EXCLUSIVE: On Location Of Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, Part 2
Last week, our Part 1 report on the “A New Beginning” shooting location revealed a bit of the history of the Ranch. We talked about some of the famous shoots on location, how the Ranch was chosen for filming the fifth film in the Friday the 13th franchise and the three stages the filming location went through for the filming of the location. The first stage, dressing the location, was described last week and we went into great detail in describing the construction and preparation of some of the set pieces used for filming.
The next step was the actual shooting of the movie. We will explore the film shoot as it pertains to Cathryn’s experiences. She explains the difficulty of security, nosey neighbors, views of her property from afar during filming, and her memories of the cast and crew! She was even present during a number of the special effects set-ups and shared her thoughts on that as well.
While the dressing of the Ranch was being completed, the crew began setting up not only equipment, but their office space as well. Normally, production offices are off site, but in this case, Cathryn’s Ranch had so much land and extra buildings that a deal was made to set up the production office at the shooting location. It was definitely a convenience for Terror Inc. to have so many components of the production at one location. The funny thing was that at the time, Cathryn had a tenant living in the building that was to be used for the production office, so she had that person move out of the building for the duration of the shoot.
One thing that was not counted on was that the crew actually set up their own workshop on-site, and used it to make set elements for the other locations; something that Cathryn was not aware was going to happen. Again, for the production, this all made sense, but it was a preview of what Cathryn would come to deal with during the shoot.
Memories of the Cast and Crew
During the one month shoot, Cathryn met all of the cast and crew that was on the film. She admits that although she did meet everyone that was a part of the production, she really doesn’t remember much about the actors or the crew at this point. A member of the cast that she does remember is Shavar Ross. Cathryn remembered that he was very nice and and down to earth. His mother and brother were often on set and, in fact, Shavar’s brother acted as his stunt double in certain scenes!
One thing that was remembered about the crew of the production, collectively, was the grumbling about being hired on for a “low budget” production at a “low budget” salary and later finding out that the film was a Friday the 13th ____ that was sure to make money.
True, Friday the 13th: A New Beginning was a low budget movie, however, the box office grosses these movies pulled in were like a major motion picture. Since the movie was given the title, “Repetition” no one knew that the movie they were about to work on would be a major box office success. Once the crew arrived on location, they quickly realized that they were going to be paid lower wages than what they could have negotiated previously. Cathryn does state that the crew, were very professional in their jobs.
On a few occasions, Frank Mancuso Jr. and his sister would visit the Ranch during the shoot. Cathryn did not remember much else about his visit. Interestingly enough, her family has a small connection to the Mancuso’s as her father knew Frank Mancuso Sr. from a time way before he was CEO of Paramount!
The Filming Experience
Part of the negotiations for the use of the Ranch property were that there would be set hours that crew would be able to be on site for filming purposes. However, Cathryn would see crew members and service contractors arriving at all hours – deliveries, pick-ups, even a few crew members who thought it was ok to bring friends or family members to show them the set – on Cathryn’s few days off.
There were also deliveries made to the Ranch during designated “off hours” and no crew members were around, so Cathryn would have to sign for the items. She was paid an additional daily amount for being available on premises. Some funny and scary situations did arise during the filming where neighbors that she didn’t even know would come to her Ranch and tell security that they were friends to gain access to the property. At that time there was no fence around the property so it was a logistical nightmare all around. Cathryn would see these people that she didn’t even know wondering around her property. She served as back-up for security, fire protection, prop house and resource person during the entire three months shoot.
Although, there were the negatives, there were the many positives involved with filming. Cathryn recalls one night of filming where the rain, wind and lightning rigs were in full operation for a scene. From a distance you could see this small patch of weather, a mini storm cell, hovering over her Ranch in the valley. At night, she said it looked quite spectacular. During the filming of some scenes, police would be called to block off portions of the road that surrounded the property. Neighbors were contacted and advised that they might hear “gunshots” from the filming.
Cathryn was in attendance for some of the death scenes in the film and described two scenes in particular. Juniors’ death scene was trimmed, as we all know, however, she recalls that in order to achieve the effect of Junior driving into the meat cleaver, they used a common filming trick. The filmmakers would start the shot with the meat cleaver in Juniors’ neck and then pull the motorcycle backwards at a fast speed. On film, the scene initially looked like Junior started at the decapitation phase, but then just drove backward. In actuality, the film would be run in reverse and show Junior driving his bike towards Roy and into the meat cleaver.
