Dean Lorey Talks Jason Goes To Hell on Formspring
Dean Lorey has enjoyed quite the successful career in Hollywood, writing for hit television shows like Arrested Development and My Wife and Kids. In film he wrote cult films such as Major Payne and My Boyfriend’s Back. They all take a back seat for this writer compared to his work on Jason Goes To Hell. It is a biased statement, but everyday visitors to this website know of my affection for the body hopping black sheep of the series.
Recently, Dean Lorey made himself available on Formspring to answer any and all questions on his career and of course Jason Goes To Hell questions were asked. Below are some highlights of the questions, with most pertaining to the JGTH.
I am a huge fan of Jason Goes To Hell and your role as the coroner assistant. What were your major contributions to the Jason Goes To Hell script? How did you prepare for an acting gig on a studio film?
I did a big rewrite of JGTH mostly over a weekend. The plot was already set in stone (body-jumping) but I fleshed out a lot of stuff and added the character of Creighton Duke. As for acting in it, I was a nervous wreck and couldn’t remember my dialogue but, since I was also the writer, I just made new stuff up on the day…
For Jason Goes To Hell, what was it like in the makeup chair preparing for your death? How long did it take and were nervous of the appliance of the makeup?
The makeup took about an hour and I wasn’t nervous about the appliance of the makeup, but getting a cast made of my head so they could make the appliance was a little nervewracking. The KNB guys encased my entire head in some cold goop that hardened and stuck straws in my nose so I could breathe.
Since Kane Hodder was stunt coordinator on JGTH, did he work with you on your death scene? How were you picked up to be slammed on the metal table?
I wasn’t actually picked up. I stood on an apple box and was shoved down (and, to this day, it bothers me that I didn’t put my hands out in front of me, which is the most natural reaction in the world) and then they cut to a shot from underneath the grate where I just pulled backwards while wearing the appliance.
If you had the chance, would you act in any other cameo roles in tv shows or films you have written?
I love doing little acting roles! And I actually have a cameo in the next episode of Running Wilde — when Steve is talking to the Romance Novelist… I’m him. We’re talking spin-off.
Since you were part of the creative process on JGTH, did you help with storyboarding scenes or help Adam Marcus on set with trying to figure out how to shoot something from your script?
Didn’t do any storyboarding and mostly went to set for the free food. Adam and I were roommates at the time, so we saw plenty of each other on and off set. And I had more questions than answers, like “why is that guy strapped to that table completely naked?” Adam’s answer: “Because it’s creepy.”
If you had a crack at Jason again, what would you write for his next adventure?
Instead of JGTH, I wanted to do Jason Takes LA. This was fifteen years ago, when the Bloods and Crips were a big deal. I wanted to drop him into the middle of a gang war and have him kill EVERYONE, forcing the gangs to team up to fight him. But Sean went with the body-jumping instead.
What do you think of Adam working on the new Texas Chainsaw film? It is cool that he will have a chance to bring two iconic horror figures to the big screen!
Didn’t know Adam was working on the new Texas Chainsaw but I’m sure he’ll do an awesome job!

The Jason Takes LA story sounds great! Would love to see that.
At the time, since Jason Takes Manhattan was just released a few years before, The L.A. deal could have been looked at as possible. However, there is no way that anyone would touch that idea now. For marketing purposes it would be gold, but the fans might revolt.
The coroner’s my favorite character in JGTH
“I’d like to take a crap right on your mask. A big ol’ mango sized crap”
I like the idea of Jason in L.A. He couldve called it Jason Vs. The Bloods And Crips or Jason N The Hood. Dean Loreys a great writer.
Good lord, I had no idea my silly spur-of-the-moment Formspring answers would find their way onto your cool blog! Feel free to join me on Twitter @deanlorey and ask any questions you like.
Ha Ha, thanks for stopping by Dean. I caught wind of your Formspring questions and thought everyone here would like to read what you had to say.
Everyone, please send Dean a message on Twitter!
Awesome… I’m really interested to hear his take on the necromicon in JGTH… like did Pamela use it to resurrect Jason after he drowned? Why did they go with that?
I think Dean is being bias for his friend’s sake I honestly think Adam will screw it up. Out of Adam’s 17 year career he’s only done three films now he’s gonna tackle Leatherface. 1. You don’t go back to an old franchise the remake and prequel were good. There’s reason TCM was redone so going back is Adam’s first mistake. 2. 3D is burned out now a hand full of films this year have failed. People are growing tired of it even the final Saw film is bombing at the box-office. Further more when Adam fucked up JGTH he threw Sean Cunningham under the bus instead of manning up.