Bracket Challenge: Kids of Friday the 13th
The introduction of children into the Friday formula seemed outrageous when the films were first released. Not only were critics and parents already up in arms over the brutal nature of the films, but now kids were being featured in films that were thought of as immoral and inconsequencial. However, havng kids in the film lent more creepiness to the overall experience as you never knew if Jason was really going to kill these kids or not.
Which kid deserves to move on to the next round?

A quirky little dude that likes to be a peeping-tom by night and Zaxxon player by day. The only character in the franchise to truly get into Jason’s head. Unless you count Freddy!
“Some pack of patootsies, huh?!”
Reggie the Reckless (A New Beginning)
This was one bad mo-fo. Not only could he outrun Pam and Roy, but he could scream at a higher pitch than any girl that I have ever met. However, any kid that can drive a tractor through a barn door, knock pseuodo Jason one hundred yards in the air and then smile at him later is bad. Solid!
“Freakin’ A, where’d you get that?”
Tyen and Billy (Jason Lives)
The uninterested and bored-to-death camping brothers who lent some insight into how “exciting” camp can be for kids. Originally, I thought these kids were annoying, but over the years I appreciated the child’s angle they brought to the film. These real life brothers have a pretty funny scene towards the end of the movie as well.
“If this is as exciting as it gets, we’re in big trouble dude.”
Nancy (Jason Lives)
The kid who sees the monster in the closet and no adult believes them. This has been a cliche’ in horror movies for a while now. Even John Carpenter incorporated it into Halloween over 30 years ago. For me, one of the scariest scenes as a kid was watching Jason lean closer to Nancy, wondering if really was going to kill her.
“I saw a monster, and he was after me, and he wanted to kill me”
Tina (The New Blood)
She buried a pier on top of her dad under water because he slapped her mom around. Imagine if she didn’t get her Malibu Stacy doll for her birthday? I would have really liked to see the young Tina do some damage to Jason, just to see if he would contemplate going after her. Would Jason actually kill a kid in this instance?
“I hate you. I wish you were dead!”
Reggie the Reckless is no doubt my vote! He was such a badass in that movie.
My rank here would be:
1: Reggie the Reckless
2: Tommy
3: Tina
4: Tyen and Billy
Reggie the Reckless, I’ll finally give some love to the New Blood. I love Feldman’s Jarvis and what the Jason Lives Kids brought to the table, but Reggie is the most memorable.
I hate young Tina, she was dreadful, like a poor man’s Heather O’Rourke.
Tyen and Billy. Funny scenes, which really added to the movie.
“So…what did you want to be when you grew up?”, and the reaction from the other brother. EXCELLENT.
I guess Tommy is going to win this one purely cos it’s Tommy. Which is kinda sad. I always found child Tommy extremely annoying.
Oops, forgot to mention Nancy in my rank.
My rank is now.
1: Reggie he Reckless
2: Tommy
3: Nancy
4: Tina
5: Tyen and Billy
Tommy Jarvis! C’mon, he freakin’ killed Jason…and shaved his head to do it!
Tommy Jarvis!
All are fine I suppose… but it is/was Tommy we wanted to keep coming back. So, his story is essential to the whole Friday the 13th saga.
tfc Tommy was like the annoying nerd from school mixed with the annoying smartass from school. Reggie… I don’t know; why was he at the half way house again? Tina kid was not a great actor, although I think the dad was worse. I still find Tyen and Billy annoying. I guess that leaves Nancy.
“I hate you. I wish you were dead!…NOOOOOO DADDDIIEEEE NOOOOOO!”
they needed to edit that a bit better
Final chapter Tommy. Die! Die! Tommy
Tommy Jarvis
Come on…Tommy can’t win every category….as much fun as a bracket of various Tommies might be and all…
I vote for Tommy Jarvis, reason behind that. He killed Jason. He even went out of his way to look like him as well. He’s the only one to stand up to Jason and kill him. Reggie was okay but nothing special. The other kids felt like they didn’t belong. Especially the kids in Jason Lives. If I were a parent I would never send my children to a campground where a bunch of murders took place. So Tommy gets my vote.
I think Tommy is the best because none of those other kids can go around saying that they killed Jason.
My votes for Reggie! He was a badass and had a cool brother with a very memorable scene! Tommy is already onto the next round ppl, even tho im sure hell win this too. Besides killing Jason, he was a pretty annoying and corny.
