, he says he played him they way he wanted and ronnie directed him, so shut up. and your crazy. funny how most of the people posting are saying the same thing, some have even seadf.u. ronnie yu, and the writers didnt like they way their script was filmed its a fact. so shut the fuck on up whiner. and ill rephrase somethin universally valid to ”poof” everyone who posted aside from a select few agree with me.
oh yeah and who made you the internet police? lots of ppl say things in a jockingly manner. i didnt threaten him. ive heard numerous times ”he should get his ass kicked for that”, or he should have been shot after that one” on these boards and others, especially in mma forums, so what of it, if you dont like go to a my little pony forum where everyone is really nice to each other. this is a friday the 13th site. these movies have gore blood tits and all kinds of mayhem, yet your insulted by one line i sead. are you even a friday fan? i mean 90% of us love kane hodder. jumping jerk vagina. thats fuckin amazing. really, cmon, youe spent all nite thinking of that one huh, night wing, eh, well, explains alot. your dark moody and your ass is still sore from the butthumping batman gave you as his alterboy huh. get over it.
ummm, i dont hate ronnie yu, he makes good martial arts films, but he sucks a giant pickle at making horror films. he is an action director, thats why jason and freddy were all of the sudden kung fuckin fu experts. since when did freddy ever block. and then strike with elbows like he was a trained fighter? this movies was retarded. and to be honest, really didnt make sense why they even made it. i know fans wanted to see it, but really? at the time i was hyped cause its a fuckin jason film. but then the harsch reality of it hit me. and hollywoods influence is all over it. i mean a fuckin weigh in? they camp it out way too much.
weigh in wasnt in it, they used it to promote it.
and yes jawoosh is the man.
Hey jjv and NW,
You guys may continue to go back and forth and give your opinions, but keep name calling and sexual inuendo out of the conversation. Don’t want this to become a “FU, no FU” discussion. Cool? Continue on.
no problem, you’ll hear no more from me. thx for lettin us go at jasonsfury. i apologize to the other posters who had to read thru this crap, but not nw, who actually started it.
As you wish, jasonfury. But I think jjv need to be more mature & respectful to filmmakers. I just wish fans don’t wish harm on a director or actor, etc. just because they don’t like how they made the film. We can’t always get what we want.
The jacket sucks. The quintessential look is parts 3 and 4.
I don’t mind if Jason, Freddy, Michael or Chucky have these changes in looks…I think it is just as exciting to see how the killer and is wardrobe/ mask look like in every new movie, as much as watching a new movie….it’s also a little surprise I always look forward to.
In a big way our horror-icons are not much different than, lets say, Madonna or Marilyn Manson..every album ( or every movie) has a new look…so if Jason wears a new mask or has a different look, it’s always fun..and makes me want to get that new mask on Ebay….it’s very commercially, but still very addictive…
Oh and if we keep talking about how bad the FvJ movie was…I think it wasn’t that was well tried, and I believe watching the making of, that Ronnie wanted the two killers be as opposite as could be..Therefore ( sadly) Jason had to be the one with the most changes..a gentle giant…well, I’m with most of you, that Ken’s performance of Jason wasn’t really the best Jason ever, but as a whole, the movie was pretty funny and bloody…and ofcourse Jason was the winner…so it wasn’t the bad ending some of the slasher movies had.
I think I liked Ronnie Yu’s Bride of Chucky more than Freddy vs. Jason, but still consider both movies worthy enough to be a part of their franchises.
I personally loved the Jacket look. Made Jason look scarier. I mean, sure, he was scary in the past films, but he looked more like a homicidal janitor than a retarded killing machine.
The Jacket adds a sense of scale to the character. Beefs up his shoulders and adds length to the overall body of the character.
Don’t bother me,even though I thought it odd in Part 6 that he put Tommy’s gloves on and then that one guy’s tool belt after he took his machette. I just over looked it as something the director decided to try a new direction and to me it really never hurt the film, now he’s been wearing a jacket and people are mad. Well, what difference does it make he’s got a jacket on? At least he’s not naked or wearing ballerina clothes, come on get over it!
Whatever he wears in X works. Don’t like fvsj jacket at all. Was dissapointed at it first in 2025 flick, but in the end it kinda works and makes sense.
Personally, I’m a fan of green shirt and grey pants he wore in parts 3-4 (in FC it looked cooler becouse of it’s worn out look). My second favorite is bluejean overall from part 2 and I honestly had a hope they’d tweak this with sackhead in 2025 flick.
For the jacket, as some had mentioned already, I do agree it makes him look like a homeless. For me it just takes away the original Jason.
For the future installments I think they shold go with the shirt instead of jacket.
In the first place, that jacket introduces an additional level of aesthetic badassery to his character, but that’s just an aesthetic observation, and a very subjective one, at that.
In a more thematic capacity, I think the jacket is quite consistent with the reboot’s modification of the Jason character to resemble a more human-like state, which was the case in installments one through four. Considering this behavioral context, and considering that I’m a vocal proponent of this refreshed characterization, the jacket works exceedingly well.