Happy New Year, Jasonheads
2011, only 444 years to go till we’re in the time Jason X takes place! But you don’t have to live till then to get your virtual camp on, it’s happening right here, right now. After 2025 which was undoubtedly “The Year Of Jason”, 2025 was a bit of a blow-out in comparison. I have [...]

The New Friday The 13th Forum Now Live!
The Friday The 13th Forum is now online. It’s a beta version meaning there may be some bugs to work out, so if you catch any please do let me know. It also means everything is very ‘early’ in nature – notably the design, and structurally some sections will end up merging or expanding depending on [...]

Deluxe Edition DVDs Parts 5-To-8 Out Of Print!?
At the end of each year, I try to go through my Amazon cart and pick up those titles that have been perpetually marked ’save for later’. This may sound shocking, but the Friday The 13th part 4-8 Deluxe Editions have been stuck there forever. Wait, wait – don’t mark me a non-fan just yet. [...]

New Forest-Slasher Tributes Bag-head Jason
I realized I’ve never shared this with the Friday The 13th audience yet so thought I’d remedy that immediately. This is the trailer to Dustin Ferguson’s Terror At Black Tree Forest, a modern slasher with some real retro sensibilities, notably its usage of the basic slasher framework. The killer was strongly inspired by “Bag-head” or “Hillbilly” [...]

Happy Holidays From Friday The 13th Blog
Hope you’re enjoying Christmas weekend, whether that means presents, time with valued family and friends, or simply a much needed rest for yourself. Despite some major site-related security & staffing issues this past week that threatened to bump the forum premiere to next year, I can still 100% guarantee it will go live within the next [...]