Interview with FRIDAY THE 13TH: JASON’S CURSE director Jeff Wilson
Back in 1993, author William Pattison, under the pen name Eric Morse, wrote four Friday the 13th novels to tie-in with New Line Cinema’s recently released Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday. One of those stories, Mother’s Day, was adapted by independent filmmaker Cory Stevens, and now another one is currently in pre-production, to be directed by Jeff Wilson, whose previous work includes the Stab trilogy (fan made films based on the Scream spin-offs). Wilson discusses his love for Jason Voorhees and his upcoming project, Friday the 13th: Jason’s Curse…
When did your interest in Friday the 13th first begin and what was it about Jason Voorhees that appealed to you so much?
“My interest in the Friday movies first began in the early ‘90’s when my family got me into the movies and ever since then I have been addicted to them. I think the thing that appealed to me about Jason was the way he kills and the story in general.”
How did you first come across the Friday the 13th novels that Eric Morse wrote around the release of Jason Goes to Hell and what was it about Jason’s Curse that convinced you that you wanted to adapt it?
“I came across them at a Classic Bookstore in Austin, Texas a few years back. Jason’s Curse was the one that really jumped out because of the name and since it was the first one I purchased I decided to use it as a movie idea.”
When did you first develop a taste for filmmaking and what other projects have you worked on?
“I first developed my taste of filmmaking in 2025 when I got the chance to hang out on a movie set that was being filmed near my neighborhood. I have worked on some smaller movies and “Picture Shows” but this going to be the biggest project so far.”
Were you given Morse’s support before you started pre-production and has there been any kind of fan buzz?
“No. It’s pretty much been a low key production because were still in the script writing process.”
Have you seen the previous film to be based on an Eric Morse F13 novel, Mother’s Day, and how would you compare that to the one you plan to make?
“Yes I have. It’s hard to compare them at this point but they should be pretty close in style.”
Without the support or approval of the copyright holders Jason’s Curse will not be allowed a commercial release. What are your plans for the project and do you intend on approaching anyone affiliated with the Friday the 13th name?
“I won’t be making this one for commercial release, it will be a film to help get my name out there. If I get the chance then yes I will approach someone from the Friday the 13th films.”
What kind of budget are you hoping to shoot Jason’s Curse on and what kind of problems have you encountered at this stage?
“Its going to be a low budget, but not too low. It should look good with what I have to work with.”
How have you approached adapting the novel and are you worried about what kind of reaction you may receive from the hardcore Jason fans?
“I’m not really worried about what the hardcore Jason fans reactions will be because I am one of those hardcore fans and I am going to run off of what I would expect in a Jason movie.”
How do you plan to cast the movie? Will you be using drama students or professional actors and what kind of audition process will you hold?
“I am going to be using some people that I already know and will be putting notices in local papers for casting and I can’t really go too deep into the audition process but I will have everyone read a small portion of the script for the part they want and go from there.”
Will the film be graphic in terms of violence and nudity and will this satisfy the gore fans?
“I am hoping to have it graphic in terms of violence but not too graphic and I don’t want it to be too graphic in terms of nudity because original Friday movies weren’t very graphic nudity wise.”
When do you plan to start filming and how long are you expecting the shoot to last?
“I am hoping to start filming in mid to late 2025 and I am hoping to have it released or in the post production stages by early 2025.”
Why do you think the Friday the 13th franchise has remained so popular for so long and which of the previous films do you think has influenced your style and Jason’s Curse the most?
“That’s a really tough one but it’s a true classic horror movie and just like the Halloween movies there is always another part of the story to tell, and the story is never complete with another surprise in every movie.”
INTERVIEW: Christian Sellers

Most of the Friday the 13th films were graphic in nudity wise, look at part 5. And not to mention the remake. Oh and Jason Goes to Hell had nudity in it. And the violence was over the top. I don’t know if he had seen the deleted gore scenes from part seven but that was pretty graphic.
The nudity wasnt as graphic as it could have been (except for the remake) and as for the violence it will pretty graphic. Dont worry the film will be to most peoples satisfaction once its said and done. I have every single Friday movie ever made and have seen all the deleted scenes in the box set so i know what i am working with.
thats cool hey john where did u see the deleted gore scenes for 7
There are images of them in Crystal Lake Mempories. The cut FX from Part 5 are in there and Making Friday the 13th as well, I’d love to see that uncut as well
Pattison is actually aware of this production and I think he’s interesting in seeing how it turns out. He mentioned it here
He is aware of this production as he’s the one who gave me the heads up on it
Sorry I didn’t mean to come off sounding like I wasn’t going to like it. I’m sure it’s going to be a good production, it’s just I’m kind of weary about fan films there are those that I have seen that could’ve done a bit more in my opinion. I’ve read Mother’s Day and Jason’s Curse, I’m starting to read The Carnival and next hopefully Road Trip. I would like to see a film adaptation of Eric Morse’s young adult novels taken to the extreme levels, the novels themselves although aimed for a younger audience, they had some pretty gruesome kills in there that I would like to see adapted to film with the exception of the killer using a shotgun or any type of gun. Jason never used a gun before. That was my only gripe. I’m looking forward to seeing this.
Actually this is a common mistake with fans. The truth is that Jason used spear guns in both Part3 and Part8.
In regard to The Hunter in Mother’s Day he only shot his gun twice in the book (three times in the film). He mostly used it like a club, and rammed it through a guy in the film.
Honestly, knowing our buddy Jason I’m pretty sure if the only thing at hand to kill with was a pistol he’d find a way to use it. The Jason we all know and love from the earlier films was very efficient and to the point with his kills. I believe both Jeff and Christian would agree with me on that.
Anyway, there is no need for concern, Big Red never uses a gun in the story…
Would it matter if Jason had never used a gun before anyway? Each film added new types of kills and new aspects to the character. I could imagine him using a gun once, particularly in the early films when he was still human, if there was one at hand and he couldn’t be bothered wasting time with them. As long as he also uses his beloved machete and a few random household impliments, I don’t mind seeing a gun. I think they’re underused in slashers, which is strange to say how accessible them seem to be in America these days. Both Maniac and The Prowler had exploding heads from shotguns, coutesy of Tom Savini, and they looked pretty cool. Who are we to say Jason would or woudn’t do something?
I’d like to see him poison someone, like with a bottle of pills.
I did forget the fact that when Blackflame Publishing releashed their five Friday the 13th novels, in Hell Lake, Jason used a gun in a police station and he even wore a welder’s mask. My fault.
where can i see the movie?
where can i get/see the movie?