Conceptual Artwork For Friday the 13th 2025

Studio Ronin and Visual Designer/Founder Christopher Shy are responsible for creating numerous orginal concept designs for graphic novels, comics and motion pictures. Christopher was commissioned to be the Visual Designer on Friday the 13th 2025 and he created some stunning conceptual designs for the film. Christopher worked closely with Director Marcus Nispel to create the feeling of the original films as well as what the new look Jason, living off of the land, would look and act like. Here is what he had to say about his approach to Friday the 13th, from his website.

“ We all loved the original  films. There’s a certain mood to the these films, the clothes, the way people were back then. A type of sexuality on display that we don’t really have much on film anymore. One of things me and Marcus looked at was little things about how Jason may have grown up. The things that he may have played with, toys, the type of learning process that happens in isolation.

Both me and Marcus were Boy Scouts growing up, so the idea of someone left in the woods, learning how to survive, appealed to us. That process of discovery and isolation, its already there in how we approach our own work.

Before any of the film was under way, me and Marcus had worked on developing  a series of 50 or so paintings that I execute. It was really an open discussion between us on how these things would look. I saw the character in a very specific way, more survilist, more raw and real. Everything from sets, to clothes, to how we saw his mask. It was a long three month conceptual process for me, but very exciting.  Marcus trusted how I saw this in my own mind and I just went from there. I really worked hard to stay true to the original films and Marcus vision in every aspect of my designs. I would look at a certain painting and think, ‘Is this how it would have really happened in the world’, and then strike that balance with the original film. I live in Wisconsin, not LA. So walking outside here, living in the North woods, its easy for me to understand a lot of what this guy might have been about, what he may have gone through to get the that ultimate point in the film.”

Take a look at some of his conceptual artwork for the film below and visit Studio Ronin for all of the awesome artwork for not only the Friday the 13th film, but also all of the other work by the Studio.

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13 Responses to “ Conceptual Artwork For Friday the 13th 2025 ”

  1. paintings 3 and 5 (in order) are amazing! I like Jason standing therein the foggy rain and for some reason, that leg strap he has on his left leg does add something to his character. The last painting with him in the camo is also a neat idea. I hope we see more of things like this to come in an (inevitable) yet unknown sequal release date.

  2. Awesome stuff. Love the 3rd and 5th pics!

  3. Wow! These are bad ass! I have to agree that pics 3 and 5 are the best, however, I do like he concepts for the underground tunnels. Well done.

  4. I like the concepts of the underground tunnels. However, the last image posted here is pretty cool. A slightly different take on Jason in survival mode ala Jason Lives.

  5. That is sooo awesome.

  6. where can I buy these ??

  7. Awesomeness! I really like the 3rd pic. It would be cool to have a Friday the 13th 2025 ‘the art of the movie’ book with all the sketches, concepts and illustration of Jason.

  8. It would be cool to have a Friday the 13th 2025 ‘the art of the movie’ book with all the sketches, concepts and illustration of Jason

    I agree. That is a great idea! It would take some work to put together, but I know the material is out there to be used. It’s a matter of tracking down all of the collectors and also crew members that still own these sketches. Anyone up for the task?

  9. Freakin sweet artwork, I love it.

  10. This makes me want to see more concept art from earlier films. Interesting to see early stages of Jason. I like Jason’s hockey mask in the fifth painting more than the one in the film.

  11. where can I buy these ??

    I am sure these are not for sale. If they were, however, they would probably sell for a good chunk of change. ;) Unless he sells reprints of the concepts? Not sure.

  12. This is the best website dedicated to a franchise on the net. Your in your prime Jasonfury. This is the best site for a series you could ask for.

  13. Wow these artworks are amazing!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

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