NES 1987 and ‘The 8-Bit Jason Project’
“The 8-Bit Jason Project” took the graphic sprite of Jason from the 1987 NES Friday the 13th game and recreated his look from Friday the 13th Part 3-8. Along with the graphics, the creators of the project also produced a small write-up talking about Jason’s look or their personal memories for each respective movie. For fans of the Friday the 13th NES game, this will be something that they will truly appreciate as we all would rather not see Jason in a purple jumpsuit ever again.
To read about the entire project, head on over to Jacks Attic and enjoy the real cool looking work that was put into this unique project.

Pretty cool. Makes you wonder how hard this could have been for the creators of the NES game to do. Agree with JF about the purple jumpsuit. I guess the creators figured since Jason would be doing a lot of running… LOL.
I dont think purple is Jasons colour realy!
They look really good!!
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jacks Attic, Jason Parker. Jason Parker said: NES 1987 and ‘The 8-Bit Jason Project’ [...]
I think since Jason was running os much they wanted to try and cash in on little Mac. I’m suprised they didn’t have a fat guy riding a bike in front of Jason!
I could forgive the purple jumpsuit, but ugh that game was just horrible. If only the game wouldve been as cool as the cover of the box.