Coming Soon: Be Ready To Take Home “The Terror”

A little tease of things to come…… Get ready for a big October!

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7 Responses to “ Coming Soon: Be Ready To Take Home “The Terror” ”

  1. Damn, this sounds really good…

  2. Friday the 13th 2 NEWS?

  3. contest for this statue? That would kick massive butt.
    can’t wait to hear more :)

  4. October has always been My favorite month of the year, so Im looking forward to it. And hopefully a contest for the statue,thatd be sweet.

  5. Every Friday the 13th fan that visits the website this October will love what we have in store for you!

  6. I just got mine and as its very very cool I must say its not worth $245 bucks its maybe worth $100 bucks

  7. @jasonsfury

    I love coming to the site everyday hehehehe. October is just always the most exciting month to visit :)

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