Tommy and Reggie team up and form a legit (rated R) Monster Squad.
ratta tatta touille-“I hate you. I wish you were dead!…NOOOOOO DADDDIIEEEE NOOOOOO!”
nailed it!! Exactly what drives me nuts every time I watch it.
Reggie the Reckless!
He is as brave as little Tommy, but he is funnier at the same time.
Going with Tommy. Seems like he would’ve been a pretty great friend to have growing up.
Also, just to say, those two brothers from Jason Lives annoyed the Hell out of me, one of the few problems I have with that movie.
I vote for Tommy Jarvis. He had a sick sense of humor with his monster masks and gadgets. Once He knew Jason was there he got ready by shaving his head, and getting inside Jasons’s head. But most importantly he stuck a machete in his face…and reduces him to hamburger. Bottom line Tommy literally sent Jason to his grave.
Tommy Jarvis
tommy was cool,but i gotta give it to reggie the reckless,and believe it or not the 2 friday films i love the most are 5 and 7,i used to get babysat by my grandma,we used to take like a three hour nap,i was probably 11 or 12,she put my sisters in her room and me in my grandpass room,he had this one video with terminator friday 5 friday 7 and the santa episode of tales from the crypt,and a bonus to me was poltergiest 3 was also on there.they were recorded all in one day on hbo,so nap time rocked.i watched these movies everyday for to summers in a row.then she gave the video to me,i still have it somewhere,and did anybody notice the little girl who played tina in part 7 looked alot like carolann from the poltergeist flicks?
i’m voting for reggie the reckless,liked friday the 13th the final chapter better and tommy jarvis is the man ,but feldman is a freakin queer.and he was the best tommy which is a sad statement.tyen and billy were about as funny as a toothache,there parts are just embarassing.carrie i mean tina well what can you really say about a movie that wouldn’t even make it to a theatre today it would be straight to dvd for that tina turkey.
Reggie the Reckless
“Freakin’ A ! Where’d You Get That” ?
Tommy Jarvis
The Tommy Jarvis gets my vote. Feldman was the shit and he bult puppets….Com’on. How much better could a kid be in one of these movies.
Rocky do you really think this: “i mean tina well what can you really say about a movie that wouldn’t even make it to a theatre today it would be straight to dvd for that tina turkey.”
Straight to DVD? No way I disagree big time. Really the only one I could have seen go STDVD would have been JGTM. Worst acting, directing and plot I’ve seen in a movie. The idea was nice but badly thought out.
How can you not vote for Tommy
Man this was a tough one! Reggie is awesome, and the 2 brothers from Jason Lives brought humor to Jason Lives, but Corey Feldman (in his prime no less!) was so good as Tommy, and who didn’t love the latex creations!
Tommy Jarvis (The Final Chapter)
Corey as Tommy Jarvis
This is the Tommy Jarvis I was waiting to vote for. This kid was bright and him going nuts at the end of the movie is the scene that makes part 4 so kickass. Poor kid was just trying to catch a glimpse at a pair of patootsies the whole movie.
Reggie was a bad little basterd too, him and his brother Demon. He would come in 2nd.
Tyen and Billy were funny but not so funny that they stand out of their small roles.
Little Nancy, well she didn’t have anything interesting to say. When she brought over the bloody machete, that was her best part really.
Tommy is my vote
Sorry for the double post
I forgot about little Tina. She’s kinda hard to rank because she has supernatural powers but she’s probably go in between Reckless and the brothers from Jason Lives.
Oh and Gay guy your hardly amusing. Saying ridiculously gay statements isn’t all that funny. We get it your name is Gay guy and you like butt sex, cool now move on.
Tommy Jarvis
Tommy for sure
Tommy. He killed Jason
Tommy Jarvis, What can I say,he actually kills Jason
tyen and billy nancy was annoying she couldnt act i just wanted to hit her when her scenes came up lol tommy is also really good:)
Tommy, duh. He is the only person to KILL Jason. He murdered Human Jason… is responsible for the original Zombie Jason… and then killed Zombie Jason! Both times Jason would’ve been dead forever. First come-back was his fault. The second was that bitch Tina’s Fault! lol.
Tommy, for sure.
Tommy Jarvis
tough one… ill go with reggie
As much as I enjoyed the two Cory’s and Tommy was in many films, I must say I have to go with Reggie. He made a poor movie some what decent.
