Jason Lives, Alice Cooper 45 Single Up For Auction
Back in the summer I mentioned this 45 and I received some emails asking where fans could buy it. Occasionally, it pops up on eBay and now is one of those times. If you are interested, visit the eBay auction and place a bid to get this very cool piece of memoribilia from the franchise!
Also, check out the fotosheets that were used to create the cover of this 45 album as well as other marketing materials for Jason Lives. Thanks to Mario Kirner for posting these sheets at his website, www.fridaythe13thprops.de

Not to quibble but it is a single 45, not an LP.
Thanks for posting the Auction, Buddy! I got the sheets from Alice Cooper’s personal assistent some time ago. He promised me to send me some more related stuff as soon as he would find some. Sadly I have never heard back from him. Then sometime last year I got an Email from Alice’s fotographer and good friend of the assistant’s family who told me that he sadly passed away early last year. He knew that the assistant sent me the pieces over back then and was nice enough to go through the belongings to check if there is anything of interest. Actually he found some more of these sheets and also some of the originals from that shooting! What a found!! They are the exact fotos used to print the 45 Cover! I will make sure to send you some pics over tomorrow, if interested.
That is awesome Mario. Please send them as I would love see the photos.
Jason, what is your estimation for this Single 45?
its nice, i have one in good shape
im givin props to Jason fury always givin the fans somthin cool to peep out thank you!!
“Jason, what is your estimation for this Single 45?
Tough call. I have seen this sell for $40, another time it sold for $5. I think that was because the seller did not list the item properly with the correct title. But with 9 days left to go, who knows?
“im givin props to Jason fury always givin the fans somthin cool to peep out thank you!!”
hallowicked, you are more than welcome. Glad you enjoy your time here!
Jasonfury the reason i said that is think about it halloweenmovies.com gets updated every….welll never same with the nightmare site every day i look forward to see what new things you post pretty sweet dude ..now i love Michael a little less then i love Jason but still it would be cool to see some news besides Rob Zombie and his messed up vision on H2 ya feel me?? idk were im getting at maybe yall do who agree’s
“….welll never same with the nightmare site”
I am surprised by that especially with the remake coming out soon?
not sure to be honest i only check it every now again
Rock on Jasonsfury… ; )