Halloween Horror Nights Friday the 13th Maze

In the beginning of August, we wrote about a new maze being constructed for Friday the 13th at Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood. The maze is almost complete and according to the crew, Producers are going to visit the maze this Thursday to preview the new Jason maze-o-rama. We are hoping to get some pics of the maze after producers preview the set later in the week.

In the mean time, check out the description of the maze below, which does include the underground tunnels from the reboot of 2025. Visit Halloween Horror Nights for more information for tickets and start times. The screams begin September 24th!

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7 Responses to “ Halloween Horror Nights Friday the 13th Maze ”

  1. I totally want to go to this! I wish I could get out to Cali. I think I will give this a try.

  2. Hmmmmm. I thought that this was in Florida and California.

  3. You are correct. There is a Halloween Horror Nights in both locations. However, the Universal Studios in California will have the mazes for Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street while the Florida location has other things planned out.

  4. I wish I could check it out.

  5. I wish I could have gone to Universal when they had the Psycho set up.

  6. I was originally planning a Florida trip and was going to Universal to see this. Oh well. If you live in California you should check this out. This will be the scariest set up Universal has ever done. Atleast that’s what they said. They will most likely have Jason merchandise as well. Probably a tshirt like they did before.

  7. That sounds brillient!!! Couldnt fly it over here to the UK could ya???????

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