The other effects scene that was remembered was Bob Desimone’s (Billy) axe to the head. Cathryn recalls the fake head held up on a stand before it was needed, but cannot remember if she saw the actual filming of the axe to the head or if she was just told that the fake head was filled with a red gelatinous substance. In the movie, the audience only sees the axe hit the head in a split second and then cut away. The photo below shows what Cathryn describes.
Off Location Shooting
Most people know that the opening dream sequence of the movie was shot in the backyard of Corey Feldman’s house. We know that the Diner scene and the trailer park scene, where Reggie’s brother was staying in his van, were also off location. It was assumed that most all other shooting was conducted at the Ranch. According to Cathryn, there was one time that she recalls that the filmmaking crew left the Ranch to film additional scenes.
The scene where Tina and Eddie had their adult escapades was indeed shot in another location. Cathryn explains that there were not a lot of trees on her property and that certain scenes required it. Tina and Eddie were in a very wooded area. Also, she told me that there was no lake or any other body of water on her property, so the scene where Eddie is squatting by the water and skipping rocks is not located at the Ranch.
After filming concluded at the Ranch the cleanup then began. Every wall that was repainted, every piece of furniture that was moved, every door and window that was removed, all had to be put back to its original state. It truly was a month long process. As predicted, the crew did leave the loft and shed that was constructed in the barn. In fact, the shed and loft still exist in the barn today. Only recently, did Cathryn have some of the loft reduced in size.
Overall, the film was a draining process on Cathryn’s family. There was a lot to manage, but when I asked her if she would do it again, she said yes. I am sure there were lessons learned and a second go around for a three month production would be a bit smoother. I wondered if the producers ever asked to come back to film the next sequel and I was told that in passing it may have been mentioned, but there were no formal offers.
Cathryn was able to keep some pretty cool items from the production. She currently has a shooting script, a number of behind the scenes photos from during filming, a film strip and some of the prop plates and glasses that are made of candy glass. These were made for the scene where Tommy fights Eddie in the breakfast hall.
Here is one final story to leave you with. Cathryn would periodically cash checks from Terror, Inc. at her local bank. The paying business on the check indeed said Terror, Inc. After a while, a curious teller had to ask what Terror, Inc. was. Imagine telling your bank that you are cashing checks for having Jason Voorhees stalk and kill teenagers at your house! Every fanboys’ dream!
I would like to thank Cathryn for enduring my many emails and for being so gracious for talking to me on the phone for the time she did. Also, thanks must go out to “Germaniac” for finding the location which allowed me to start my conversations with Cathryn.

Very cool article. Is she going to let us see the “behind the scenes” pics that she has?
What did she think of the finished movie?
Unfortunately, she did not provide the images. It would have been nice to see them. Perhaps, she will send me some at a later date.
As for her thoughts on the finished product, she did not see the movie at all. If I remember correctly, horror movies are not her favorite genre of movie to watch. ;)
Fun reading, I always like to know about behind the scene stuffs. Thanks Jasonfury and Cathryn!
Great stuff as always man, keep up the good work!
Thoroughly enjoyed this article. More behind-the-scenes stories please!
Jeez…and I whine when I have to write a paper for school…
Excellent work Jay, you have, as they call it in France, dedication, my friend.
The unique part of this story is that SO few of us know much about Friday 5. It’s really the last part of the golden age of the franchise that hasn’t been explored…until now!
Here’s to many more years of this!
Thanks for the praise everyone. It is appreciated. I just hope everyone enjoys the information and gets more insight into the movies. That is one of my main goals while writing for this website. Thank you to everyone for visiting. You all are the best!
Thanks for this. I always felt the location was one of the high points of the movie. It’s great to get a behind the scenes look!
Did she have any info on the trailer park sequence? Was it on her land?
I actually am not a huge fan of the locations in this one (the “lake” looks like a puddle of piss). It is very seedy-looking, after the very polished-looking “Final Chapter”.
But hearing the recollections is great!
I think I mentioned the trailer park above, but no that scene was not located on her property. I am not sure if it was a pickup shot done later or not. She did not know when they shot that scene. I would love to get my hands on a shooting script and call sheets for that movie. That would explain it all!