On Demand Options Featured at Official Friday the 13th Movie Site
I remember having to wait almost a entire year to rent a movie on VHS or Beta after the movie was released in the theater. Now we get the movie in 4 months or less.
If you head over to the official Friday The 13th (2009) website, all options available on the planet are listed for fans to watch the movie instantly. You can download it on your game console (Xbox 360 and PS3), over an Internet browser or App (iTunes, Amazon Video onDemand), or through a Satellite or Cable provider. We live in a truly amazing age of movie availability. For those fans who have been hesistant to pay the money to buy the DVD or Blu-Ray to watch the Reboot for the first time, take a chance on some of these alternatives and enjoy the show.

already rented it from comcast onDemand. watched it twice.
gonna buy the blu-ray next week when i get paid! it’s growing on me more and more each time i see it.
if you only watched it on comcast ondemand, you will be in for a treat when you watch the killer cut, will make you wish you saved the 3.99 you spent to watch the cut version.
I just want to say that I plan on buying this movie as soon as I get some disposable income again. I F*cking loved the remake. Except for the weird silicon tits bolted to all the women there wasn’t anything that made me cringe, or think “wtf when did Jason become a magic zombie?” That what sold it for me, even if they changed some elements they all added some fresh air and seemed somewhat more realistic.
And I think that by making it available for people to see online they must be trying to stir up some more interest in DVD sales.