While I actually dislike every one of these characters (my gut, first instinct was to vote for Tyen and Billy) I guess I’ll actually go ahead and vote for Reggie the Reckless. While I completely despise the Reggie character, I’ll vote for it simply because Shavar Ross cracked me up in his “His Name Was Jason” interviews. He scored some points with me there…
Oh, and that should be “friend”, not “freind” in the name. Apparently I don’t type so well after a handful of Oktoberfests.
Tommy all day, get real.
tommy jarvis
Tommy Jarvis in a landslide.
“You scared of spiders?…. you scared of rubber spiders?… you scared of rubber spiders on strings?” “Man…. you are one scared cat!”
I vote for Tina (New Blood)
i wanna say Tommy but im gonna go out on a wire and pick Reggie…he ran over Jason/Roy with a Tractor..saved Pam…Did a flying cross body on Jason…Saved Pam again….all that and he was only visiting the damn house with his Gramps
I vote Tommy Jarvis. He killed Jason and looked like him doing it. Not only that but he was alot smarter than the others. The best kid by far. Reggie is a not to distant second. and the others just plain sucked.
Tommy Jarvis because his character was an homage to Savini
Tommy. The monster mask maker got to use his talent to transform himself into young jason. I also like the fact his mother lets him take strange men up to his room to show them his creations.
Tough choice between Tommy and Reggie “The Reckless”. As cool as Reggie was, he still screamed TOO much like a little girl, while Tommy repeatedly attacked Jason with a machete. I know Reggie used the tractor, but Tommy made sure Jason was dead!
Tommy. Because of him, we got Roy Jason, Zombie Jason, Demon Spitting Jason, and Space Jason.
Oh. Reggie would be second, followed by Billy and Tyen, young Tina, and finally little “Miss lead Jason to the police slaughter” Nancy. She was one of my least favortie characters in the whole series. “Is he killed?” Meagen should have been like “shut up you little bitch! You are the reason Pappas and my dad are dead. If my boyfriend is dead too, you’re next.”
Tommy all the way! The kid KILLED Jason. No contest in my book.
I vote for Tommy “Die! Die! Die!” Jarvis. Reggie is a close second, but Tommy’s ballistic machete is hard to beat.
Tommy..definitely….no one else whacked jason 30+ times with a machete screaming “die!”
Reggie the Reckless hands down.. Tommy Jarvis second.
A young Tommy Jarvis, no doubt.
For starters, the young Corey Felfmen was the first to truely get into the adult Jason’s mind after Giny Field (Amy Steel) from Friday 2. Second of all, it was next to ingenious the way he did it, even going so far as to take off his shirt and to shave his head, as opposed to just putting on a sweater!
Next, he was a genunine good character and actor in the film, much like Danielle Harris in Halloween 4 & 5, as opposed to just a child actor trying to act. Next, I REALLY like how The Final Chapter ended on that old school freeze0frame ending on his suitably spooky eyes, which leaves you wondering if the “evil gene” of Jason has somehow passed onto another poor, lonely soul, just as scripter Barney Cohen intended it to, as he says both in the Crystal Lake Memories book and in the Deluxe Edition.
Plus, he is just a hands-down fave character of mine. So yeah, Tommy all the way.
Young Tommy Jarvis.
Sidebar; Tommy Jarvis in Part 5 is the best Tommy though.
Tommy Jarvis obviously. Duh.
The girl who played Nancy also played Newt in Aliens so I gotta rank her second.
junior she was not in aliens that’s carrie henn. the girl who played tina was in leatherface the texas chainsaw massacre
tcm part 3
This is a tough one between tommy and reggie for me. Both of them stood up to jason well reggie to roy pretending to be jason… tommy got into jasons head well reggie kept on attacking roy to save pam. Make me wonder how he would have fared agains the real jason though. ummm… my vote would have to go to… reggie because to me he was more of a badass and reminds me of a young creton duke
Tommy Jarvis (machete’s down)
why you may ask????
3 words
Corey Fucking Feldman
Owns My SouL!
1: Tommy Jarvis
2: The brothers from part 6
3: Tina
The rest were annoying. I couldn’t stand Nancy’s acting (I know she was a little girl, but c’mon) Reggie screamed like a girl. Seriously, you could shatter glass with that voice.
Tommy Jarvis.I don’t think i need explain why…………KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
Reggie by a landslide
Tommy….killed Jason enough to keep him out of the next movie AND was in 3 of the movies himself(or his character).
Tommy all the way!!!!!!
my vote goes to Tommy Jarvis(The Final Chapter)