Full Face, Glow In the Dark Jason Mask

I was pointed to this mask by a visitor and I thought it looked pretty cool. Since many of us are in the dead of winter right now, I figured this would be appropriate to post. I am pretty sure this item has been out a while already, however.

For those occasions when you need partial face protection from the dashing winds and extreme cold, we offer you this reversible, white mask with butterfly of polyester and neoprene. With shaped nose with open tip, and holes at the mouth, the thick yet flexible material will form to your face and over your ears to provide you with a comfortable fit.

If you want to order one, check out e4hats.




About the Author


Email questions: jason.parker@fridaythe13thfilms.com. Follow me at: www.twitter.com/jasonsfury

14 Responses to “ Full Face, Glow In the Dark Jason Mask ”

  1. http://people.ambrosiasw.com/~andrew/funny/not_sure_if_want.jpg

    With that being said, there’s a news story making national headlines of a guy, wearing a hockey mask, throwing a Molotov cocktail at a gas station. :/

  2. Thanks for that story Jenosis! I was about to ask why on Earth someone would want to buy something like this at all but your link answered that question for me exactly.

  3. I don’t know, I just saw the video and that was pretty weak. He throws it at a glass counter and nothing happens. National headline story? Must be a slow news day all around.

  4. And to answer the question of why would anyone want to buy this, it is a ski mask. It’s Winter. Makes sense to me.

  5. For the purpose it serves, it’s pretty darn cool.

  6. I purchased one of these last year for a ski trip.

  7. Yes, I will order one too.

  8. jasonsfury,

    I think it makes more sense to buy this mask and wear it so that nobody sees your face when you through a Molotov cocktail through a window. I showed this to my brother who snowboards all the time and he said its stupid because he lives in CA and it never gets cold enough to wear one of these things on the slopes in this state. But I’m sure if I skied more often I would buy one of these things so that I could get laid.

  9. Jimbo X,
    Well, then I guess people who live in California shoudn’t buy this since it isn’t cold enough for it then. However, I am sure that it gets plenty cold in other areas of the country, especially in the midwest. So I think it’s still relevant to purchase if your a fan of Friday the 13th!

    And why would you even think about buying this item to throw something into a window?? Very odd. Maybe this mask could get you laid…. if that’s what you need. ;)

  10. Haha!

    I was just being sarcastic. No harm intended at all. I did show this thing to my brother and he didnt like it but I think its very cool. I am seriously contemplating buying one though…even if I live in CA.

  11. i’m about to order one myself!

  12. No worries, Jimbo X. :)

  13. I could use one here in the pit of Michigan. If you cut holes out for your ears you could use it on Rainbow Six: Vegas I & II.

  14. Ahhh yes, it does get quite cold here in the great state of Michigan!

    I actually bought this ski mask 2 years back


    although I do like this newer version better:


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