Jason Lives: French Marketing Materials
We have featured so many different marketing items for the series that it truly is remarkable. Every country has their unique design for the markerting of a Friday the 13th movie. Today I thought we would take a look at the French poster and lobby cards for Jason Lives. If you notice, on the poster, the word “Lives” has been removed from the gravestone. And the phrase below it, “Jason Le Mort-Vivant”, means “Jason The Living Death” in English.
The Lobby Cards are very rare and are very hard to find. Two of the cards are cool because they display the lighting by the crew in such a way that you see shadows. It’s just like a flash from a camera while taking a picture. I would love to own these cards as I do not currently have these in my collection!

Actually Jason le Mort Vivant means Jason the Living Dead. However, Mort-Vivant is coloquially taken to mean Zombie in french so it would actually be translated to Jason the Zombie.
That picture of the mask and the tombstone is just BADASS. Wish Paramount would have stuck with the original artwork for the dvd re-releases.
I saw these for sale on eBay. The guy wants something like $200 for the set of lobby cards. Crazy. I do like the set and wish I owned them as well
Thanks for sharing. I’m always on the look out for any friday memorabilia. This set is very cool.